In June DC's Top 5 selling titles were JLA at #6, Justice at #7, Countdown at #17, Flash at #18 and Countdown again at #19. What does this tell us? Mostly, that people seem to love to hate JLA. Countdown is really not selling that badly, and people bought the Flash because of the buzz.
In May, the top 5 titles were JLA at #3, All Star Batman at #9, the last issue of 52 at #15, JSA at #16, and Countdown's first issue at #19. What does this tell us? A lot of people like the two big team titles, people will continue to buy late crap, and the weekly format up until now is still working.
Captain Stacy mentioned the big 3 before, well in May Batman sold at #24, Action Comics and Superman sold at #44, 45, 46. (Action double shipped this month) and Detective Comics all the way at #50. Wonder Woman actually outsold all these titles except Batman at #41. Worth mentioning that Superman/Batman sold at #31.
In June, Superman/Batman was the best of the titles selling at #24, Wonder Woman at #43 and Detective Comics at #44, and Superman at #45
So in conclusion, it really doesn't seem like the big 3 are really adding anything to their sales at this point. The big 3 got outsold in both months by: TEEN TITANS and GREEN LANTERN.
Yay for unnecessary analyzing!