Green Arrow OYL (discussion thread)


Mar 13, 2006
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I didn't see one through the search, but if theres one, just merge this into it.

Anyone else picking this up? I just grabbed the issues that are out, and goddamn, Ollie is awesome.

His talk about gay marriage being held in Star city, and his line "Albeit a lot of gay people, but with a name like Queen, I'm not one to judge." is awesome.
Yeah, Queen's the idealized left-wing politician. He's ballsy and arrogant, flawed and relatable, and he sticks up for the little guy. I like the OYL stuff, but I hope his superheroing doesn't stay relegated to just outings scheduled by his aide aimed at boosting his own public image.
i've liked the title so far, i like him being the major, just hopefully we get to see alittle more of GA sooner rather than later.
Queen OYL has really been what I expected him to be, I'm loving Winick's arc so far. However hopefully we'll see him don the mask more often, even though he's vowed to protect Star City at whatever cost as mayor. I'm also enjoying how he could care less about the things he says to people, or about how things are ran in his city nowadays.

Issue #65 is where we finally learn what happend to Mia and Connor.
i'm liking it quite a bit. i'm not big on owens' art, though. i'd like to see someone like pete woods or patrick gleason on it.
TheCorpulent1 said:
You mean McDaniel's art?

damn, i always get andy owens and scott mcdaniel mixed up, even though their art looks nothing alike. must be because they used to trade off on robin's book. anyway, yeah, i'm not a big fan of scott mcdaniel's art. it's much better than andy owens', but that's not saying much.
wow! issue #62 kicks all kinds of ass! ollie is a total badass now! i guess he got some serious training during that missing year. can't wait to find out how.
God damn. After todays issue, Green Arrow is officially my new favorite book
sinewave said:
wow! issue #62 kicks all kinds of ass! ollie is a total badass now! i guess he got some serious training during that missing year. can't wait to find out how.
I was disappointed, actually. When Deathstroke said, "This is not the same man" and commented on how great a fighter he was, I got all excited because I thought maybe Ollie had gotten Connor to impersonate him. Turns out Ollie just trained more, though. Connor needs to come back to the series, damn it. :(
Good like the Punisher. He's an anti-hero at the moment. Ollie seems to be trying to bring him all the way around and make him stop killing criminals, though.
TheCorpulent1 said:
I was disappointed, actually. When Deathstroke said, "This is not the same man" and commented on how great a fighter he was, I got all excited because I thought maybe Ollie had gotten Connor to impersonate him. Turns out Ollie just trained more, though. Connor needs to come back to the series, damn it. :(

it's funny you mention that, because the issue i received actually had pages out of order. the scene at the beginning where ollie set the trap for deathstroke was cut off and picked up later so i was kinda thinking that ollie was a "dupe" and he was fooling deathstroke. still, i thought it was a kick-ass issue. i'm glad ollie's skills are catching up with his mouth. :)
TheCorpulent1 said:
Good like the Punisher. He's an anti-hero at the moment. Ollie seems to be trying to bring him all the way around and make him stop killing criminals, though.

brick would make a rad hero. i loved the fight between him and green arrow last year where g.a. used a glue-arrow to almost suffocate him.
sinewave said:
it's funny you mention that, because the issue i received actually had pages out of order. the scene at the beginning where ollie set the trap for deathstroke was cut off and picked up later so i was kinda thinking that ollie was a "dupe" and he was fooling deathstroke. still, i thought it was a kick-ass issue. i'm glad ollie's skills are catching up with his mouth. :)
My copy had that page misplaced as well. I wonder if the whole print run was like that.

I don't know how I feel about GA suddenly being a godlike martial artist on top of everything else he has going for him. Plus, I liked the fact that Ollie tended to bite off more than he could chew in a fight. It was part of his charm and made him a good underdog when he found some way to win. It was all right for Black Canary to bone up on fighting since martial arts are her main thing, and it was cool for Connor because it distinguished him from Ollie, but now it seems that the entire Arrow family is just going to spontaneously turn into top-tier fighters in the DC universe. I bet when Speedy shows up again she'll have learned 30 new forms of martial arts, too.
God, please dont tell me Ollie beat Deathstroke by himself.
He did, but it was explained well enough to make sense. The only real problem with it is that it seems unlikely for Deathstroke to have gone in for a kill so woefully underprepared and unawares, but you could arguably chalk that up to his despising Ollie so much due to IDC that it made him sloppy.
I really, really liked this issue. It's nice to see Ollie be seriously badass again after these last few months of getting his ass kicked all over the place. It makes sense that he would have pushed himself so far and trained like he did after having been caught with his pants down so many times.

And, seriously, I just got a tickle from seeing Deathstroke so badly beaten. He's pretty much the most overrated villain I've ever seen. And it's not like it proved Ollie was all of a sudden a better fighter than Deathstroke or anything, he just relied on prep time. And glue. And the national guard.
I can't for Ollie to get his ass kicked again in about three issues, after all the gloating he does. It'll make him seem more human.
i've been enjoying GA since its relaunch with kevin smith...and the OYL stuff is rad too...but this recent issue, the fight between GA and deathstroke seemed pretty cheezy and far fetched. a giant adhesive arrow that strings deathstroke to a giant catapault that launches him into a pit of glue? come on....
Yeah, but if you think about it...We arn't sure who hired Deathstroke to kill Ollie, so perhaps Ollie himself did it after setting everything perfectly?

I mean, if I had the best assassin in the world with a personal grudge against me...I'de do my best to get him out of the way ASAP.
To quote what I said in the Bought/Thought thread...

Who's house? Ollie's house!

To elaborate...

Ugh, son!
SouLeSS said:
Yeah, but if you think about it...We arn't sure who hired Deathstroke to kill Ollie, so perhaps Ollie himself did it after setting everything perfectly?

I mean, if I had the best assassin in the world with a personal grudge against me...I'de do my best to get him out of the way ASAP.

i understand ollie had time to set this all up, but its still a really cheezy and far fetched set up.

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