is spider-man losing his marketability?


Oct 4, 2005
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i've noticed that on plenty of recent comics and video game covers spider-man is relegated to the background or does not feature at all. most recently the announced lego marvel game put out a promo poster that featured iron man, hulk, wolverine, and captain america. have these other characters taken his spot as the most popular marvel character?
I think it's more that the Avengers-related characters (cap, ironman, thor, hulk) are finally getting their time in the sun after all this time and Marvel's taking advantage. Spidey will always be Marvel's #1.
SPidey 700 was the #1 comic despite a 7.99 price pretty much a NO.

Also, keep in mind Marvel doesn't have the movie rights to spidey so maybe this is somewhat of a factor in what your talking about....but i'd doubt it.

Fact is Spidey is such a household name, really you don't need to pimp him to sell.
Also, it doesn't matter if he is on the cover for Marvel video games because he can carry his own games. The only other solo character that does that without it being a movie tie-in is Batman.
Yeah Spider-Man is now considered an icon, no way can other Marvel heroes overshadow him, Hawkeye? pfft oh please.

Unless of course it's a promo for something like Avengers or X-Men then that's an exception since Spider-Man isn't on their roster.
i've noticed that on plenty of recent comics and video game covers spider-man is relegated to the background or does not feature at all. most recently the announced lego marvel game put out a promo poster that featured iron man, hulk, wolverine, and captain america. have these other characters taken his spot as the most popular marvel character?

To be fair that Lego game is being mainly considered to be an Avengers game rather than a marvel heroes game. So spidey is there because he's an avenger and he sells. He's not up front because he wasnt in the Avengers film
Spider-Man is totally losing marketability. He has been since Spider-Man 3 and "One More Day". Even just the other day I heard a little kid tell his mother "Spider-Man is lame. The Avengers are cool." Some children don't even know who he is anymore. I heard another little kid call him "Praying Mantis-Man" by mistake.

I've noticed an increase in marked down Spider-Man apparel at stores. They just can't get rid of the stuff. Not even at Wal-Mart. One of my friends' girlfriend broke up with him because he said he kinda sorta liked Spider-Man. She wouldn't take him back until he said it was a bad joke and that he will "never joke about such a tragedy again."

Spider-Man fans are standing out on corners alone like smokers, shunned by society. Soon Spider-Man will be only a relic of the past, his books studied by historians and linguists and nothing more.

Truly the words of the Green Goblin in the 2002 movie have come true: "And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?"

RIP Spider-Man. It was fun while it lasted.
I can't really tell, but I am going to assume that whole post was a joke. One More Day has nothing to so with marketability. Most people who buy Spider-Man stuff don't know what One More Day (or Big Time, or the Clone Saga, or Kraven's Last Hunt, or any other comic storyline) is.
To be fair that Lego game is being mainly considered to be an Avengers game rather than a marvel heroes game. So spidey is there because he's an avenger and he sells. He's not up front because he wasnt in the Avengers film

Oh? Cause the small blurb i read about lego: MARVEL SUPER HEROES said that it was a game with the whole marvel U. They listed the Avengers the xmen and the Guardians of the galaxy. Plus Deadpool is on the banner too.

After being the number three most grossing movie ever im pretty sure that the avengers is a well known enough name that if Lego: MARVEL SUPER HEROES was just an avengers game they could have called it lego: Avengers
..and there are dozens of games with marketing would tell me the advertising should play up the "Marvel super Heroes" angle and show people the other characters they can be.
Isn't the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon popular with kids? who says he isn't marketable.
I don't think he has lost his marketability,but it does seem as if he's been pushed to the background lately. Of course,Marvel wants to ride the hot hand and right now,that's the Avengers.
When it's another Marvel hero in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, call me. ;-)
i get the avengers argument, but wolverine is front and centre too
I think he has been and that is why they are shaking things up so drastically.
I think he has been and that is why they are shaking things up so drastically.

Then you obviously must not be reading the comic because this isn't a shake up. The writer is the same, the rotation of artists is the same, the status quo is more or less the same. Peter hasn't gone anywhere. It's a story arc that Marvel wants the clueless to believe is permanent.
Spider-Man is totally losing marketability. He has been since Spider-Man 3 and "One More Day". Even just the other day I heard a little kid tell his mother "Spider-Man is lame. The Avengers are cool." Some children don't even know who he is anymore. I heard another little kid call him "Praying Mantis-Man" by mistake.

I've noticed an increase in marked down Spider-Man apparel at stores. They just can't get rid of the stuff. Not even at Wal-Mart. One of my friends' girlfriend broke up with him because he said he kinda sorta liked Spider-Man. She wouldn't take him back until he said it was a bad joke and that he will "never joke about such a tragedy again."

Spider-Man fans are standing out on corners alone like smokers, shunned by society. Soon Spider-Man will be only a relic of the past, his books studied by historians and linguists and nothing more.

Truly the words of the Green Goblin in the 2002 movie have come true: "And they found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?"

RIP Spider-Man. It was fun while it lasted.


Most hilarious thing I read all day.

Isn't the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon popular with kids? who says he isn't marketable.

It's highly popular with me despite being far more cartoony than I usually enjoy. I'm pretty sure it's objectively super-great.
Then you obviously must not be reading the comic because this isn't a shake up. The writer is the same, the rotation of artists is the same, the status quo is more or less the same. Peter hasn't gone anywhere. It's a story arc that Marvel wants the clueless to believe is permanent.
I was obviously referring to the plot and not the team working on it. And yes, it's been stated they want this to be like the Ben Riley arc, where this will be Spider-Man to readers for a while. I think the reason for this is because people are a bit bored with Peter Parker, and they want to make things fresh again, and when Doctor Spiderpus has had his run they will make an attempt to make Peter Parker new and interesting again.
It was. I tried to make it obvious but I have failed.

Try harder next time. I suggest a "LOL :woot:" at the end of the post. I mean, if you don't have that disclaimer at the end of the post how is anyone to know you're being facetious?
because it was incredibly obvious that he was joking

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