First thoughts:
- CIVIL WAR: HOUSE OF M !? Whatever Gage and his editors drank that week...I want some. I mean usually when I see that may sharks being jumped in a row, it is a Spider-Man event.
- CAPTAIN AMERICA #42 nears towards the climatic issue #50 and I am not ready to see the Brubaker run end; hopefully he remains longer. I mean, if JMS could torture ASM readers with his ASM garbage maybe 3-4 years after he clearly ran out of ideas, then can't Brubaker stick around past #50? Fingers crossed...either way it looks awesome.
- What I love about female characters taking over male character names is the inclination by a writer to add a word like "lady" to the codename. As if a pair of breasts, a new costume, and pouting lips weren't enough to convince people that it was a new character.
Yes, "Lady Bullseye" is stupid. It isn't even limited to Western characters; they had a female Devilman in Japan, and what was the name of her anime?
Devilman Lady. UGH.
- Despite his rep, I actually doubt that Mark Millar would seriously kill off Invisible Woman. Of course, Joe Q has declared war on any Marvel marriage that he didn't personally bend over backwards to hap-hazardly arrange with all the grace of a mule on crack (see: T'Challa & Ororo), so there always is that possibility. Still, not leaping to conclusions on this one. Sue's been claimed to be killed in quite a few stories before.
- GHOST RIDER #27 looks interesting and Aaron has SO been a blessing on the title. A shame that it is tumbling down the Top 100 like a stone and he will probably only get this last arc. If only he had launched the title instead of Way, GR would have been much better off.
- Looking forward to INVINCIBLE IRON MAN's climax for the first arc. I wonder if Zeke Stane will go down in the first arc, or will Fraction learn from Brubaker and drag out a main villain for 50 issues?
- Marvel Apes...seriously, Marvel, apes haven't done DC any favors. I guess that addiction to ripping off bad ideas dies hard.
- THOR #11 sports another generic cover, and seriously, Thor, are you surprised Loki backstabbed you for the 100th time? It's like Superman being surprised when Lex Luthor tries to kill him with a suit of armor and Kryptonite. I enjoy the title but it runs the risk of hitting a rut.
- THE TWELVE 1/2, finishing what THE TWELVE #0 started with reprints. But why does it have to be $3.99 when the core title at $2.99 is barely selling above the Top 85?
- Did FOOLKILLER really do so well to deserve a sequel series, when TERROR, INC. didn't? For shame.