The Amazing Spider-Man Mary Jane Watson Cast, New Villain Rumor for Sequel - Part 1

If you guys want to discuss BATMAN and his movies....go to his forum.
Sorry about that; I'm done with my end of the argument.
Does any one else think Woodley looks childish or baby faced?

I wanted Webb to make MJ an arrogant/self-obsessed girl in the beginning and later mature her up in 3 but she's too cute to act like that imo
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Does any one else think Woodley looks childish or baby faced?

I wanted Webb to make MJ an arrogant/self-obsessed girl in the beginning and later mature her up in 3 but she's too cute to act like that imo

I see what you mean. She does have that face. I think she'll play more confident than anything. We'll see!!
Language please.

I've never understood this language panic in SHH!

I mean, it's censored.

I think America in general is ridiculous when it comes to word censorship. It's (IMO) one of the most immoral countries when it comes to policies, yet it's such a big deal if one says "****" in TV.

EDIT: I forgot to add...I mean one of the most immoral countries among western countries. Of course I find many eastern countries alot worse.
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I've never understood this language panic in SHH!

I mean, it's censored.

I think America in general is ridiculous when it comes to word censorship. It's (IMO) one of the most immoral countries when it comes to policies, yet it's such a big deal if one says "****" in TV.

Oh shut the **** up, Oscorp! :oldrazz: ;)
Looks like we have a February start date for TASM 2 with Pre-Production already underway.

Andrew Garfield: The Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield is ready for the sequel. Garfield was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this week and he confirmed that the sequel will begin production in February.

There's a little more info at that link.
Looks like we have a February start date for TASM 2 with Pre-Production already underway.

Andrew Garfield: The Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield is ready for the sequel. Garfield was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this week and he confirmed that the sequel will begin production in February.

There's a little more info at that link.

Awesome. I've always liked Garfield's passion about the role and his seriousness towards the character. Can't wait for the first set pics of the new suit/webshooters.
Wait so Troy can get kicked off for foul laungauge and this guy cant?
That seems a little... Wrong. Troy stood up for something, this guy is juat rude Imo.
Troy got kicked off, from I've read, because he relied on profanity when he could've clearly used better language in making his point across, but at least Spiderdevil edited his post.
Language please.
The automatic censor did it's job.

I've never understood this language panic in SHH!

I mean, it's censored.
As you can see from my response above....there was noting wrong, the censor did it's job.

Wait so Troy can get kicked off for foul laungauge and this guy cant?
That seems a little... Wrong. Troy stood up for something, this guy is juat rude Imo.
Troy was not "kicked off" for foul language. He was banned because he continued to troll after many warnings, infractions, and probations. He did not want to follow the rules and play nice with others.
Wait so Troy can get kicked off for foul laungauge and this guy cant?
That seems a little... Wrong. Troy stood up for something, this guy is juat rude Imo.

The Irony is killing me

Dude you are lucky to still be in here
Looks like we have a February start date for TASM 2 with Pre-Production already underway.

Andrew Garfield: The Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield is ready for the sequel. Garfield was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this week and he confirmed that the sequel will begin production in February.

There's a little more info at that link.

Thats cool

Cant wait for the first set photos,I think they'll be out in March or April
Troy got kicked off, from I've read, because he relied on profanity when he could've clearly used better language in making his point across, but at least Spiderdevil edited his post.

Plus I wasnt cursing anyone in here

Just thought a single word can make my point come across better about a character than using 4 words for the same
Andrew and Emma got a house in Beverly Hills together.

Thats new yeah...

*plays with thumbs*
wait... they're together in real life?? is this really the Twilight series for teenage boys?
wait... they're together in real life?? is this really the Twilight series for teenage boys?


This is the house by the way, 2.5 Million in Beverly Hills.



Troy was not "kicked off" for foul language. He was banned because he continued to troll after many warnings, infractions, and probations. He did not want to follow the rules and play nice with others.

Can he come back?
Andrew Garfield: The Amazing Spider-Man star Andrew Garfield is ready for the sequel. Garfield was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show this week and he confirmed that the sequel will begin production in February.
They're going to be getting back into it soon, then. Good news.

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