Horrible Movie Theater Experience Extravaganza!!


Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
Horrible Experiences
when i went to see the first harry potter, It was during the end where harry was fighting voldemort.. and then a little kid screams out "why doesn't he just pull out a Harry shot Gun!!" and other kids starting screaming "shut up!" it was horrible but also funny...

the time i went to watch I am Legend... The place WAS PACKED with teenagers.. probably like 13-17..all talking and shouting, everyone on their cell phones...you couldn't even hear the previews everyone was so loud! when the Batman trailer came up every girl went "EwWwWwW!" when they saw the joker...then when the movie started, the kids were Still talking!! and the idiots in back of me kept on hitting my chair and throwing popcorn..and the people sitting next to me were on their cell phone the entire movie! why spend 10 bucks if all you are going to do is talk to each other and go on your cell phone.

When i went to see lemony snicket's... i feel asleep...and when i was sleeping my friend spilled her drink all over the floor...and of course it went all under my feet, and when i woke up and i couldn't lift my feet up,:woot: they were practically pasted onto the floor by the sticking soda.. and when we walked out, my shoes made that sticky rip sound every time i took a step...

I went to this movie theater, and the seats were metal and plastic, with little pads on it.. so uncomfortable! after wards my back was was stiff as a rock.

When i went to see Matrix revolutions, we had to sit in the way front...and the front seats were so close to the screen you could stretch out and hit your feet on the wall... i like to be close, but not this close!

When watching Matrix revolutions (same theater) the audio went out for like 5 minutes, then the picture went out for another few minutes.

When i went to see passion of the Christ the theater i went to was really crappy and the seat i was sitting in was so close to the other seat, i had to bend my knees inward...my knees were in just pain afterwards..

a lot of my friends ruin movies for me, because they ALWAYS want to sit in the far back...unlike me, i ALWAYS want to sit in the front.. not in the way front.. but pretty close..and of course no ones like me, want to sit in the front.. so i never get the full movie experience i get when i sit up close.. when we went to seed sweeney todd i said i wanted to sit in the front, and i did.. everyone else sat in the back...i was all by my self.

This other time my friend brought in Chinese food, and the Entire theater STUNK of fried shrimp.
Oh god, that sounds terrible:csad: :o
The only real bad movie theatre experience I ever had was when I went to see Spider-Man 2 and these kids kept screaming throughout the whole opening credits until they were kicked out... I still had a headache after hearing those little basterds scream their heads off:cmad:
You need to go to a different theatres.

Bringing in Chinese food, using cell phones? Yahwah?
My cinema wouldn't tolerate bringing in takeaway meals, or using phones. It's okay with other types of food, though.

In all honesty, I've never had any bad experiences. At my local Vue and Odeon, I've never had a single bit of trouble trying to watch a film.

Which, if you consider my drunken actions during 30 Days of Night, it's a bit unfair on the other movie goers :o
Yesterday when i went to see cloverfield, my friend kept on poking me and complaining that he was getting a headache..."i can't take this, i want to leave" then he left for like 20 minutes to go get pretzel bits...

Then he comes back and he says "what the hells going on, i can't follow this, i'm confused" then after wards he goes on saying "what a ****ty movie"

and of course i liked it.. i would have liked it more if he wasn't there.
When I saw "The Simpsons Movie", there was a little kid running up and down the aisle and his parents weren't doing anything. I said in a loud voice to my friends "This is why I believe in abortion." That got more of a laugh from the people around me in the theater than anything from the actual movie.
Yesterday when i went to see cloverfield, my friend kept on poking me and complaining that he was getting a headache..."i can't take this, i want to leave" then he left for like 20 minutes to go get pretzel bits...

Then he comes back and he says "what the hells going on, i can't follow this, i'm confused" then after wards he goes on saying "what a ****ty movie"

and of course i liked it.. i would have liked it more if he wasn't there.

That's why I only ever go to see films I've really waited for, with my girlfriend.
I'd probably never see something like Iron Man with them, because I'd be sporting some Marvel attire, and they wouldn't appreciate it as much.
Also when i went to see Fantastic Four, my little brother had to leave and go to the bathroom 4 times...thats right... 4 TIMES!
One guy threatened to kill me and called me something racist because I was saving a seat for a friend. I was watching the third lord of the rings movie, I think. That was a bad experience. The theater was packed and maybe it was wrong of me to save a seat, but to threaten to kill someone over it? That's crazy. There are too many people in this world. I think we need a new plague.
I'm honestly forced sometimes to go see movies on my own, usually during the week. The guys I hang out with, as well as any female associates I may take to a movie, want to either talk and joke around or do...other things. :o So I never get to see it in a geeky fashion unless I go solo.
yea a lot of the people i hang out with are so beat, they never want to do anything, all they do is smoke cigs and sit in parking lots listening to horrible music that you can't even understand what they are screaming about.
so every time i ask them to go see a movie they always say "Thats Gaaaay!" they are one of those people who say gay and F***ing in ever single sentence!

you want to go eat, they say "No thats F***ing gay!! eating is GaaaaaY!"

i need to hang out with other people...
The theater was packed and maybe it was wrong of me to save a seat
No. You had every right in the world to save a seat for your friend. **** the other guy. If he wanted a seat so bad, he should have gotten there sooner.
Also when i went to see Fantastic Four, my little brother had to leave and go to the bathroom 4 times...thats right... 4 TIMES!

The most I've ever gone was twice. It was for Star Wars SE, pissed me off I had to get up twice. But 4 times and for someone else? Don't take him to see TDK.
Most of my times at the movies go rather smooth. That's due to not going on a Saturday night...*shudder*
yea a lot of the people i hang out with are so beat, they never want to do anything, all they do is smoke cigs and sit in parking lots listening to horrible music that you can't even understand what they are screaming about.
so every time i ask them to go see a movie they always say "Thats Gaaaay!" they are one of those people who say gay and F***ing in ever single sentence!

you want to go eat, they say "No thats F***ing gay!! eating is GaaaaaY!"

i need to hang out with other people...

I'm sorry for you, but what kind of people are these (where do they come from), without any manners whatsoever. You definitely need to change of acquaintances, there are more sensible and smarter people out there. ;)
yea a lot of the people i hang out with are so beat, they never want to do anything, all they do is smoke cigs and sit in parking lots listening to horrible music that you can't even understand what they are screaming about.
so every time i ask them to go see a movie they always say "Thats Gaaaay!" they are one of those people who say gay and F***ing in ever single sentence!

you want to go eat, they say "No thats F***ing gay!! eating is GaaaaaY!"

i need to hang out with other people

Yes. You do.
i had a guy singing every word during sweeney todd.

of all the seats, i had to pick that one.
When I went to see Casino Royale with my brother and best friend, we got there about 15 minutes early.

Soon a couple, I would guess in their late 30's, sat in front of us. No problem - we were all tall and there was no visible distractions.

To pass the time I started to play Tetris on my cell phone but noticed the woman in front of us being very sociable with the people around us - always very nice. I believe I even inwardly remarked about how nice a person she appeared to be.

As movie time came closer, my brother and friend talking amongst themselves in a voice not louder than anyone else in the theater, this sweet, nice lady turned around in her seat and said "Now are you little ****s going to talk throughout the entire movie?"

My first thought was "this is a joke, she is kidding, she is about to offer us candy", but as I looked into her face I was serious. Completely dumbstruck my friend said something to make her face the other way.

She then went on to talk throughout the movie.
Apollo, from what I read, not sure how old you and your friends are but your friends all sound like morons lol. Especially the one that walked out of Cloverfield and then comes back in like a 5-9yr old asking what's going on in the movie.
Here's what I wrote here the moment I got home from seeing Spider-Man 3.

There were a bunch of ghetto people in the back row, and every time ANYTHING happened, they would all start cackling like a pack of hyenas. I mean, everyone laughs at things like Bruce Campbell's cameo or Peter's dancing, but these people just DIDN'T HAVE A FREAKIN' CLUE as to when laughing wasn't appropriate. Every time there was a serious scene or a character started crying, these bozos would start laughing like they were watching Who's Line. :mad: I loved the movie but now I'll have to see it again, just so I can get a better grasp of what it's emotional content was.

The movie was much more enjoyable when I watched it on Blu-Ray, but I won't soon forget the awful experience of watching it while a bunch of dumb school kids were snorting mushrooms a few feet a way.
Before a movie starts, you can already tell who's going to be causing trouble. If they're acting goofy or constantly talking before the lights go down, that's a sign. I have made it a rule to NEVER sit next to groups of three or more girls or guys, and I'm starting to hate sitting next to some couples because the guy is attempting to "impress" the girl by cracking wise during the flick.
When I went to see Casino Royale with my brother and best friend, we got there about 15 minutes early.

Soon a couple, I would guess in their late 30's, sat in front of us. No problem - we were all tall and there was no visible distractions.

To pass the time I started to play Tetris on my cell phone but noticed the woman in front of us being very sociable with the people around us - always very nice. I believe I even inwardly remarked about how nice a person she appeared to be.

As movie time came closer, my brother and friend talking amongst themselves in a voice not louder than anyone else in the theater, this sweet, nice lady turned around in her seat and said "Now are you little ****s going to talk throughout the entire movie?"

My first thought was "this is a joke, she is kidding, she is about to offer us candy", but as I looked into her face I was serious. Completely dumbstruck my friend said something to make her face the other way.

She then went on to talk throughout the movie.
What in the f**k?
Anyway, when I saw both X2 and Spider-Man 2, thunderstorms came and they had to temporarily shut down the movies. And during Transporter 2, a friend kept talking.
When I saw AVP2 there was this big group (10-12) of foreigners who came in about half way through the movie walking up and down the steps talking really loudly, one had a child that cried all the way through the movie, and they were passing the baby over rows and seats taking turns holding it.
I will never get bringing a baby to an R-rated movie on the last showing of the night. That happens at an uncanny rate with me. It'll be like a 10:30 showing of a graphic R rated flick, I'm thinking, no way in hell any kids will be here. Lo and behold....
every "date" I have ever been to a movie is an annoying experiance cause the girl decides to talk about life the universe and everything during the movie.....my new tactic is to watch the movie a few days in advance to going to the cinema on a date

worst experience for myself was either when I got sick during the simpsons and had to go throwup in the toilet halfway through, or in batman begins where there was a group of ***** who were laughing throught the first 5 mins of the film and shining laser pens on the screen, until on of my mates went over and threatened to kill them (he's a 6'6 rugby player - he also hated the film)
When I saw The Island the projector broke down for about 20 minutes, some people left.

I saw LOTR: RoTK at a dollar theater, the sound was ridiculously loud and the theater wasn't air condition. It was jam packed too, and I left after about 10 minutes.

I went to the bathroom during King Arthur, and there were two people getting it on while I was using the urinal. I heard a lot of spitting. Need I really say more?

During 300 there a group of drunk Spring Breakers screaming the entire time. During the part with the two disfigured chicks making out they cheered, until they saw they were disfigured they screamed "I TAKE IT BACK, I TAKE IT BACK!"

The projector died for 45 minutes when I saw Transformers, but I suppose that was more of a blessing than a curse.

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