I posted this in the casting thread, and I think it belongs here:
Wow, I'll be perfectly honest - I did NOT see this one coming. After his experience with "almost" getting the role in the past, I was sure Cavill wold have moved on. I guess I was wrong.
As people who are aware of my posts on these boards, I'm not a Cavill supporter. I never was. It was my dream to see Routh return, and now it looks like that won't happen.
Cavill is a fine actor...I've seen a few of his films/TV shows, and there's no denying his ability. The question that still remains in my mind is whether or not he can convincingly play the Superman that we all know and love. Looks are only part of this equation, and while Cavill doesn't epitomize the illustrated form of Superman in MY mind (which is very much Byrne inspired), I certainly see how he can be made to properly look like a true Man of Steel.
It for these reasons, above all and excluding my previous reservations about him, that I'm going to give Cavill a chance. He wasn't ,my first pick, but they could have done far worse (Joe M).
Now we look forward to the costume...