Friends, Batfans, Oldbies...

Equint showed up at LSP a little while ago. Pops in every year or the clap.
Wonder what happened to Abaddon?
^I haven't seen him or Ronny Shade here in a while.

Ha, ha, I just remembered Nofx; he used to always get flamed for claiming that Green Day was the best band ever. Heh, so long ago.
...Months later, I respond to the original poster....

I'm still here!
If its any solace, the original oldbies were making these threads back in 2003 :)
If its any solace, the original oldbies were making these threads back in 2003 :)

That's true. The whole "this place sucks and isn't as cool as it used to be" has been going on since the boards began.

That's true. The whole "this place sucks and isn't as cool as it used to be" has been going on since the boards began.


Plus everyone knows that 2003 was the best year, 2005 was probably the worst, and 2008 has been the most pointless.

It also has to do with the fact that the mods have no clue on how to cultivate decent discussion, I have a notion that Dew once might have known, but its been so long who really knows for sure.
Yes, that was me channeling Shakespeare.

And no, this is not a goodbye thread, or even a 'see you later' thread.

Lately, I've just been feeling kind of... empty. A new group of users comes every month, all of them blending to seem like one person. The conversations go around and around... there are no more witty picture tournaments, no mock-role-playing as our favorite characters, no more awesomeness to be found.

I miss my friends, and those whom I knew by reputation or the occational feud.

Cconn, zer00, DOG LIPS, Master Bruce, Swordmaster, and many others whose names are less memorable but nonetheless helped shape who I am today as I spent my teenage years escaping to this crazy little internet world...

Toven, InsayneJayne, kipobe, and countless others with whom I've bantered or argued with, or had the pleasure of witnessing your arrogant but brilliant play on words as you tore apart newbs and came up with original gimmicks that made this place what it was...

I guess what I'm saying is, where has the awesomeness gone? I know some of you are still here... heck, some of you are mods (though I sometimes wonder why :p ).

I miss you all. Come back to me :(.
I feel the same way you do.. Only with different people from the products board instead of the community forum. I've only recently started branching out of the products boards into the community seeing as it's almost completely dead now.
Far too many posters just get off on being mean on message boards. And then complain when they're given probation or banned. I'd even be willing to bet money that they act differently in real life; but the anonymity the internet provides is a funny thing.

You can't be talking about me. I stay under the radar as well but I still get posts deleted. I know they may not be exactly something you'd like to sit down and discuss with your pastor or priest about but man... the line is too blurry.
You can't be talking about me. I stay under the radar as well but I still get posts deleted. I know they may not be exactly something you'd like to sit down and discuss with your pastor or priest about but man... the line is too blurry.

Not talkin about you specifically, sucka

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