The Dark Knight Harveys Insanity (Possible Spoiler)


Feb 28, 2006
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some of us have mentioned this in another thread...but rumors are soaring that rachel is killed by the joker... then a pregnancy rumor started going could joker killing rachel, thus killing her and harveys unborn child, be what ultimately sets him off? well of course with the whole acid burned face:oldrazz: ....but wouldnt it be interesting to see harvey get scared BEFORE he actually goes crazy and becomes twoface?

it would be very sadistic if joker killed a pregnant person. so i dont know if that will happen, but its possibe...then in movie 3 it could be joker vs twoface vs batman...hey it could work...

it does seem like this is very possible, esp inthe type of dark film were expecting with numerous deaths.

If you watch the trailer, it does look like that Rachel is pregnant when Joker tries to attack her; look at the glimpse of her stomach, she DOES look a bit on the preggies side.

Would be a nice addition for Harvey Dent to go insane and not just do it when he gets messed up in the face.

But then who would be the lead woman in the movie? Catwoman? Lol.

Batman vs. Joker vs. Two-Face sounds cool, but then again, mostly when there's a final that deals with three or more people, it gets too boring and too much awful, ala Spider-Man 3, lol.

Wow, my keyboard is ufcked up...
some of us have mentioned this in another thread...but rumors are soaring that rachel is killed by the joker... then a pregnancy rumor started going could joker killing rachel, thus killing her and harveys unborn child, be what ultimately sets him off? well of course with the whole acid burned face:oldrazz: ....but wouldnt it be interesting to see harvey get scared BEFORE he actually goes crazy and becomes twoface?

it would be very sadistic if joker killed a pregnant person. so i dont know if that will happen, but its possibe...then in movie 3 it could be joker vs twoface vs batman...hey it could work...

it does seem like this is very possible, esp inthe type of dark film were expecting with numerous deaths.


woah wait i thought the pregnancy thing was a joke? i dont think that has any basis in reality...i can guarantee one thing though...

rachel WILL die. im a man of my word.
where did this pregnancy rumor come from? some kids watched the trailer too many times and saw that the dress rachel wears at bruce's party makes her look pregnant?
woah wait i thought the pregnancy thing was a joke? i dont think that has any basis in reality...i can guarantee one thing though...

rachel WILL die. im a man of my word.

its just a theory...and her look in the trailer...
i noticed that, but it's the dress.

plus not enough time has passed where she would be showing like that.

we can write this one off fellas
Yeah, someone said it on the Harvey Dent/Two Face thread, but it's likely just a rumor.
i noticed that, but it's the dress.

plus not enough time has passed where she would be showing like that.

we can write this one off fellas

i dont think anyone knows how much time has passed between BB and TDK or how much time TDK is placed during.
someone had a spectacular theory last year about bruce and harvey's relationship with rachel.
You know what I'd like to see? The Joker whooping the crap out of Two-Face. "Come on, HIT ME!"
i dont think anyone knows how much time has passed between BB and TDK or how much time TDK is placed during.

rachel and harvey meet in this movie. i'm not ruling out a pregnancy, but she is not pregnant in that scene. she wouldn't be that far along. it wouldn't make sense, its not like this movie takes place a long time after begins.
rachel and harvey meet in this movie. i'm not ruling out a pregnancy, but she is not pregnant in that scene. she wouldn't be that far along. it wouldn't make sense, its not like this movie takes place a long time after begins.

how do you know they meet in this movie....

batman begins was based on like a monthly can be too....if theres a month between the 2 movies...and tdk is based over a period of time...

theres a ton of possibility for her t be pregnant...

plus its the movies, and if theres something more realistic to turn someone into a bipolar psycho id think this would more then just having your face burned.
not to mention she coud get dont just get fat the second you get pregnant.
I had never heard this pregnancy rumor. Which is funny because I also thought Maggie Gyll...whatever that name is....looked a little chubby during the scene where Joker attacks her. Perhap it is true? Screenshot anyone...dress or gut?

I was also thinking that Racheal being killed may be part of what sets Harvey off because it appears they are having a relationship in the trailer. Also it could be why Bruce looks so defeated, sitting in his chair with his costume thrown everywhere. He is sweaty looking...mabey it's after his fight with Joker at the party.
sounds alright. it reminds me of the killing joke and being that most storylines in this new batman franchise are based on those from comic books it wouldn't surprise me at all.
but you do bring up an interesting point here, and that is of harvey being "scarred" psychologically before his actuall accident. I'm surpised no one has yet started a thread about harvey's reasons for going bananas. it is well known in comic book folklore that harvey's struggle with his personality disorder/duality was not just the result of of his physical accident, but rather something that had troubled him for quite some time before then.
and considering nolan's "realistic" approach to the batman mythos it would seem irrational to present harvey's demise as "good harted dude get's acid thrown to his face and goes berserk".
all this brings me to the rumored "bruce-harvey-rachel" triangle hinted at (though not officially stated WB nor the cast and crew of the film) on some unofficial plot summaries.
thought's anyone?

PS: whatever happened to gilda dent? you guys read the comics, right? then you surely know how big a role she plays in harvey's life, don't you? now to replace her wouldn't it be like trying to replace mr. freeze's or something like it? DON'T GET ME WRONG THOUGH, I NOLAN I STILL TRUST.
I've always loved that scene in The Fly where Geena Davis gives birth to a maggot. be awesome if something like that happened in TDK. maybe Killer Moth or a baby Gator can pop out
I've always loved that scene in The Fly where Geena Davis gives birth to a maggot. be awesome if something like that happened in TDK. maybe Killer Moth or a baby Gator can pop out

yeah, i didnt want to spoil the entire movie for you guys but i have the script and that's the final scene. alfred is there and he winks at bruce and goes "hey bruce, killer shoes you're wearing!" and bruce goes "thanks, al, they're CROCS"...ROLL CREDITS.
well not much time from begins to the dark knight but how many time will pass during the movie?...a few months and the belly is there;-)

"They had skinny mirrors!"

But on a side note: Her 2 seconds of acting in the trailer was better than Katie's entire performance.

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