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Marvel Films MCU X-Men - Part 4

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Would have loved to see a second Matthew Vaughn film ahead of the DOFP crossover titled X-Men: Revolution set in 1969 to tie into the late 60s counter-culture revolution—anti-Vietnam protests, sexual revolution, women’s rights, psychoactive drugs, and an evolving perspective of the “American Dream.” Heck, maybe even have the climax take place during the Apollo 11 launch at Cape Canaveral...

And if I’m going down this fantasy route, First Class would have included Cannonball instead of Havok just to avoid the unnecessary Summers relation, and swapped Angel for another morally-ambiguous character such as Marrow (Angel always seemed like such a weird fit).

Darwin would have survived First Class, as is his power, and fought alongside the X-Men in the battle in Cuba—using his survival powers defensively to protect his fellow teammates; and at the military compound, Shaw would have instead killed Shiro/Sunspot, a hothead superhero recruited from Japan whose arrogance lead to his untimely death.

And Shaw would have instead been Mister Sinister, and Alice Eve would have remained cast as Emma Frost, and someone younger/more charming would have been cast as Azazel to hint at a future relationship with Mystique once she joins the Brotherhood at the end lol but now I’m really going down the rabbit hole...
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In another world...

directed by Matthew Vaughn



Charles Xavier: James McAvoy, 32
Erik Lensherr / Magneto: Michael Fassbender, 34
Raven / Mystique: Jennifer Lawrence, 21
Hank McCoy / Beast: Benjamin Walker, 29

Sam / Cannonball: Jack Reynor, 19
Sean / Banshee: Caleb Landry Jones, 22
Darwin: John Boyega, 19
Shiro / Sunfire: Shin Koyamada, 29
Sarah / Marrow: Zoe Kravitz, 23

Nathaniel Essex: Jon Hamm, 40
Emma Frost: Alice Eve, 29
Azazel: Ben Barnes, 30
Blockbuster: Robert Maillet, 42

Moira MacTaggart: Rose Byrne, 32
Fred Duncan: Oliver Platt, 51
William Stryker Sr: Don Creech, 63
CIA Director: Matt Craven, 55

This ‘what-if’ version largely mirrors the filmed version, albeit with the following changes/specifications:

  • Sebastian Shaw is replaced with Nathaniel Essex / Mister Sinister.
  • Havok is replaced with Cannonball.
  • Angel is replaced with Marrow.
  • Riptide is replaced with Blockbuster.
  • ‘Man in Black’ is named Fred Duncan.
Nathaniel Essex has been experimenting on mutants for years, and allied with Nazi Germany under the alias Klaus Schmidt during WWII where he encounters young Erik Lensherr.


  • He is nicknamed is “Mister Sinister” due to his cruel experimentation in the camp.
  • Mister Sinister is able to absorb energy, which also keeps him young (yes, he has Shaw’s powers). When he absorbs a huge amount, his body distorts at a molecular level which harkens back to (some of) Sinister’s comic-accurate powers.
The film’s prologue opens the same. When young Erik cannot move the coin, despite his best efforts, Mister Sinister (as Klaus Schmidt) shoots and kills Erik’s mother in front of him. In his rage, Erik’s out-of-control magnetic power kills the two guards and destroys two rooms, to Sinister’s delight.


Hank McCoy creates the Cerebro prototype used to find the First Class. Later, in the X-Mansion, Erik will make a passing reference to helping Xavier build a new model in the basement—a tongue-in-cheek reference to the X-Men (2000) continuity.


  • Sam / Cannonball is found locked away in prison (by his own choosing) and afraid of his own powers.
  • Sean / Banshee & Darwin are introduced in the same way as the film.
  • Sarah / Marrow is introduced as a dancer, same as Angel is the film.
  • Shiro / Sunfire is beloved in his town, a local celebrity—“Sounds like fun.”
  • Wolverine cameo is still featured to close the montage—“Go **** yourself.”

The Hellfire Club's roster is slightly changed--Mister Sinister, Emma Frost, Azazel, and Blockbuster (replacing Riptide).
  • Azazel is still menacing but has a flirtatious charm (as we see in the Club's intro sequence in Las Vegas, and when he confronts the First Class at the CIA Compound). The additional personality traits and recasting with an actor closer in age to Jennifer Lawrence will make a future pairing between Mystique & Azazel more believable (though not explored in this film).
  • Blockbuster provides a better physical confrontation for the First Class than Riptide (ideally this would have been Juggernaut / Cain Marko, but X-Men: The Last Stand continuity prevents that).
  • The Hellfire Club foot soldiers are present in the 60s and operate The Hellfire Club's submarine.

Magneto and Xavier corner Emma Frost in Russia (as in the film). Xavier and Frost then have a psychic duel on the Astral Plane in a 60s-psychedelic & mind-bending sequence:


  • Before she can be defeated, Frost transforms into her diamond form where her mind is impenetrable. (her clothes do not also turn diamond—minor nitpick!)
  • Magneto proceeds to choke her with a metal post until she reverts to her human form so Xavier can extract Sinister’s plan from her mind.
During Sinister’s assault on the CIA compound, Sunfire is killed due to his arrogance (Darwin survives). Marrow leaves with the Hellfire Club.
  • At their first introductions, Sunfire is the one who has the most power (and control) amongst the first class. Of course, this feeds his arrogance/ego which ultimately is his demise against Mister Sinister.
  • When Sunfire falls to Sinister, the team is at its lowest point. Not only have they lost a new friend, but they’re down a heavy-hitter. The mutants’ abilities are not necessarily offensive in nature, so this will make the training sequence at the X-Mansion more necessary.
Mister Sinister creates the ‘Magneto’ helmet; it’s not a “gift from the Russians.” As a mutant geneticist, he’s uniquely qualified to create a shield against mutant psychic powers.


Hank’s insecurity over his mutant appearance is more subtlety written and he’s less tone-deaf in his conversations with Raven; although the divide between the two still exists and leads to their parting when she eventually leaves with Magneto.


Hank does still experiment on himself the night before the mission, thinking that he’s developed a suppressant with Raven’s blood/DNA (maybe it’d even be a useful tool against Essex as a last resort, Hank argues).
  • Like the film, the serum itself exacerbates his mutation & he’s transformed into the blue & furry Beast (better prosthetics & CGI than the film version, closer to X-Men: Days of Future Past but not as bright).

After the X-Jet crashes on the beach in Cuba,

Mystique vs. Marrow:
Close, hand-to-hand fighting.
Beast vs. Azazel:
Beast uses both his smarts and his animalistic powers to defeat Azazel.
Cannonball & Banshee vs. Blockbuster:
Long range attacks to avoid Blockbuster’s reach — Sam gets in trouble when he flies in too close.
Darwin vs. Hellfire Club foot soldiers:
His mutant ability makes him a safe target to draw away gunfire from his teammates.

Inside the submarine, Mister Sinister is adorned is his full comics-accurate blue costume with the ‘Magneto’ helmet. The confrontation plays the same with Erik slowly passing the coin through Sinister’s skull.


Xavier is paralyzed on the beach after one of Moira’s deflected bullets strikes his spine— she was trying to stop Magneto from unleashing the missile payload back onto the US and Russia warships.

Mystique leaves with Magneto and Marrow, Azazel, & Blockbuster. Army helicopters are heard and seen coming from distance.
  • Before they BAMF away, Mystique kisses Beast goodbye. She then quietly says to him “Mutant and Proud” in a moment for only them and not shouted across the beach.
We later see the X-Men (Cannonball, Darwin, & Banshee) moving into the X-Mansion in an outro montage for their characters.

A wheelchair-bound Xavier and his mutants are at the mansion, where he intends to open a school. Moira promises Xavier never to reveal his location and they kiss; later at a CIA debriefing, she says she has no memory of recent events.
  • She leaves the Bureau and we see her packing up her cubicle with several genetics textbooks as well as Xavier’s doctorate thesis— foreshadowing her future in mutant research at Muir Island.
The movie ends with Magneto breaking out Emma Frost from the CIA prison with his newly formed Brotherhood of Mutants: Mystique, Marrow, Azazel, & Blockbuster.

Magneto is dressed in a classic, comics-accurate, costume.


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Would have loved to see a second Matthew Vaughn film ahead of the DOFP crossover titled X-Men: Revolution set in 1969 to tie into the late 60s counter-culture revolution—anti-Vietnam protests, sexual revolution, women’s rights, psychoactive drugs, and an evolving perspective of the “American Dream.” Heck, maybe even have the climax take place during the Apollo 11 launch at Cape Canaveral...

oh my gosh that literally makes my mouth water. That would have been so cool to see. I wonder if they had had the chance if they would have given us a proper 1980s x-men film with the legacy virus fallout and metaphors for ACT up and all that instead of the weird schlock we got instead
oh my gosh that literally makes my mouth water. That would have been so cool to see. I wonder if they had had the chance if they would have given us a proper 1980s x-men film with the legacy virus fallout and metaphors for ACT up and all that instead of the weird schlock we got instead

I think DOFP should have rounded out the first prequel trilogy:
  • 1962: X-Men: First Class
  • 1969: X-Men: Revolution
  • 1973: X-Men: Days of Future Past
The second trilogy in the rebooted timeline with a young Scott/Ororo/Jean should have been set in the 80s-early 90s to really flesh out the time period instead of just using it as set-dressing.
  • Set up Apocalypse as the overarching villain whose resurrection is brought about due to the time travel shenanigans in DOFP.
  • Dazzler is introduced in place of Jubilee.
  • Charles and Erik play reduced roles with subtle makeup/CGI/wardrobe to reflect their characters’ ages.
Deadpool films would be largely self-contained but set in the new timeline (explaining the newly-recast Colossus) and cameo appearances from X-Men would be the OT cast.

Logan is the question mark here. Great movie that I wouldn’t want to mess too much with, but the way it’s written is such a somber ending for our beloved X-characters. I’d set it in further along in the future so Xavier and the other OT X-Men are long dead—maybe we see an aged versions of one of them, like a blind Scott Summers (like Clint Barton in the comics)? Stewart is still in the film, but more as a memory of Xavier that lingers in Logan’s mind to guide him. The audience will be forced to question if he’s real or not.
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In hindsight, they should have just made a X3 sequel / Ot cast film in 2011. BoX office wise, First Class underperformed and thats why the OT cast was asked back for the 2014 movie. Then of course, Kinberg and company thought it was a good idea to ditch them for the 2016 film, and another X-Men movie underperformed and that movie led to the flop that was Dark PhoeniX. The X-Men shouldn't be set in the past Xpecially with Magneto and Mystique hogging screentime from the actual X-Men.
Do you think the first movie is too soon to introduce Muir Island?

Muir Island, Asteroid M, Utopia ... all locations not adapted yet will maybe in MCU
In last X-men Fox movies, we had enought Nightcrawler; Beast, Colossus appearances. Thats why I hope they will make them cameos in the first installment

They should start with famous x-men with no much screentime in Fox previous' adaptations
and Cyclops, Wolverine, Emma Frost, Storm as seniors

Most famous and appreciated x-men characters are Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Beast, Colossus, Kitty, Jubilee, Gambit, Rogue, Iceman, Angel, Psylocke. I hope x-men team existed before the snap and look like this roster, they were already active
I really don't want to see Storm and Cyclops appearing as seniors to Rogue again.
I would say...

We as a demographic need to stop looking for things that are OBVIOUSLY not going to be included in any way based on the most tangential speculation.

this entire thread has what? a 0.00001% of anything turning out true? lol.
Why wouldn’t it happen? Marvel has done tons of stuff so far we never thought would be adapted
I kind of want these new X-movies to ditch the idea of freshmen, senior etc. The mansion should be how it was in the O5 comics and 90s cartoon. Perhaps when things start to get worse for mutants Xavier opens the school to younger mutants or the new mutants.
I bet he’s dreading having to go the gym again haha
There is some chatter this might mean Hugh is gonna appear in the Doc Strange film as a cameo.
A cameo is fine. But if they try to bring him back as Logan, or use the Multiverse to introduce mutants rather than natural evolution, that's going to kill a ton of my interest in the project.
A cameo is fine. But if they try to bring him back as Logan, or use the Multiverse to introduce mutants rather than natural evolution, that's going to kill a ton of my interest in the project.

I'm out if they do this. It defeats the entire point of *mutants*
I think it's better than if they make them Inhumans. At least they could be mutants from wherever they came from.
I think it's better than if they make them Inhumans. At least they could be mutants from wherever they came from.
I mean, that's like saying being burned alive is better than being flayed alive.

Ant-Man sneezing in the past and causing the X-Men to appear would be better than them being Inhumans, but that doesn't mean they should even consider doing it.
I mean, yeah, as much as I like the Foxverse, I really don't need them to repeat it in the MCU. If they're going to reboot, a fresh start (more or less) is best.
A cameo is fine. But if they try to bring him back as Logan, or use the Multiverse to introduce mutants rather than natural evolution, that's going to kill a ton of my interest in the project.

Just seeing Jackman makes me apprehensive now about what direction they’re taking.
I can’t see Jackman coming back for more than a cameo or small role. He’s 52 and it’s a physically demanding role, and they’ll want the MCU Wolverine to be around for at least 10 years.

But god damn, if they’re playing with the multiverse then I want my James Mangold/Dafne Keen X-23 film.
I can’t see Jackman coming back for more than a cameo or small role. He’s 52 and it’s a physically demanding role, and they’ll want the MCU Wolverine to be around for at least 10 years.

But god damn, if they’re playing with the multiverse then I want my James Mangold/Dafne Keen X-23 film.
You mean Wolverine, Roose. Call the movie X-23, and twitter will get you. :o

I think Jackman might pop up for some cameos. He'll show up in the Deadpool flick for sure. Might even star in it. But they will have their own Logan.
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