How could "X3" have been better?


Jul 29, 2006
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I'm really interested to hear your thoughts on this, guys. In the poll, which of the scenes do you think would have greatly improved the film? I'm afraid I probably missed quite a few. So if there's any you think should be added, please elaborate.
Lol You got my scene in there TKing? :O :p

This is difficult to choose...


-Storm show more concern about Jeanie- a sensitive and maternal touch for the movie woulda been good to the film...
-Callisto, Juggernaut ... more development for the "new baddies" side, woulda make it interesting...
-Sentinels... not sure if that woulda change the whole story itself...
-Overall, a longer running time

Yeah I was about to vote all...
Lol You got my scene in there TKing? :O :p

Hehe, yeah, I liked it very much. Personally, it seemed a logical step. Two of the film's main stars, in the same dilemma... and there's no interaction between them?

Missed opportunity.

Thanks for the feedback. :)
Yeah I was about to vote all...

Hmm, yeah I was going to have it a 1-option poll, but I didn't really want to restrict people's choices. Many probably feel anything would have improved "X3", or just can't narrow it down, so I left it open.
i voted for most the options lol
My choice isn't there. I say ritually burn every last film reel, DVD, Blu-Ray, HD DVD, VHS and piece of merchandise associated with X3 and start over.

Come on, that's an obvious poll choice. :)

EDIT: But seriously, I think all the choices you put there make the movie better with their inclusion. I choose everything.
As much as I love this film (and I do love it, possibly my favorite of the trilogy - possibly) there were many things on that poll that I feel would have made the film better:

-More for Phoenix to do, when she's with the Brotherhood
While I don't feel that this was as much of a problem as a lot of people claim it to be, I do feel that a bit more into her character, and her inner conflict between her Jean personality, and Magneto's encouraging of her Phoenix personality, would have helped the character and film overall.

-Scott's survival, and subsequent leadership of the team
I know James Marsden isn't Hugh Jackman, and that Cyclops would never get the lead role over Wolverine. That's fine. I'm okay with that. But watching the struggle that Cyclops would have had to have faced in watching the woman that he loves go further and further into madness, I believe would have been a lot more emotional that Wolverine's fight for Jean. That's not to say that I didn't enjoy Wolverine's fight for Jean, I did, but that was Cyclops' role, and I feel it would have been better as Cyclops, not Wolverine.

-More scenes/character development for Angel
Angel just bounced around from one scene to the next, randomly, whenever he was needed. A journey from him rejecting his father's cure and escaping to the X-Mansion, to joining the X-Men when they went into the final battle at Alcatraz to protect his father, would have been a pretty awesome arc.

-More power displays ie. Storm's wave, Firebird
While the overall quality of the film wasn't really affected, scenes like Storm's tidal wave, Iceman & Colossus defeating Phat, etc... would have added some more enjoyable scenes to the film.

-Show more of Storm's concern for Jean ie. in the infirmary
This just seems natural, as Storm is the one that would have been like a sister to Jean, and she's the one who has been a part of Jean's life, not Wolverine. I understand why Wolverine needed to be there, but so did Storm.

-"Real" Sentinels
I think these would have been an amazing "last resort" for the government to use against the mutants on Alcatraz, and would have caused a very nice political conflict, between the President wanting to remain pro-mutant, while also needing to take whatever measures neccesary to protect his citizens.

-Gambit's inclusion
Gambit was promised to us from the end of X2. With Rogue's insecurities in her relationship with Bobby, Gambit would have had a perfect oppourtunity to be introduced. Many different paths could have been taken to link Gambit to Rogue, and bring him to the X-Men, and he would have been tons more enjoyable to see on screen than Kitty Pryde, Arclight, Quill, or Multiple Man.

-Overall, a longer running time
Just because adding in all of these elements would obviously require the film to run longer.

With all of these elements (on top of including the alternate Rogue ending, and the alternate "new school year" ending, instead of the endings we got) X-Men: The Last Stand would have been the PERFECT X-Men movie for me.
I chose mostly everything there.
Only exceptions for me were Gambit, Sentinels and Leech.
More for Phoenix to do, when she's with the Brotherhood
-Most def.

Scott's survival, and subsequent leadership of the team
-maybe not leadership, but survival I mean I was shocked that she'd kill Scott and not Logan

A scene between Rogue and Beast discussing the cure
-That could have been the emotion grabbing part that I felt was missing

More power displays ie. Storm's wave, Firebird
-That's what Singer made Storm good, special effects. She and Phoenix
could have had incredible special effects scenes that would have wowed the audience, but I do love the special effects scenes they did have though

An explanation into Xavier's somewhat "darker" character
-IDK sounds like an interesting thing to explore, mayB he'd have to dig into his past with the return of Emma

Show more of Storm's concern for Jean ie. in the infirmary
-I know aren't they supposed to BFs?

Greater characterization for Peter/Colossus
-It could have been intersting to intro his sis and have her take the cure. At first he'd be mad, but over the film he'll learn to accept her decision

Overall, a longer running time
-It did feel short
-Gambit's inclusion
Gambit was promised to us from the end of X2. With Rogue's insecurities in her relationship with Bobby, Gambit would have had a perfect opportunity to be introduced. Many different paths could have been taken to link Gambit to Rogue, and bring him to the X-Men, and he would have been tons more enjoyable to see on screen than Kitty Pryde, Arclight, Quill, or Multiple Man.

You have a good point here, Nell. But do you mean to say, by the end of X3, Gambit and Rogue should be in a relationship? Because from what we've seen in the previous films, movie-Rogue doesn't seem to be the unfaithful type. It seems she wants stability, a home, love, security... Bobby can provide that.
I think it would be a great contrast if Gambit had been introed when Rogue begins to question herself, in X3 Kitty's closeness with Bobby would have ultimately pushed her to confide and find comfort in the rugged Gambit who reminds her of Wolverine (who she previously crushed on)
It's plausible, but if she felt complete with Gambit, she wouldn't even consider the cure, would she?

At least one of the primary X-Men must be tempted directly by the cure, otherwise... well the whole plotline is useless. There'd be no bearing, no interest for the audience whatsoever.

Angel, I suppose worked for that purpose, a lead character facing that exact problem, not sure of himself, dealing with pressure, overcoming those fears... finally trusting in who he is.

But then his arc falls apart, when he simply ends up at the mansion and nothing more. No invitations to join the team, no effort made to speak up for himself, no reasoning for him to want to retain his mutation. With the X-Men, his gifts could be used for good, for others. There's no real explanation why he would rather live the rest of his life, a "freak".

If his character development were to truly have an impact on the audience, he needed more screentime, that's for sure.
It's plausible, but if she felt complete with Gambit, she wouldn't even consider the cure, would she?

At least one of the primary X-Men must be tempted directly by the cure, otherwise... well the whole plotline is useless. There'd be no bearing, no interest for the audience whatsoever.

Angel, I suppose worked for that purpose, a lead character facing that exact problem, not sure of himself, dealing with pressure, overcoming those fears... finally trusting in who he is.

But then his arc falls apart, when he simply ends up at the mansion and nothing more. No invitations to join the team, no effort made to speak up for himself, no reasoning for him to want to retain his mutation. With the X-Men, his gifts could be used for good, for others. There's no real explanation why he would rather live the rest of his life, a "freak".

If his character development were to truly have an impact on the audience, he needed more screentime, that's for sure.

I agree. Especially since he was the mutant whose father invented the cure and who probably wanted to parade him as a prime example of normality.
He did need at least another two scenes. More dialogue at the mansion, and a dialogue scene after rescuing his father.
^Exactly, which is where the "Overall, a longer running time" option comes in. I simply feel that X3 was too short.

Undoubtedly, it had the best plotlines of the trilogy. The cure storyline and Phoenix saga are two of the most popular in comic book history, and they expect to condense the wealth of those stories to under 2 hours!

More scenes for Angel, definitely more for Beast (despite being one of the greatest features of X3 already, more hints to him being an older student at the Institute would have been a nice touch) and more Phoenix.
How come everyone wants a longer running time? might as well split it into two movies.
this film is great as is BUT i feel it would have been BETTER if some of the deleted scenes were added back into the movie, it was held back far too much
X3 is a good film with sum flaws, I voted 4

1.)Storm reference 2 her roots: the balcony scene/Hallway scene would've been a gr8 inclusion 2 show how she went from being a goddess to bein called a mutant and it would've sum up how and why she felt the way she did in X1/X2

2.)Phoenix development: I love both scenes @ the camp, but I would've used the nuclear bomb sence cuase it coincides with what Xavier saying "you don't know what she is capable." Annie's death scene would've been gr8 seeing that would've cause the Phoenix persona 2 emerge hence the "Rage" part of her personality...they should've included Jean sensing the little girl, her refusing to help Mags, the pyshic battle to show DP h8red 4 Xavier n most imp..they referred 2 her as Phoenix!! a couple of lines sayin "jean grey no longer exist!" or "I am PHOENIX!"

3.)Scott's survival: would've worked, Jean thinks he dead n goes nuts, I think he should've came in after Xavier's "death" and be prepared 2 face off with DP not Jean, knowing that wasn't the woman he loved @ lake, and blaming himself cuz he set her free...I think the speech could've been broking apart...Logan saying wut he said on the original trailer and Scott cutting in ..Scott puts his hand on Logan's shoulder. Scott: " I know we're outnumbered we lost the Prof. n if we don't stop him now everything Charles stood for would've been 4 nothing I'm not going to let that happen, are you?...cue 2 them boarding the jet...instead of Logan it should be Scott/Storm...Scott: "There ready" Storm: "yea, I know, but are you ready to do what you need 2 do when the time comes?" a small roll for James but more development for Cyclops

4.) Angel: they should've made him older n reference his days being at the mansion n being a X-Man, a small role, but you'll get the feel that he never should've left and by being there he learned 2 accept himself.

5.)Rogue and Beast: they should've replaced the scene with her and Logan n put Beast there...why Logan have trouble getting close to someone? makes no sense...that would've been gr8er ch. development for the both of them

6.)Storm/Phoenix: Storm did nada in the final battle so that was needed, if they didn't want 2 use lightning they should've used giant balls od hail...and most imp. if you're goin 2 use Phoenix give her the DP effect, jus a snippet when she rises, at her house and really show the fiery bird on Alcatraz

7.)Storm in the infirmary: Storm should've been there to show concern and reference X2 when Jean destroyed the missile and Scott telling her that Jean hasn't been the same since Liberty Island, hencing the Phoenix forthcoming

8.)Gambit's inclusion: when Rogue is at the cure place she "befriends" she's taken by his beauty, and wonders if he is gettin cured, he tells her he's one of Mags goons sent to blow up the place, they have a lil tussle n realize he can't blow her up n she cant absorb his power(reference 2 Ult. X-Men) they then have a lil heart2heart and suprise Gambit joins the team in the end setting up for a possible love triangle in X4

9.)Running time: everything I jus wrote would've made the movie longer...LOL
Not bad phoenix flare. I like alot of your Character devopment storylines. I also thought wolverine was too centered around in this movie.
thnks...its funny how us fans can come up with more then the writers did
more for phoenix to do- she is this great threat why is she under the control of magneto. more manipulation- is she using him? ambiguity.
scott surviving and leading- this is x men, he is their leader and the man jean loves taking him out takes out the heart of the phoenix story putting wolverine in breeds resentment to the character and is really out of character. Wolverine is not a leader but he isn't a follower. He is a renegade who thinks of number one.
more development for angel- he was 'useful' in the story but how did he know about the institute? Why did he go there instead of hiding elsewhere? What was his relationship like with his father before the cure emerged?
the rogue/beast cure scene- there is never any question of going to get the cure in rogue's mind. No will she won't she at all. She sees the cure she wants it she gets it.
more concern from storm- i remember in the animated phoenix saga storm in her shawl sitting by jeans bed while she sleeps and she reads a book. Jean is like her sister- show it!

and of course the big one which would have left X3 on the high note- rogue not taking the cure. All it does is advocate to young women out there that if you don't fit in change it. A character who is happy in herself would have been a better conclusion. From someone who is scared at the start to self acceptance is a wonderful tale for young women and inspirational. After all its what i love about comic rogue. She has this curse but she puts that aside because she knows she can help people in the end with it.
thnks...its funny how us fans can come up with more then the writers did

For the most part, "these fans" don't understand the constraints that come with making a major studio motion picture, and don't understand that things don't always translate as well as you think they will... even if "these fans" think they understand how things work, they usually don't.
Bryan singer should have stayed... simple as that.



Sure singer didn't capture the villain personalities well or do much justice to storm or rogue, and cyclops was miscast, but he captured the heart of the x-men... now ratner's captured nothing much more than the boobs and action, which is not saying much.

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