Jean Claude Van Damme in J.C.V.D.


I Am The Danger
Nov 15, 2007
Reaction score
Official Teaser
MTV: I can guess what J.C.V.D. stands for. Tell me about it.
Van Damme: It was well-written by Mabrouk El Mechri. They call him "the new Besson." [Ed. note: Writer/director Luc Besson's films include "The Professional," "The Fifth Element" and "La Femme Nikita."] He wrote a script about a guy who was arrested too many times in the U.S. Being drunk, my [character's] life was from success to failure. And this guy is now leaving the States to refresh himself, to go back to Brussels to see his parents. He's got no money and he's looking for any type of movie to pay his lawyers for child custody. And then he shows up in a post office where a heist is happening, and people think I'm part of it. And then it becomes very "Dog Day Afternoon." I think it's the best film I've done in my career. I didn't take any salary for it. I've got to respect my fanbase, the people who made me famous, but I'm trying to bring them something different. With me playing me, it was a very shocking experience. When I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't able to function for a few days. After 37 movies, I said, "I will never do another movie I would not like." What Mabrouk did to me, it's like Scorsese did to De Niro years ago. It's a very different picture for Jean-Claude Van Damme.

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Apologies if there is already a thread. I searched, couldn't find one.
Is this in line with the steven segal film that is supposed to be coming out about him?
1) Horrid, horrid "trailer"/"preview"/"clip" whatever...

2) It sounds interesting... I want to see something that will make me want to go first.
So Jean Claude Van Damme has essentially made an action movie version of "Paulie Shore is Dead?"
Van Damn is one of my heroes.

He is a legend, I will check out this trailer now using my fingers to activate the link, and then my eyeballs to view it.

Following this my brain will make a decision about how good this looks.
I thought it was a commercial till no ad came out at the end. How lame.
I think this is going to be pretty funny, and it's great that Van Damme can poke fun at himself in such a creative way.

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