Arrow Episode 11: Trust But Verify - Discussion/Rate & Review Thread

The Squirrel

Le Rongeur
Dec 16, 2003
Reaction score
Episode 11 Summary:

Oliver and Diggle are at odds when Diggle's former commanding officer is next on the list. Meanwhile, Thea notices when Moira and Malcolm spend time together, while Tommy and Laurel have dinner with Tommy's father.
This was a much better episode than "Burned." Ben Bowder is always good. And the Arrow fight scenes were exciting.
This episode was great, the last minute of the show will be burned into my mind until its resolved in the story.
This is my favorite episode so far. DIGGLE!

Can't wait until next week either, that preview was awesome.
I actually missed the first half,so I can't give a fair grade yet,til I catch it on On Demand.:doh:

But from what I've seen,it looked real good.It's starting to feel like we're building toward something bigger,now.
Vertigo seems like a mix of joker and scarecrow. Cant wait
I love the cinematography in this show, when tommy was describing his father over that tracking shot in his dark archer awesome.
Burned was more the aftermath of winter break.This Is about getting the story back on.
They are almost doing 2 shows In one.The flashbacks are having a smnay twists and turns
as present story.
Great episode. Keeps getting better every week
After last week, they got back on track when conflict arises between Oliver and Diggle over Diggle's former commanding officer who happens to be on the list for a reason and later it was revealed. Trust issues are the theme here concerning
Oliver/ Moira, Moira/ Malcolm, Tommy/ Malcolm, and Thea/ Moira. They turned the Blackhawks into something that's different from the comics and they laid the groundwork for the next episode. This series has succeeded in an area that Smallville didn't and that's moving the story forward. In Smallville, it was a lot of stalling and lightswitching. This episode belonged to Diggle and much better start.
Fantastic new episode. Though, two things stuck out to me:

1. After Oliver leaves that tech girl, she smiles. Then they cut to another angle and she makes the same movement and smiles again.

2. When the African American soldier is aiming his rifle at Diggle at the end, the arrow comes out and pierces it. But the arrow comes from the Oliver comes from behind. He finally has trick arrows! :p
Why does his best friend story come off more as Lex/Lionel 2.0.
I really enjoyed this episode, I thought it was really well done. The fights was awesome, the acting was spot on. The island twist caught me surprised, fits with the theme of the episode though.
I liked that introducing the drug in this episode was a great move, to me it no longer feels like every episode is a stand alone episode.
I'm gonna give this one a 9.It was the the first episode in a while that had me interested in every sub-plot.The one lacking thing was the lackluster villains.
And they got killed.
The twist at the end was unexpected,but things seemed to point that Ollie would be joining this "group" at some point.Otherwise it's doubtful he'd have lasted 5 days on the island controled by that platoon,much less 5 years.
Solid ep last night from start to finish. I thought it hit all the right notes from the fights, to the flashbacks and overall story. Definitely one of my favorite episodes this season...And the ending made it all the more better. Can't wait to see where that goes.

Next week Joke--I mean Vertigo!
Though the episode was better than the last one.

Was hoping they'd show them working on their fire sprinkler at the club since it'd be funny given that they had a fire department benefit when the place clearly wasn't up to code yet.

They finally had someone call their lair the Arrowcave (which even has water faliing from some source).
Fantastic new episode. Though, two things stuck out to me:

1. After Oliver leaves that tech girl, she smiles. Then they cut to another angle and she makes the same movement and smiles again.

I watched that scene again and in my eyes it doesn't look like she's making the same movements, just following Oliver with her eyes.

2. When the African American soldier is aiming his rifle at Diggle at the end, the arrow comes out and pierces it. But the arrow comes from the Oliver comes from behind. He finally has trick arrows! :p

That has been in a previous episode as well, I think it's just an error on their part.

You know what, I really like the different clips of Ollie training but his pushups in this episode looked rather lame to be honest. He should have done something else with a little better form.
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I also liked on how this episode kind of gave a better back story to Malcom's character and added a sense of tragedy to his past in the form of his wife having been murdered.

If I had to take a guess, based on Tommy's comment about on how his father disappeared for about a year or two after his mom had been killed, maybe that's when his father learned to become a efficient archer/killer that he is today.
Wild speculation time... anyone reckon Malcolm trained during those missing years and that he began engineering the conspiracy to avenge his wife's death?
I'm thinking the same thing. He definitely trained to avenge his wife. The question is against who.
He's had Trick Arrows for a while now.

True, forgot about the USB and microphone arrows. What I should have said is that now he has an arrow with a programmable flight pattern.
I really enjoyed this weeks episode, it had a bit of everything, good development of several key relationships, a wake up call and new storyline for Thea, the breadcrumb laid for Vertigo and two cool heist action sequences.

Not sure what to make about the "twist" at the end or the revelation regarding Ollie having left the island before he actually was seemingly rescued.
What?!? no mentions the best part of the episode?

Thea wearing that micro party dress. :hrt: :cwink: :woot:

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