High School Student Sets Teacher on Fire During Class


May 7, 2012
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Authorities in Tennessee say a 15-year-old high school student set his teacher's hair and clothes on fire during class earlier this week.

Gabriela Peñalba, a science teacher at West High School in Knoxville, reportedly had her back to the classroom when the teen snuck up behind her and ignited her hair and shirt with a lighter.

Students rushed to the 23-year-old teacher's aid, helping her extinguish the blaze.

Exploiting the commotion, the student tossed the lighter out of a nearby window and fled, but was soon caught by school resource officers.

The unidentified suspect reportedly confessed to the crime in a police interview, but his motive remains unclear.

He was subsequently charged with aggravated assault and evading arrest and transported to a juvenile detention facility.

Luckily, Peñalba did not suffer serious burns — a result credited to the quick response of her students.

What a sadistic little moron, how exactly did he think this was going to turn out?
that'll teach her to not go to prom with him.
And I went into this thread assuming it was going to be some science class accident.
Well as punishment, someone should pour a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey on that student while he's lying crippled on the ground and leave a lighter there at the edge of the liquor pool for someone to play with. See how he'll like it.
Well as punishment, someone should pour a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey on that student while he's lying crippled on the ground and leave a lighter there at the edge of the liquor pool for someone to play with. See how he'll like it.

I like it, Frank Castle style :cwink:
And I went into this thread assuming it was going to be some science class accident.
That was what I was expecting too since it wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

This however, what kind of student is so stupid to think he could do this and get away with it? Does he really think the other students in the class would just sit quietly and watch their teacher burn to death or not point fingers directly at him when asked who did it?
I don't care if it was joke or prank. He should be charged with attempted murder.
OMG…who does this?

Seriously. Are 'common sense' and 'consequences' foreign now?

The kid is a sociopath for sure, but either he's a freakish loner, or he thought it would've been funny. But what the heck do you expect when you're playing with fire? When you burn a person, they're not going to react with a yuck-yuck.
That was what I was expecting too since it wouldn't be the first time it's happened.

This however, what kind of student is so stupid to think he could do this and get away with it? Does he really think the other students in the class would just sit quietly and watch their teacher burn to death or not point fingers directly at him when asked who did it?

I don't think he was thinking that or cares. Seriously that's scary.
I don't think he was thinking that or cares. Seriously that's scary.

Yeah some kids don't even think about the consequences. They just think its funny at the time and reason that others will think the same too. He probably thought he'd get a good laugh out of his friends.

Someone should show him a lighter with the name "Della" engraved on it and ask him "don't you want to know why?" before igniting him with it.
What a sadistic little moron, how exactly did he think this was going to turn out?
Situations like this only serve as undeniable reminders that evil does exist in this world. Thank God that teacher wasn't hurt; I'm sure she's grateful her students reacted so quickly.
I'm surprised some of the students didn't stop and beat his ass.
Well as punishment, someone should pour a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey on that student while he's lying crippled on the ground and leave a lighter there at the edge of the liquor pool for someone to play with. See how he'll like it.

You've seen 'Dirty Laundry' too many times.

This reminds me of a horrible thing that happened at my school. I had a teacher during junior year of high school that was kind of mean and that no one really liked. Obviously, this doesn't justify what happened to her, but it's probably what led to the incident.

One day a group of guys decided it'd be hilarious to turn the lights off on her and pelt her with things in the dark. From what I understand, it was nothing hard or anything that would seriously hurt her. Regardless, they were *******s for doing it. Anyways, from that point on she always kept a lamp near her desk to turn on just in case.
When did high school teachers become targets of such vicious attacks from students?
Did he think the other students would watch her burn alive.
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Since she is ok, or seems to be well enough....

Looks like somebody tried to flame on...:word:...and failed.

When did high school teachers become targets of such vicious attacks from students?
When the students started running the classrooms, because the teachers either wouldn't take charge, or couldn't because of government intrusion.

When I was in school about 20 years ago, some kids were terrible, but I never heard of anything remotely like setting a teacher on fire, or shooting up schools. That kind of thing's put tons of fear into all involved...but instead of taking measures to protect everyone, they turn to the Feds who just want to cover their own interests. If every teacher were screened for mental illness and criminal history, then armed after passing those tests...there'd be a lot less crime in schools.
When the students started running the classrooms, because the teachers either wouldn't take charge, or couldn't because of government intrusion.

When I was in school about 20 years ago, some kids were terrible, but I never heard of anything remotely like setting a teacher on fire, or shooting up schools. That kind of thing's put tons of fear into all involved...but instead of taking measures to protect everyone, they turn to the Feds who just want to cover their own interests. If every teacher were screened for mental illness and criminal history, then armed after passing those tests...there'd be a lot less crime in schools.

You literally have yet to make a single post that I don't find at least a little mad.
That's for a different discussion because seriously, it'll just derail the entire thread into the cliche gun control ordeal.

What a sadistic little moron, how exactly did he think this was going to turn out?

He didn't think that is the problem.

As for motive: He probably thought to himself "That might be funny." Some teenagers really are that shortsighted and ignorant.

If I had been a student in that class and saw a classmate about to do that I would have just tackled him straight into the damn black board. See if he thinks that's funny.

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