F'dup Chapters in American History(The Trump Years) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part 29

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Trump cancelled his appearance in France to commemorate WWI due to "bad weather".

Here's the ceremony:


Notice all the umbrellas and rain that soaked people at the ceremony to the core.
What reason is he giving?
Deployed Inside the United States: The Military Waits for the Migrant Caravan

There is no mess hall, just the brown, prepackaged M.R.E.’s. Military police officers patrol the perimeter at night, armed with handguns. The tents sleep 20 soldiers and have no electricity or air-conditioning. Phone charging is relegated to a few generators that power the spotlights around the living area.

The military’s morale issue is almost as worrisome. The deployment orders last until Dec. 15, meaning the troops will be on the border over Thanksgiving. They will have little to do beyond providing logistical support, unless Mr. Trump declares martial law. The troops will not be enforcing United States immigration law — that would run afoul of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, unless a special exception is made.

And yet the Republicans who supposedly support our troops think he’s a better supporter than Obama was.
I can't wait to see how people twist the idea that Kapernick is unpatriotic but Trump loves America despite snubbing the WW1 ceremony.
Trump cancelled his appearance in France to commemorate WWI due to "bad weather".

Here's the ceremony:


Notice all the umbrellas and rain that soaked people at the ceremony to the core.
What a piece of ****. Seriously, he couldn't even ****ing doing that?
Just to make sure everyone understands. That speech by Trudeau is over a year old. But it is very fitting for today.
Trump’s purpose in Europe is to meet his boss Putin; he couldn’t care less about everything else.
As Donald Trump met Emmanuel Macron in Paris on Saturday, he was beset by potential diplomatic embarrassment.

First, the French newspaper Le Monde reported that on a previous diplomatic occasion in Washington, the American president caused embarrassment by mixing up the Baltic states and the Balkans.

Then, amidst ceremonies in the French capital to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the first world war, a planned presidential visit to the American cemetery at Belleau, a site of immense importance to the US military, was cancelled because it was raining.

Amidst brewing international consternation, Trump was criticised in harsh terms by Winston Churchill’s grandson, Nicholas Soames, who tweeted: “They died with their face to the foe and that pathetic inadequate @realDonaldTrump couldn’t even defy the weather to pay his respects to The Fallen #hesnotfittorepresenthisgreatcountry.”

Nicolas Burns, an American diplomat who served both Republican and Democratic presidents, called that choice “astonishing”.

The Le Monde report concerned events in Washington in early April this year, when the leaders of Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia visited the White House for a meeting and a joint press conference. At the press conference, Trump praised his visitors and their countries for being good members of Nato and for not producing “fake news”.

But Le Monde perhaps risked provoking a presidential tweet on the latter subject when it reported that at the private meeting, “Trump opened by attributing to [the Baltic leaders] the responsibility for the war in Yugoslavia”.

Dalia Grybauskaitė of Lithuania, Kersti Kaljulaid of Estonia and Raimonds Vējonis of Latvia, the paper said, took “a moment to realise that ‘Baltics’ and ‘Balkan’ were getting mixed up in the mind of the American president”.

Trump, Le Monde said, remained “apparently uneducated in the matter by his wife, Melania, originally from the former Yugoslavia”.

Melania Trump is from Slovenia, which gained its independence in 1991, at the start of the bloody Balkan conflicts which only ended with the Kosovowar of 1998-99.

The White House did not immediately comment on the Le Monde report.

Because, it's ONLY the American press that keeps finding out and releasing to the public what an absolute moron this man is. It's JUST sore loser American Liberals/Dems/People With An Operational Sense Of How Much Bull**** Trump And His Supporters Expect Us All To Lap Up On A Regular Basis.
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