Wow, it's getting hard to say "best episode so far" for this show as it's maintaining a pretty high standard. Last week was a bit of a dip, but perfect set up into this weeks episode. So anyway, my thoughts.
- Deadshot. Awesome. Could have had a bit more persuading and a bit more on his eye, but it's an hour show. He looked credible, because he inflicted a fatal wound on his target that if not for Oliver, would have killed Malcolm. Deadshot's whole M.O is he never misses his target, so to have him hit here, smile and walk away, makes him look strong and to me the fact Malcolm, a credible villain himself, lived doesn't hurt Deadshot. Also it's nice for Diggle to have a personal issue with one of the villain's, gives him a bit of character development and this could be the case where Oliver is the one who has to keep his emotions in check for a change. I hope very much that we see Digg vs Deadshot and overall thought DS came out of this very strong.
- Barrowman was great here again. It's starting to look to me that "the undertaking" is something to wipe out the glades, which started with good intentions of many of the members, but is now going to be mass murder. Sounds like league of shadows to me. Not enough up on my comic books to know the place he mentioned or the man he met, anyone know? Great development with Tommy, who almost got to see the suit and get in on this undertaking. Great to see Malcolm's human side and the grief of his wife and love of his son. Part of me thinks this season ends with Arrow killing him, but I see a lot more left in Barrowman's character. They love him, he loves the show, lets see a little more.
- The photo with Sarah with the canary, and then the "she may be alive". Is she the black canary?
Lots of scope to surprise people here, as there is with thea/roy speedy line and the two deathstrokes thing. Alex Kingston is another strong television actress that along with Barrowman, Salmon, Moira's actress and Bennett helps bring credibility to the young cast.
Otherwise just a solid episode. China White came across as credible again. She hasn't been able to beat Ollie in a fair one on one, but she can compete with him equally, doesn't fear him and always escapes, so she's not exactly weak. Bennett's acting is really helping the island scenes, Tommy, Laurel, Thea, Roy all have plenty of ways to go with their characters. Amell is becoming better at the role week on week and Diggle and Felicity are cool. 10/10 from me this week.