Iron Man cameo in Hulk...uhhh DAMN!

I'd love it to happen, but at the moment I call BS. Why the hell not though? I mean, Fury is (more than likely) in the Iron Man flick, so if they pay Downey enough I'm sure they could pull it off.

But yeah, not holding my breath
it's possible that the SAME SCENE or some variation of it might be in BOTH movies lending to the comic book / single universe,
That would be cool but seems kind of late in the game for them to just throw this together.
That would be cool but seems kind of late in the game for them to just throw this together.

Who says they just thought of it lately? I bet they had this planned and are shooting it now. Marvel do want movies they make to be linked for a future Avengers film.

I hope this does NOT happen.

Why not?
depending on how they approach it, it could be a decent move or a terrible one...

we'll see...
The films are coming out 1 month apart, both are now Marvel properties, and we know that the cast for both productions have already met this year... it could happen and be a very good thing.

The end of Iron Man (after credits roll) could reference Hulk... Starks helps the military design weapons to contain the Hulk (Hulkbusters?)... Starks briefly appears in Hulk's movie... not a far-fetched idea. :im: :bh: :woot:
i personaly think this is a great idea! thats what i loved about the 90's cartoons from marvel. there was always a cameo, which connected the universe. i've always hated that marvel films have been owend by multiple campanies, how awesome would a hulk movie with wolverine be?? or in the wolverine movie, to have him face off with hulk? i think if done correctly, its the greatest idea!
good thing with the hulk, he has tangled or teamed with so many heroes, he could cameo in any marvel movie. even if it was a news report on a tv in the back ground! it wouls be cool to see.
I always had this thought at the back of my head. The super hero crossovers. I like it because it always makes the movie more epic, you know that there is a threat so big that one superhero can't fight it alone and they must all come together, that kind of stuff.
Fury in separate scenes talking about Iron Man and a Hulk appearance is a natural fit and a GREAT idea. Linking them for what will eventually be an Avengers movie is as smart as it gets. General movie fans will appreciate the guidance and the intrigue and Marvel fans will simply go crazy. I LOVE THE THOUGHT OF IT!
This is a move for the fans. It's a great idea if done right. How could anyone be against this?
But the biggest news to come out of the panel might have been when Feige confirmed that cameos like Samuel L. Jackson will lay the groundwork for an eventual film that will bring multiple Marvel heroes together. “That’s definitely a plan,” he remarked. “He’s a well-known character,” Feige said of the Iron Man fanbase. “And he certainly will be next summer.”

Published by Larry Carroll on Saturday, July 28, 2007 at 9:03 pm.

Old news really:bh:
Very possible.Marvel would have to be idiots not to take advantage of the fact that these movies are being released so close to each other.

Hope it's true,something subtle like Stark and Banner meeting.
I'm hoping for an even more subtle connection between the movies.
this would be awesome. i want to see hulk beat ironman in his hulkbuster armor.
Since the plan is to eventually make an "Avengers" movie and these two guys are founding members... seems logical to me. Nothing big, but a nice nod to fans AND a set up for what (we hope!) will come to pass in the near future.
I love this idea, Story wise, I could totally see Ross turning to Stark to build the Hulk Buster suits for the army, setting up a great battle for the second Icredible Hulk film! It would be Sooo fantastic to see Robert Downy Jr as Stark in TIH! I really hope they DO, do something like that.
I love this idea, Story wise, I could totally see Ross turning to Stark to build the Hulk Buster suits for the army, setting up a great battle for the second Icredible Hulk film! It would be Sooo fantastic to see Robert Downy Jr as Stark in TIH! I really hope they DO, do something like that.:up: :up:
hmmm...I really cant see them filming a scene with either Norton or Downey that can appear in each other's films (that might raise some royalty fee headaches) but shooting a scene with Nick Fury that can be repeated in both films does seem a possibility (him having a conference call with the President concerning super soldiers - or something like that - might work).

Whatever the case, it would be a neat link, and the first step to establishing a marvel movie continuity too (so far the only link I can think of is 'Franklin Richards' name being listed on a computer in X2).
hmmm...I really cant see them filming a scene with either Norton or Downey that can appear in each other's films (that might raise some royalty fee headaches) but shooting a scene with Nick Fury that can be repeated in both films does seem a possibility (him having a conference call with the President concerning super soldiers - or something like that - might work).

Whatever the case, it would be a neat link, and the first step to establishing a marvel movie continuity too (so far the only link I can think of is 'Franklin Richards' name being listed on a computer in X2).

Dr. Strange is mentioned in Spidey 2 if I'm not mistaken.
Dr. Strange is mentioned in Spidey 2 if I'm not mistaken.

yep as a possible name for Doc Ock.... I think when Dr. Strange was sugested someone said

"already taken!"

and Franklin Richards was just a little easter egg

stupid one as he aint born... and X2 was before ff even came to be.

at any rate I love the idea....If Iron Man is a super Hit some ..even small mention of the Hulk may promote the Hulk for later that Summer.

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