Has the Skrull race mutated?(in re:"Secret Invasion")


Mar 17, 2006
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I'm confused. From their first appearance, Skrulls could only IMITATE the appearance of heroes NOT assume their powers as well?
Has this species undergone some form of mutation(just as humans do) vis a vis the "Secret Invasion" storyline?

Please clarify.

Supposedly Skrulls can't mutate or gain powers by biological means. The Universe itself (Eternity I presume) took that ability away. They used to use implanted technology to bestow powers.
in the illuminati miniseries, the skrulls captured the illuminati and studied them . they could've learned new ways to mimic powers.
All anyone behind the scenes has said is basically along the lines of, "They're imitating powers now, so obviously they can imitate powers now." Personally, my No-Prize explanation for it is that they simply expanded on the Warskrull technology they already had and hybridized it with Super-Skrull technology, allowing them to implant several Earth heroes' powers in one Skrull.

How the Skrulls can manage to mask their scent from Wolverine and Daredevil or their aura or whatever from Dr. Strange is still a mystery to me, though. I have no way to account for that unless their shapeshifting has somehow evolved to be detection-proof.
How the Skrulls can manage to mask their scent from Wolverine and Daredevil or their aura or whatever from Dr. Strange is still a mystery to me, though. I have no way to account for that unless their shapeshifting has somehow evolved to be detection-proof.

A wizard did it
The Skrulls are supposed to be a tech-centric race that hates magic, though, aren't they?
Maybe they made an alliance with the Dire Wraiths.
Maybe. I thought the Skrulls didn't like the Dire Wraiths either.
Yeah, Dire Wraiths, but they don't get along.
I'm assuming moraldeficiency meant that the Skrulls have been retconned to have sorcerers. Which is dumb, but whatever.
Weren't Dire Wraiths just skrulls that practiced the dark arts?
No, they were an offshoot that evolved over time into an almost different race. They look different from Skrulls and everything.
This is what I was refering to:


From Tommy B, “Though we've never really seen them before, it stands to reason that there must be sorcerers among the Skrulls--the powers Doctor Strange commands are universal, they're not tied to the Earth or Humanity,” Brevoort explained. “So while he's certainly the most ephemeral foe they'd probably have to deal with, somewhere among their people there'll be Skrulls who have at least a basic understanding of what Strange does."
Eh, I thought the Skrulls stuck to tech and hated magic, but I could be wrong. Still, an alliance between the Skrulls and the Dire Wraiths would've been much cooler.
Yeah, this is a bendis production all things cool are off limits and repetative speak very much in.
The Skrulls drove out the portion of their populace that practiced magic long ago. Those exiles became the Dire Wraiths over time. The Skrulls hate them even more than they hate the Kree.
Yeah, it's kind of sad how people at Marvel are always like, "Oh, we were discussing it and we realized it'd make sense if x, y, and z happened," without realizing that almost every time, those things have already happened and been dealt with. Not that they can't deal with it again, it just sounds funny to me when they treat it like some new revelation.
If they didn't think it up, it never happened.
perhaps its a skrullian super solder project,
the process that duplicated the ff's powers have been modified to duplicate those of other superhumans
That's would just be an alteration on the Super-Skrull program. And they already could duplicate other superhumans' powers via the Warskrull program. Really, they just need to make the explanation what I said: a hybridization of the Warskrull and Super-Skrull programs. I'm a genius and I deserve a No-Prize. :o
All anyone behind the scenes has said is basically along the lines of, "They're imitating powers now, so obviously they can imitate powers now." Personally, my No-Prize explanation for it is that they simply expanded on the Warskrull technology they already had and hybridized it with Super-Skrull technology, allowing them to implant several Earth heroes' powers in one Skrull.

How the Skrulls can manage to mask their scent from Wolverine and Daredevil or their aura or whatever from Dr. Strange is still a mystery to me, though. I have no way to account for that unless their shapeshifting has somehow evolved to be detection-proof.

Actually the latest Dust up in New Avengers kinda explained Strange.

Apparently he had stretched himself in areas he should've stayed out of as Soceror Supreme in an attempt to "help" his friends. And the last few "outtings" were kinda the straw that broke the camels back.

Since he was operating outside his norm,... the stuff in his normal "magic range" was wonky - It didn't work as well.

I can see them getting past Wolverine - they are supposidly able to take it down to scent.

This leaves Daredevil not getting a clue as the last mystery.

Yeah, that's a fine explanation for why what he tried might have missed Skrulls. But it still completely neglects the Eye of Agamotto, which can see through any illusion on its own and doesn't operate under Strange's magic, so it should've been unaffected.

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