Kim Basinger's Vicki Vale

Ruined Angel

Dec 26, 2003
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I just watched B89 again, and I have to give major props to Kim Basinger for her portrayal of Vicki Vale. She took a character who could've been bland as hell and who, in the comics, was nothing more than a poor mans Lois Lane rip off, and turned her into a fleshed out, multi-dimensional character who was really interesting and likeable. I can root for Vicki. I can want her to get Bruce and end up happy ever after.

Kim seemed to have really great chemistry with everyone as well, from Keaton to Nicholson and especially Robert Wuhl. Not only that but (speaking as a fashion obsessed chick here) she had an AMAZING wardrobe. Oh I'd kill for some of those beautiful clothes.

Thanks, Kim, for helping to make B89 such an incredible movie. Vicki Vale is easily the best role you've ever played.
Originally posted by Ruined Angel
Thanks, Kim, for helping to make B89 such an incredible movie. Vicki Vale is easily the best role you've ever played.

While I agree that Basinger was good as Vicki Vale, LA Confidential is a much better performance from her, which she won an Oscar for.
I agree with everything you said.Kim Basinger was about the only thing I liked about that movie.Her wardrobe really made her very pretty.:)
ANyone watch 9 1/2 weeks?????
that movie was off the chain!!!!!!!!!!!
why cant you guys ever friggin stay on topic??
I don't know.

Why do you think we can never stay on topic, darko? :p
Originally posted by darko
ANyone watch 9 1/2 weeks?????
Yeah and its over-rated as hell. It was probably super racy for 1986 but I was unimpressed when I saw it and thought it was pretty boring.

I need to check out LA Confidental one of these days. Still haven't seen that movie.
Yeah was alright...her screaming made my ears bleed from time to time, but other than that...she was ok...bored me to death...
but then again Keaton and Basinger's boring personalities gave way to boring romantic sparks..

And her blue dress annoyed the s h i t outta me when I was younger...

BAH...Pfeiffer and Kidman own anyway
She was the screaming girl. I was sick of her wardrobe, I HATE that hughe baret she wears when the Joker kills the mobster with the feather.

Yes that blue dress IS annoying.
Originally posted by darko
ANyone watch 9 1/2 weeks?????

Yeah and to this day I still can't believe that I made the ffort t sit down and watch it (there's 2 hours out of my life that I'll never see again).

The "Vicki Vale" character in Batman '89 seemed a lot more like Silver St. Cloud to me than Vicki Vale. :o
The reason I liked Batman 89 less then Batman Returns was because 89 was boring sometimes and it got boring when Vicki Vale was on the screen....:o
I like Kim, and Vicki Vale... she's super hot... not just hot you see, but super hot. AND I'M STANDING BY IT!

and yes L.A. Confidential utterly rocks! One of the best movies ever I say! EVER.
She's great. She's my favourite actress and of course it was sweet as hell to see her associated with the Batman franchise. She said it in an interview that it was her favourite part because wherever she goes kids always call her Vicki Vale, so she will always be grateful for it.
I dont agree at all about her blue dress being annoying.I loved her wardrobe.In fact her wardrobe was pretty much the main reason why this is the movie I enjoy watching her in most since she is my favorite actress.:)
Originally posted by Batman
I dont agree at all about her blue dress being annoying.I loved her wardrobe.
Vicki's blue dress....or was it a sweater and skirt? I think it was....anyway that was my favourite outfit. What I liked about the fashions was that they looked as though they could be from any decade from the 40s upwards. I think the only clothes of Vicki's that I didn't like was that horrible white dress she wore to Bruce's party at the beginning, and the other day-wear white dress she wore when she was dancing with Joker in the belltower. Otherwise her clothes were all great.
U Know..... I Was About 3 When B89 Came Out And Ive Had It On Vhs Since I Was About 4 Or 5

Vale Screamed Way Too Much, But Was A Major Hottie In This Film.

I Think She Sort Of Set The Bar For Super Hero Eye Candy In Films,

I Mean Nicholson Was Flippin Out When She Distracted Him With

The Whole (oh Mr Joker Your So Powerful I Love Purple) Bit. I Mean

Many Say It Was Bats Who Saved Gotham From The Joker, But Who

Kept Joker Busy Long Enough For Bats To Get That Punch In?
Oh Yeah Regaurding Wardrobe Kim Basinger Looks Good In Just About Everything.
My Gawd! Where are you getting this stuff!

You're digging up fossils!
In the comics, did VV scream a lot and that's why she did in the film?
Silver Sable said:
In the comics, did VV scream a lot and that's why she did in the film?

No, the movies always improved what was poor in comics.

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