How much do you really care about X3 being only 103 minutes?


Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
I just wanted to see how many people were actually dissapointed by the news that our most beloved comic movie/saga is going to be the shortest of all three.

For me, I think it sucks. I've been waiting 3 years for this and from what i've seen i can tell the movie will live up to my expectations but the short time makes me feel like i'm going to leave wanting more. Eh, whatevers.
Well, you could have easily read the thread going on about this topic to find out who really cares.

I, myself, don't. Disappointed? Sure. But I don't presume to know how they are handling these stories, and I don't presume to know how long it will take to tell this story that they are telling. So 103 minutes could be just right.

But I would have preferred longer, just so the experience didn't end so quickly.
how the hell did you respond so quickly, i just posted this like less then 6 seconds ago.
We don't even have confirmation that's true, so it's too early for this. Probably should close it until it's more relevant.
I agree with Spec, I am waiting confirmation to start crying. Right now, it is as clear as Cykes fate, which is....:confused:
Naturally I'd like it to be longer so, like Nell said, the experience would last longer, but they're using pretty much everything they shot, so it's not like it got chopped down in editing. Obviously the filmmakers (allegedly) thought that 103 minutes was enough to tell this story, so I guess we'll see if we agree on May 26th.
i know length shouldn't be an issue if it's still a good movie, BUT i really hope it would be longer- especially if it's the last one, i want to be satisfied and not be left wanting more when there won't be an x4. then of course, there's the whole issue of several subplots, and they should be given enough time :( :)
I do perfer a longer running time and I'm a bit disappointed, but it's not that big of a deal.

Voted for that one. But I agree with Nell. They're using every scenes they've shot so far except for the 30-sec scene. So, I guess it's not that bad.
I hope we see that 30 Second Scene on the DVD. I mean hell each X DVD has great Deleted Scenes. It would suck if this has none. Even if its only one Short Deleted Scene that will do :o
I would definitely prefer something more substantial.

Then again, some of the most classic sci-fi films of all time have consistently satisfied audiences with a similar time frame. Star Trek: The Wrath Of Khan comes to mind.
That's way too short for such a potentially important movie, possibly the most important movie of the trilogy.

2.5 hours is needed to tell the story properly.
I wouldn't be so weary if it wasn't FOX behind the film....
War Lord said:
That's way too short for such a potentially important movie, possibly the most important movie of the trilogy.

2.5 hours is needed to tell the story properly.
Critics complained that X2 was too long.
Mr Lex Luthor said:
Critics complained that X2 was too long.

Critics complain about everything. Fans care about every single detail.
War Lord said:
Critics complain about everything. Fans care about every single detail.

Yes, but even us as fans have to realize that this film is not just for us. Or have we not learned from the mistakes some studios have made with beautiful--yet overwrought--films like King Kong? That film could've been huge but it faltered due to audiences being turned off to the film's length.

The lesson? Sometimes less is more, but only time will tell is 103 minutes to too much "less".
War Lord said:
Critics complain about everything. Fans care about every single detail.
Yes, you're right.

They did say that every single scene they've shot are in the movie and I don't care about runtime. As long as it tells the whole story, I'm happy.
Nell2ThaIzzay said:
How do you know?

We hardly know about the story they are telling.

Doesn't matter what the storyline is, I want a 2.5 hour movie.

One of the reasons why I think many didn't like FF was that it was about 105 minutes long (or so it seemed) and it seemed too short.
I do prefer a longer time but i am a tad disappointed but Im cool with it. not a big deal with me cause I don't care cause I care about the story and characters...thats about it. Rock on X-Men3 :up: :up: :up:
I would have much prefered a longer film, but so long as the film doesn't disappoint, it won't be too big a deal. We'll see if it can squeeze everything in to the small time given.
I would prefer a longer film, but I am not dissapointed yet because I haven't seen the film. It could be the perfect runtime, it could be too short. I won't know until May 26.
I want x-3 to succeed. If being that short would effct that - I care!
If it will rock never the less - I wouldnt mind about its length.
Avalanche said:
I would have much prefered a longer film, but so long as the film doesn't disappoint, it won't be too big a deal. We'll see if it can squeeze everything in to the small time given.
Yeah I agree, I would rather how a shorter length great film than a film thats longer with stuff that just takes away from the film's plot etc.
Avalanche said:
I would have much prefered a longer film, but so long as the film doesn't disappoint, it won't be too big a deal. We'll see if it can squeeze everything in to the small time given.

From where is the Ellen quote in your sig?
Mr Lex Luthor said:
Critics complained that X2 was too long.
that it was not that well paced ..

but critics gave it 87 prct of good critics overall..not that bad eh?

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