HYPE Super Bowl XLVII thread!!!!!! OMG - Part 1

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Got food? Got picks? Just wanna chat about how the game would be better if Matt Moore was in it? Whatever you want, here it is.

The Hype Super Bowl party starts now! :wow:
I disagree completely. I think the logo and everything is a hundred times better than what we expected.

The blue clashes with the others, the red is too dull, and the 3rd color looks more like urine than gold.

Pelicans? lmao

worst mascot ever.

Heat and Thunder are pretty awful too, but Pelicans is definitely in the running. The UCSC Banana Slugs are always in the argument, too.

Nah, the Browns have the worst mascot ever.

Paul Brown was a legend. Pelicans regularly eat non-food items and choke to death. They are one of the least intelligent animals on the planet, like opossums with feathers.
2011 was his best year, but he was back to being the same old erratic Eli this year. Of course, it didn't hurt that the Pats, who could score at will against everyone else, could only muster 17 against the Giants D.

No, I'm not putting Eli in the same class as Trenterception and Johnson, but he's not an elite QB. He's proof that the game is still a complicated, multi-faceted one where the best team isn't always one with a great gunslinger.

Go check out his mediocre year from '07, when the Giants won their first SB, and tell me that there is anything which resembles a HOF QB in those stats.

And check out his years since then when's he's averaged 4,000 yards per year and 3 Pro Bowls. :huh:

If Eli keeps putting up similar 4,000 yards year, it's just going to better his case. He will probably get put in the HOF after all in said and done by his SB achievements, whether some people think that's fair or not. That's why I had Peyton, Brady and Brees in another category. If they are retired tomorrow, they'd be getting in. QBs like Eli, Roethlisberger, Rogers and Flacco are in their prime and still have a lot of football to play.

In the end I'm not saying he's better then his brother or Rogers, but he's at least Top 6.
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And check out his years since then when's he's averaged 4,000 yards per year and 3 Pro Bowls. :huh:

If Eli keeps putting up similar 4,000 yards year, it's just going to better his case. He will probably get put in the HOF after all in said and done by his SB achievements, whether some people think that's fair or not. That's why I had Peyton, Brady and Brees in another category. If they are retired tomorrow, they'd be getting in. QBs like Eli, Roethlisberger, Rogers and Flacco are in their prime and still have a lot of football to play.

In the end I'm not saying he's better then his brother or Rogers, but he's at least Top 6.

Therein lies my problem with Eli. The HOF was founded to represent the best of the best, not just "pretty decent". Aaron Rodgers has put up a 3-to-1 TD-to-Int ratio in his career, with 5 seasons of a rating over 100. That's an accurate indicator of a QB who is doing the most important thing he can do while avoiding the worst. Yet even now he hasn't done it long enough to be HOF-worthy. He needs to keep up his pace for a couple of more years.

Eli has a modest 211 TDs and 144 Ints with zero 100+ ratings in his career. He's been great for some stretches and horrible for others. That's not the cream-of-the crop play that is usually (and should always be necessary) for the HOF. Jim Plunkett piloted 2 SB champions as well, yet he's not in the HOF.

If Eli does make the HOF, it's because he's the beneficiary of the QB-centric media which acts like a bunch of fantasy football noobs for every QB who wins the SB. As important as the QB is, he cannot single-handedly control the outcome of a game like a pitcher or goalie. Every position in football is greatly dependant on the others, even a QB. Championships are won in a variety of ways. A SB ring should only be the icing on the cake, not the alpha-and-omega of measuring a player. Any player who gets into the Hall should be easily recognizable as one of the very best of his era, not just a few games or even a few years.
Therein lies my problem with Eli. The HOF was founded to represent the best of the best, not just "pretty decent". Aaron Rodgers has put up a 3-to-1 TD-to-Int ratio in his career, with 5 seasons of a rating over 100. That's an accurate indicator of a QB who is doing the most important thing he can do while avoiding the worst. Yet even now he hasn't done it long enough to be HOF-worthy. He needs to keep up his pace for a couple of more years.
Not necessarily. Look at Terry Bradshaw or Joe Namath's numbers. It's their Super Bowl wins ad popularity that got them in.

You can argue that it's a different time now but some things will remain the same.

Eli has a modest 211 TDs and 144 Ints with zero 100+ ratings in his career. He's been great for some stretches and horrible for others. That's not the cream-of-the crop play that is usually (and should always be necessary) for the HOF. Jim Plunkett piloted 2 SB champions as well, yet he's not in the HOF.
Jim Plunkett also doesn't have stellar regular season numbers. Quite a bit more interceptions than TDs and that's true for Bradshaw and Namath. Plunkett's numbers and years on other teams didn't help. And Plunkett was a MVP "once". Eli's numbers aren't the best in the league. But he can easily throw for at the very least 40k yards by the end of his career.

If Eli does make the HOF, it's because he's the beneficiary of the QB-centric media which acts like a bunch of fantasy football noobs for every QB who wins the SB. As important as the QB is, he cannot single-handedly control the outcome of a game like a pitcher or goalie. Every position in football is greatly dependant on the others, even a QB. Championships are won in a variety of ways. A SB ring should only be the icing on the cake, not the alpha-and-omega of measuring a player. Any player who gets into the Hall should be easily recognizable as one of the very best of his era, not just a few games or even a few years.
There's a lot of HOFers who probably got in because of popularity but rings put you over. Like it or not.

I'm sure someone like Cris Carter would have gotten in sooner if he talked a little less and had a ring.
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It's a Flacconspiracy. :o

Not necessarily. Look at Terry Bradshaw or Joe Namath's numbers. It's their Super Bowl wins ad popularity that got them in.


And you just nailed the problem. It's bad enough when fans emote instead of looking at a guy's career logically, but too many sportswriters do as well. It demonstrates a misunderstanding of the game.
And you just nailed the problem. It's bad enough when fans emote instead of looking at a guy's career logically, but too many sportswriters do as well. It demonstrates a misunderstanding of the game.

"Lynn Swann's career statistics would make him a longshot for induction into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. But his performance on the largest stage -- the playoffs and Super Bowls -- earned him his bust in Canton," shared veteran selector Rick Gosselin of the Dallas Morning News. "There has long been a correlation between championships and enshrinement. That's why there are nine Browns from the 1950s in Canton, 10 Packers from the 1960s and nine Steelers from the 1970s. Greatness is an ability to produce when it matters most. The Pro Football Hall of Fame pays homage to that greatness."
In the end there's going to be 3 different types of nominees.

Joe Montana, Lawrence Taylor, Jerry Rice. Records/Impressive Numbers and Rings
Lynn Swann, Joe Namath. Rings
Cris Carter, Dan Marino. Records/Impressive Numbers
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In the end there's going to be 3 different types of nominees.

Joe Montana, Lawrence Taylor, Jerry Rice. Records/Impressive Numbers and Rings
Lynn Swann, Joe Namath. Rings
Cris Carter, Dan Marino. Records/Impressive Numbers

That just proves my point. The true greats elevate their team week in and week out, year after year.

This past year, the Giants were 4-2, and positioning themselves at the front on the NFC pack. Over the next 4 games, the Giants went 2-2, due in no small part to Eli throwing 1 TD to 6 Ints. Those numbers are terrible even for a backup. Over the next 6 weeks, when the Giants needed him most, Eli was his usual hot-and-cold self. The Giants went 3-3 and missed the playoffs.

Jekyll & Hyde = not elite, not HOF worthy.
Eli Manning still has time. He has time to get his QBR up. If he gets another ring, he's a shoe in. If not, he'll have to do work or else, he'll end up like Phil Simms. And I even think Simms will get in eventually.
Eli Manning still has time. He has time to get his QBR up. If he gets another ring, he's a shoe in. If not, he'll have to do work or else, he'll end up like Phil Simms. And I even think Simms will get in eventually.

He's already better than Simms. If he puts up consistently good numbers from now on, he'll get in. His usual self is very good now, had some bad games this year as did several, but he'll turn it around again. He may not rack up huge regular-season numbers, but his best talents lie in the playoffs...he is still a top QB and has probably his best years ahead of him. He'll be fine, just gotta keep a good team around him.
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That just proves my point. The true greats elevate their team week in and week out, year after year.

This past year, the Giants were 4-2, and positioning themselves at the front on the NFC pack. Over the next 4 games, the Giants went 2-2, due in no small part to Eli throwing 1 TD to 6 Ints. Those numbers are terrible even for a backup. Over the next 6 weeks, when the Giants needed him most, Eli was his usual hot-and-cold self. The Giants went 3-3 and missed the playoffs.

Jekyll & Hyde = not elite, not HOF worthy.
So Lynn Swann, Joe Namath, Terry Bradshaw don't deserve to be in the HOF?
Eli Manning still has time. He has time to get his QBR up. If he gets another ring, he's a shoe in. If not, he'll have to do work or else, he'll end up like Phil Simms. And I even think Simms will get in eventually.

He's already better than Simms. If he puts up consistently good numbers from now on, he'll get in. His usual self is very good now, had some bad games this year as did several, but he'll turn it around again. He may not rack up huge regular-season numbers, but his best talents lie in the playoffs...he is still a top QB and has probably his best years ahead of him. He'll be fine, just gotta keep a good team around him.
He's surpassed Simms IMO.

It's like I previously said that as good as Rogers is, and Eli and Roethlisberger, they are in their primes with a ton of more football to go and talk of HOF should be years away.

However, in 4 years of play, Eli can reach 40k yards passing and 300 TDs. Those numbers and 2 MVPs should be enough and a course another SB win would push it even further.
Oh look, holding. Holding happens on every single play. The 49ers biggest run of the game, had the most blatant holding I've ever seen. Quit whining, seriously.
Oh look, holding. Holding happens on every single play. The 49ers biggest run of the game, had the most blatant holding I've ever seen. Quit whining, seriously.

This was a DOUBLE holding that lifted a defender directly out of the runner's path and went on for 5 seconds.

Also, here are stills of the LaMichael James fumble that led to Baltimore's 2nd TD. When Harbaugh was screaming that the whistle had blown, he was right. These were taken AFTER THE WHISTLE.


So sick of your whining. If you go through any game frame-by-frame, you can find 100 missed calls or more. Every play has missed calls. I could do the same thing and find a ton of calls that should have been against the Niners. It is just the nature of the game. Not every penalty is going to be called. Every your whiny ass coach knows that. If only the whiny ass fans would learn it as well.
Back and to the left.....

Back and to the left.....
So sick of your whining. If you go through any game frame-by-frame, you can find 100 missed calls or more. Every play has missed calls. I could do the same thing and find a ton of calls that should have been against the Niners. It is just the nature of the game. Not every penalty is going to be called. Every your whiny ass coach knows that. If only the whiny ass fans would learn it as well.

That's just a cop-out. The fact is that the Ravens scored on plays that were incorrect and the Niners had scoring opportunities taken away because of incompetence. We aren't talking about a few inconsequential delay-of-games or something.

Feel free to call me any name you like (the power of insults lost their power over me as I've gotten older), but your profanity is unbefitting of an authority figure. If I'm not mistaken, this is a website frequented by a lot of young people.
In terms of the last play, I think it was a bang, bang play with a lot of pushing by Crabtree and Smith. Watching the TV it's impossible to see, and it happened really quickly. Most analysts said it was a good no call.

In regards to the blown whistle called, I didn't notice it and this is the first time I've heard of it. And those pictures don't help. Especially since you can't hear pictures.

And for the kickoff touchdown. That's the only thing I would say is a point of contention. But again I didn't see it when I was watching the game either.

A lot of these plays, we have the benefit of instant replay. The referees don't on penalties.
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