The Dark Knight Lachy Hulme for THE JOKER

Dr. Mid-Nite

Apr 15, 2006
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Seriously, he's the perfect choice for the Clown Prince of Crime. Even though we don't know about his acting skills, maybe this could be the role where we see what he's really made of. He's got the right build and looks for Joker, I just hope Christopher Nolan sees that and casts him!

Dr. Mid-Nite said:
Seriously, he's the perfect choice for the Clown Prince of Crime. Even though we don't know about his acting skills, maybe this could be the role where we see what he's really made of. He's got the right build and looks for Joker, I just hope Christopher Nolan sees that and casts him!

Boom said:

hey like I said before, an unknown Australlian HAS worked in the past for a comic book movie!!!!!!!!:wolverine
why not :joker: ?
The-Night said:
hey like I said before, an unknown Australlian HAS worked in the past for a comic book movie!!!!!!!!:wolverine
why not :joker: ?
I'm just tired of people saying he's PERFECT for the role. He may be VERY GOOD at the role, I won't deny that possibility. But perfect is a very strong word to use, considering there are actors out there with more impressive filmographies that could act the role just as good, if not better, than Hulme. Don't kid yourself by thinking that's not the truth.

For the record, sure Jackman as Wolverine "worked." But could they have done better? You'd better believe it.
Dr. Mid-Nite said:
Seriously, he's the perfect choice for the Clown Prince of Crime. Even though we don't know about his acting skills, maybe this could be the role where we see what he's really made of. He's got the right build and looks for Joker, I just hope Christopher Nolan sees that and casts him!


LOL Yay untested actors!
Good Christ, I'm gone for a night and we're overrun by n00bs.

We've had this discussion before. About a million times a day.

Did we really need ANOTHER thread to discuss this? Where's the mods when you need 'em?

Oh, right, the Spider-Man 3 boards...
Keyser Sushi said:
Good Christ, I'm gone for a night and we're overrun by n00bs.

We've had this discussion before. About a million times a day.

Did we really need ANOTHER thread to discuss this? Where's the mods when you need 'em?

Oh, right, the Spider-Man 3 boards...

You missed the action last night - I was actually put on IGNORE by RedIsNotBlue!
Keyser Sushi said:
Good Christ, I'm gone for a night and we're overrun by n00bs.

We've had this discussion before. About a million times a day.

Did we really need ANOTHER thread to discuss this? Where's the mods when you need 'em?

Oh, right, the Spider-Man 3 boards...

Oh.....sorry. :(
StorminNorman said:
You missed the action last night - I was actually put on IGNORE by RedIsNotBlue!
You're probably better off killing yourself then. That's so heinous my fragile mind can't even conceive it.
I think I would be the perfect choice to play The Joker. I'm unknown and have no acting skills. Oh and I would be cheap. me:up:
StorminNorman said:
You missed the action last night - I was actually put on IGNORE by RedIsNotBlue!

Wow, for real? What'd you say to him? :D
I trust Nolan. If he picks Hulme, then Hulme can do it. I can't comment, though, since I've only seen him in a brief Matrix role.
wikum said:
I think I would be the perfect choice to play The Joker. I'm unknown and have no acting skills. Oh and I would be cheap. me:up:

You've never seen Hulme act in a movie so don't talk!!!!!!!
The-Night said:
You've never seen Hulme act in a movie so don't talk!!!!!!!
Have you?

And if you're going to say "Matrix Revolutions," don't bother. That cameo holds absolutely no water, considering the character Sparks bears know similarity to The Joker on any level whatsoever.
Boom said:
Have you?

Yes I have and let me tell you something, the man can act!!!!!

I watched Four Jakcs beore I made my decision about Hulme. Unlike some peope here who have have only watched in on the matrix for 2 sec and say NO!!!!!!
The-Night said:
Yes I have and let me tell you something, the man can act!!!!!
What movie?
Boom said:
What movie?

the question is have you? I mean you seem to be so judgemental about him that I'm sure you have seen everyting he's in that does not last for 2 sec

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