I'm starting to doubt that Microsoft will produce a blu-ray drive. Most things have pointed out that Microsoft simply pushed HD-DVD to prolong the HD Format War and push for digital downloads (which Microsoft is doing in the Xbox Live Marketplace). Adding a blu-ray drive would hinder their push for digital downloads over physical copies.
I agree, but, at the same time, MS can´t rely on on digital distribution alone, that would alienate all gamers that prefer to own the physical copy of a game.
Blu-Ray is the future, it´s the sucessor of the DVD format, so, they have to jump there sooner than later.
On a side note it's very unlikely now that MGS4 will end up on the Xbox 360 because of the improving PS3 sales and is looking to be a top seller right from the get-go despite being a PS3 exclusive.
That is true, MGS is a big name on the PS3, but, for what i´ve read more than once, Konami and Microsoft have a very good relation, and MGS is not a PS3 1st party game, they can very well lose it if Konami wants to sell it on the 360 (the same goes to Tekken, which is from Namco, and Final Fantasy which is from Square Enix).
Nope. 360 getting a blu-ray drive does not mean MGS4 will come to the 360. MS can NEVER release 360 games on BR. That would alienate the 17 million + owners of the system. They cant tell them that in order to play some future games, they will have to repurchase the 360 or get a $200 addon (which is most likey what it would cost). The most the 360 will ever be able to do is DVD-9. Talk of the 360 getting BR is simply for movies, not games
Yes, it would, but MS can very well start to release 360s with a blu-ray drive insted of a DVD one (much like all versions have a a HDD and HDMI now).
As for the ones that already have a 360, well, that´s for MS to figure out.
I´m not saying that it will happen, i´m just saying it can happen, and if it does, i have the feeling that MGS4 will end on the 360.
Kojima always said that MGS4 would not go to the 360 only due to the format not because of the console....
I know that MS doesn´t want to have a blu-ray, they don´t want to pay royalties to Sony, but, like i said before, they have to, sooner or later.