Heroes virtual season?


Aug 10, 2004
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I thought that this might be a good idea. Also allow a lot of writers to flex their writing talents. The virtual season would encorporate, but at the same time not be the show- exactly. It would have a similar concept and be set in the same world. Basically the writer gets to make their own hero and set that hero's character arc. These heroes may or may not get in contact with each other all the time or perhaps never- I don't know yet. But, thought that this might be an interesting concept for a virtual season. If anybody is interested, let me know. Also- don't know if this is in the right forum or not.


My hero (to be developed)

Name: John Abraham
Location: Greenwich, New York near Manhattan
Power: Strength, agility, flight
Background: Normal teenage guy, not athletic. Attains super powers gradually. Recruited into football team. Has difficulty learning and accepting the responsibility of his powers. Wants to tell 'the girl of his dreams' but is afraid of what she might think because of the recent news scattering around that mutants may be dangerous. Afraid to tell his parents the truth. Life is in constant turmoil and confusion as he progresses through his Sr. year of high school.
Age: 17
Grade Point Average: 4.0
School Activities: Football, School Paper
Father: Walter Abraham- Real Estate
Mother: Shannon Abraham, Maiden name: Christophers- Stay at home Mom
Name: Elliot Rhodes
Location: Chicago, Il.
Power: Speed
Background: College senior, a skiing accident caused irrepairibable damage to his knees. He went into extensive physical therapy until one day his knees were miraculously healed and he had the ability to move faster than anyone else in the world. His father is a scientist who tries to help Elliot, but may have ulterior motives that Elliot is yet to become aware of. Despite the trials and tribulations of having ultrafast speed, his biggest worry is what he is going to do when he gets out of school.
Age: 21
GPA: 3.0
School Activities: Theatre and Track
Father: Jeremy Rhodes - Science Researcher
Mother: Eleanor Kennet-Rhodes - Deceased
Name: Chris Miller
Location: Orlando, Florida
Power: Hydrokinesis
Background: College freshman trying to find his place in the real world. On his first day of classes he awakes to find himself endowed with the power to control water molecules and manipulate the water around him. He can speed water molecules up to form vapor, or slow them down to form ice, and then use them to his advantage. He becomes a reporter for his university community paper, tackling issues of corruption and crimes in the town, often using his abilities when they are needed the most.
Age: 18
School Activities: Newspaper and Physics Lab Assistant
Job: Water Theme Park employee
Father: Chip Miller - Firefighter
Mother: Mary Miller - Schoolteacher
Triligors said:
My hero (to be developed)

Name: John Abraham
Location: Greenwich, New York near Manhattan
Power: Strength, agility, flight
Background: Normal teenage guy, not athletic. Attains super powers gradually. Recruited into football team. Has difficulty learning and accepting the responsibility of his powers. Wants to tell 'the girl of his dreams' but is afraid of what she might think because of the recent news scattering around that mutants may be dangerous. Afraid to tell his parents the truth. Life is in constant turmoil and confusion as he progresses through his Sr. year of high school.
Age: 17
Grade Point Average: 4.0
School Activities: Football, School Paper
Father: Walter Abraham- Real Estate
Mother: Shannon Abraham, Maiden name: Christophers- Stay at home Mom

I'm sorry, but.. that sounds like Clark Kent in Smallville:confused:
Hudson said:
I'm sorry, but.. that sounds like Clark Kent in Smallville:confused:

:D Ya know, I just read that again. It sounds EXACTLY like SV.
Somewhat similar to CK. But, when I was writing it- and the tone of it- don't know if anyone remembers this show was more along the main character from ClubHouse. Also mixed in with an original hero that I made about five years ago- that I still have plans for and wanted to expand. So, yeah- some similarities. But, overall not the same.

Also the difficulty of telling the truth of his powers could go for any mutant. Since, should have made this more clear, he doesn't want to tell ANYBODY. This is dark, but it happens with those who feel like their "outsiders" contemplating suicide even. It goes from 'awesome' to depression gradually and then it's about getting out of that and accepting who he is. Don't know how far I'm going to make it, but aiming for something really realistic. Whereas CK had his parents, John has NOBODY. It would kind of be like a guy confessing to his parents that he's gay. Is mutants is something that defines you as being different and when that difference is, at first, probably looked down upon and called 'dangerous' then that transition can be really painful and it's taking a real life look at what that can do and how to overcome that.

Also Senior year is a hard enough time of transitioning, adding super powers ontop of that. A slogan that I just came up with today (wouldn't be used- of course). Senior Year is hard, Senior Year with powers is- impossible. So, that's another angle of the character. This massive transitional period, with these powers ontop of that and seeing what that does to the character.
Name: Terrorist sounding name
Location: Middle-East
Power: Can generate an explosion around his body that varies in intensity(like the guy in Daredevil:Underboss)
Background: Middle eastern man whose family was kidnapped by terrorist. The terrorist will kill his family if he dosn't assainate certain government officials.
Age: 20s
No, once everything is set up it will be fanfiction. A virtual season of the show, with new and unique heroes &/or villains, but in fanfiction format. But you can choose whether to write in prose or in script form.
So will be like writing are own pieces of epps that like link together?
giggs11uk said:
Name: Terrorist sounding name
Location: Middle-East
Power: Can generate an explosion around his body that varies in intensity(like the guy in Daredevil:Underboss)
Background: Middle eastern man whose family was kidnapped by terrorist. The terrorist will kill his family if he dosn't assainate certain government officials.
Age: 20s

Give him a name.
Triligors said:
No, once everything is set up it will be fanfiction. A virtual season of the show, with new and unique heroes &/or villains, but in fanfiction format. But you can choose whether to write in prose or in script form.

Ah, cool. This should be awesome.

I'm thinking about changing my character's power...we'll see.

EDIT: My character's been reworked a bit.
Hey, The Squirrel, are you going to have all these different characters or are you going to keep just one to develop thoroughly?
cmill216 said:
Hey, The Squirrel, are you going to have all these different characters or are you going to keep just one to develop thoroughly?

I'm not sure.

Right now I'm just tossing around ideas. Trying to find one that I really like, that is still somewhat original.
Name: Ralph Kramden

Location: Sweetwater, Texas

Power: Sleep (The ability to put anyone or everyone within a 30' radius to sleep)

Background: Ralph was an orphan that had to be put onto the streets at the age of 5 because of the difficulty the orphanage had in trying to raise him. Not because he misbehaved, but because no one could get close enough to take care of him do to Ralph's inability to control his power. Ralph grew in a rough and harsh world on the streets where he learned quickly to control his abilities. After falling in with gangs and other criminal elements at the age of 22 Ralph was know worldwide as a onstoppable assasin. He rapidly gained the reputation of a man that could "get to anyone at any time". Using his reputation as an assasin and his knowlegde of the criminal underworld Ralph has become one of the top crime bosses in the world today.

Age: 48

Occupation: Crime Kingpin

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Hey, Triligors. I was thinking that this will be really awesome and really work well if we setup a couple of rules:

#1: Powers should be curtailed or "focused", meaning we shouldn't have characters who can do multiple/various things (i.e. like Superman with strength, speed, flight, etc.)

#2: We need a good stable of not only "good guys" but also "villains" (like Atomicchuck has created)

#3: Users must settle on one character and one character only.

Just some ideas.
Threshold said:
Name: Elliot Rhodes
Location: Chicago, Il.
Power: Speed
Background: College senior, a skiing accident caused irrepairibable damage to his knees. He went into extensive physical therapy until one day his knees were miraculously healed and he had the ability to move faster than anyone else in the world. His father is a scientist who tries to help Elliot, but may have ulterior motives that Elliot is yet to become aware of. Despite the trials and tribulations of having ultrafast speed, his biggest worry is what he is going to do when he gets out of school.
Age: 21
GPA: 3.0
School Activities: Theatre and Track
Father: Jeremy Rhodes - Science Researcher
Mother: Eleanor Kennet-Rhodes - Deceased

This is a rock solid character. Love the father/scientist dynamic you've got. :up:
cmill216 said:
#3: Users must settle on one character and one character only.

I agree. I deleted my other ones to come up with a solide ONE character that I would actually enjoy working with.
My final, permanent one.

Name: Jeremiah Tremaine
Age: 21
Location: Dallas, Tx.
Power: Engergy absorbson and expulsion.
Background: His power isn't that noticable at first. But he begins to notice more and more. He has the power to absorb pure enegry. At first it will start out small. Only small amounts from the sun. But by the time his powers fully evolve, he can absorb energy from life itself. Being able to pull it out of humans, animals or plants.

He can put out as much energy as he pulls in. Being able to run his motorcycle without having to put gas in it, or in energy beams that can deal damage to his foes.
Cmill, while I agree on part of #1.... strength and agility, for example are common powers and can be used with any other ONE power.

Powers: telekinetic, control water, control metal, flight, control fire, teleportation, etc.

Also, I have been thinking about doing this in parts. Since each writer will be writing for their own hero or villain. Meaning that the character's don't neccessarily have to meet. But, it will all be in the same time frame which is yet to be put together. With similar shows, sometimes the character's don't meet at all giving a more global effect type tone of the story. If two writers want to have their characters meet at some point or another, that is ok.

I know that this is a different way of putting together a virtual season. But, it's also a different type of show than, let's say Smallville and Supernatural in which the story is contained. Here, in a show like this- a character can live in New York City while another lives in Miami, Florida- for instance. The show will be put together by telling parts of a story over the course of the episodes. One hero or villain may be featured prominently one week, with breaks in between for other characters, while another the next.
Triligors said:
Cmill, while I agree on part of #1.... strength and agility, for example are common powers and can be used with any other ONE power.

Powers: telekinetic, control water, control metal, flight, control fire, teleportation, etc.

I understand. It all depends on what type of strength you are talking about. If you are talking about above-human strength, then that's not bad. But if you are talking about strength like Ben Grimm COMBINED with other abilities, I feel like that's just too much for one character. JMO.

Also, I have been thinking about doing this in parts. Since each writer will be writing for their own hero or villain. Meaning that the character's don't neccessarily have to meet. But, it will all be in the same time frame which is yet to be put together. With similar shows, sometimes the character's don't meet at all giving a more global effect type tone of the story. If two writers want to have their characters meet at some point or another, that is ok.

I know that this is a different way of putting together a virtual season. But, it's also a different type of show than, let's say Smallville and Supernatural in which the story is contained. Here, in a show like this- a character can live in New York City while another lives in Miami, Florida- for instance. The show will be put together by telling parts of a story over the course of the episodes. One hero or villain may be featured prominently one week, with breaks in between for other characters, while another the next.

Sounds good. I want for characters to meet, but at the beginning, most should be seperate to allow for a bit of early development.
Yeah, I can see where you got the idea of strength as a power. More Hulk & The Thing than Daredevil & Spider-Man.

Whether or not characters meet are up to the writers.

Say for example. #1 wants his hero to meet #2 hero, if #2 agrees- then they meet, if #2 does not agree then they don't.

Meaning the writers are not forced to have their character meet, if they don't want to. Your hero or villain can remain a solo or you can come on with another writer to do a co-write of the 'meeting'.

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