I'm not a happy person (yes girl trouble.)


Jul 23, 2002
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I really hate making one of these threads... But I've been in love with a classmate for three years.. fiund out she's moving in with her boyfriend ****!:mad:
I feel really really bad.
You should have told her 3 years ago.
Tough luck, you should've acted on it three years ago. :(
"In Love" with her for three years? The way you say classmate instead of friend, are you saying you didn't even hang w/ her? You should have told her the truth about how you felt about her after like a week. You can't brood over someone for 3 years, that's horrible.
8Ball2/JanG5 said:
"In Love" with her for three years? The way you say classmate instead of friend, are you saying you didn't even hang w/ her? You should have told her the truth about how you felt about her after like a week. You can't brood over someone for 3 years, that's horrible.
We know each other, but I wouldn't say we're friends close..
Then you should have distanced yourself from her and found someone else.
Don't worry Hudson. This stuff happens. Don't let it get you.
Erzengel said:
Then you should have distanced yourself from her and found someone else.

Ha! I beat you to it this time. :p
Love is a strong word to use seeing as how you two are only classmates and NOT mates
Daisy said:
And she turned you down?
Then you should've moved on three years ago.
I know, but I just couldn't:(

erzengel, I dunno man kinda hard when we're in the same class you know?
Dr. MIX said:
Love is a strong word to use seeing as how you two are only classmates.
I couldn't find alternative word.:) :up: but you're right.
Keep your head up,push on.
Stay open to meeting someone else, don't focus so much on one person.It's not healthy.
Hudson said:
I know, but I just couldn't:(

erzengel, I dunno man kinda hard when we're in the same class you know?

Well, do it now then.
How can you guys be in the same class for three years? Are you in highschool?
Hudson said:
I couldn't find alternative word.:) :up: but you're right.

Na love describes this the best if you are this hurt about it when you already got your no 3 years ago. Unhealthy love, but love.
3 years ago a girl turned you down and now you're mad she is moving in with her boyfriend :confused:....dude in order to have girl trouble, you have to have a girl first.
ShadowBoxing said:
3 years ago a girl turned you down and now you're mad she is moving in with her boyfriend :confused:....dude in order to have girl trouble, you have to have a girl first.

can't have a girl w/o buyin her some honey soap...

ShadowBoxing said:
3 years ago a girl turned you down and now you're mad she is moving in with her boyfriend :confused:....dude in order to have girl trouble, you have to have a girl first.
I thought it was kinda ambigious:confused:
as girl and trouble, but 'girl in a relationship with me trouble' .:confused:
Hudson said:
I know, but I just couldn't:(

erzengel, I dunno man kinda hard when we're in the same class you know?

Well are you still in school with her now?

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