Juggernaut would take it in the comics very easy, in the movies I'm not sure. Movie Juggernaut was very strong, but didn't have enough of a role to see what he could fully do, but I'm guessing Juggs would take it in the movies as well.
To all the "Thing can lift anything! Juggernaut is weak" talk...lol, sry but it's kinda the opposite.
Thing used to only be able to lift 15 tons, got upped to 50, then to 85, and might, might be close to 100 tons. Juggernaut is listed as incalculable, he's far over 100 tons. Heck there was a time where more Marvel writers said he was stronger than Hulk according to a Marvel writer in an old Hulk comic. Plus Juggernaut's completely invulnerable, doesn't have to eat, sleep, doesn't get tired. Ben was cut by Wolverine, and has had his chest blasted open if memory serves. Wolverine couldn't cut Juggernaut in 1mil years unless his claws were coated in Dr. Strange's magic or something.
Thing's a great character, and is downplayed and underestimated more than he should be IMO. He's got more heart and determination than Hulk or Juggs, but he just doesn't have the physical skills to hang with 'em anymore. Him and Hulk had some good fights in the old days, but he doesn't go against Hulk without backup anymore.