I always thought that something could be done with the Three Billy Goats Gruff story, it could be CGI animated and have laughs for all the family like most CGI films do these days... It could be expanded to involve a whole group of goats who have eaten all the grass in their valley and across the river is a whole new valley full of fresh grass. The troll kidnaps the goats who cross his brdige until only little Billy is left (a kind of underdog hero, picked on by his brothers) and Billy manages to trick the troll and save all his friends.
And another idea I had a few years ago (which a lot of these re-imaginings seem to be doing similar ie. dark/gritty) is Grimm City. Sin City meets fairy tales. A place where (most) fairy tale characters are in some way dark or evil counterparts. So (Prince) Charming would be just about the only hero. The Wolf would be a werewolf who kills women every full moon. Miss Scarlet would be a bounty hunter. Pinnochio would be a wooden doll who steals the skin of others to become a 'real boy'. The Huntsman would be a punisher-esque anti hero. Goldilocks would be an expert theif who is trying to steal from the Bear Mafia. Hansel and Grettel would be interacial brother and sister who terrorise old ladies, leading them astray to rob and murder... erm.. Beast would have gained control of his transformation via the rose but hasn't spoken a word since the accidental death of Belle... Alice would be an escaped mental patient. The Hunchback would just be an eccentric freak. Jack would be a guy hooked on 'magic beans'.... The Seven Dwarves would be midgets, each representing one of the 7 deadly sins (Doc - Wrath, Grumpy - Envy, Bashful - Gluttony, Dopey - Pride, Sneezy - Greed, Happy - Lust, Sleepy - Sloth) stuff like that. And they would all live in this huge, dark city, surrounded by huge mountains and giant beanstalks, where humans and fairy folk live alike. It would be like an anthology of interweaving tales like Sin City.