My Mom Made It For Me: The Superman Suit Thread

I would love to see Clark and martha make his first suit, but it gets trashed fighting a villain.

He remembers the blankets in his spaceship that brought him to Earth.
He goes into the barn and pulls the blankets out of the ship and performs some tests on them.

First, He fires his heat vision at it.
Nothing happens at first, but it starts to burn at half power.

Then he uses freeze breath on it. Nothing.

Then he tries to rip it. He has to apply some serious force before it starts to tear.

He emerges later wearing a new suit made from the material from the ship.
That sounds fun. If the movie is inspired by Birthright one of the themes is superman trying to work out his identity so he could almost have a different suit for each identity, Clark Kent, Kal-el and superman (a mix of both)
Or, if you really wanted to get all alien tech with it ( I don't ) it could be nano tech made.
It could morph into any clothing he desires, including street clothes or Clark the reporter clothing.
I think comic book movies have kind of worn out the "nano tech suit that instantly appears on the hero" trope. I would rather they spend the CGI money on the action scenes or Metropolis establishing background shots then morphing Superman's suit unto his body (and the classic shirt rip is a way more iconic way to transition Clark into Superman).
I agree. I want the classic suit.
Yeah, no “dissolving nanotech suits”, please. I’m a pretty big MCU fanboy and even I am really sick of seeing that.
Plus we want to see him open his shirt and reveal that man cleavage with the logo. Can’t do that with a nano suit
The only reason I like the idea of some sort of nano or materializing suit would be for Clark to be able to wear short sleeves/shorts sometimes. If he's gonna wear traditional materials for his suit while wearing short sleeves, he might have to change INTO his suit, during his change...which honestly isn't really a problem since he's super fast. It just means no shirt rip for that particular scene. Otherwise, I definitely want him wearing the suit under his regular day-to-day clothes.
The only reason I like the idea of some sort of nano or materializing suit would be for Clark to be able to wear short sleeves/shorts sometimes.

That is a good point. So maybe it could be a traditional suit and nanotech suit hybrid. The torso part can be normal so he can rip his shirt open and you can see the logo, but then the arms and legs materialize into the rest of the suit. That way he is free to wear all cloths. Here is my prototype.
I would love to see Clark and martha make his first suit, but it gets trashed fighting a villain.

He remembers the blankets in his spaceship that brought him to Earth.
He goes into the barn and pulls the blankets out of the ship and performs some tests on them.

First, He fires his heat vision at it.
Nothing happens at first, but it starts to burn at half power.

Then he uses freeze breath on it. Nothing.

Then he tries to rip it. He has to apply some serious force before it starts to tear.

He emerges later wearing a new suit made from the material from the ship.
Sounds pretty interesting that. I’d be up for seeing that evolution of the suit, but keeping the Kents making his first suit. Their design could still be kept too, just the material enhanced as above.
Plus we want to see him open his shirt and reveal that man cleavage with the logo. Can’t do that with a nano suit
well, they could have it appear as the shirt rips... a little bare chest first too...
Nah, they'll be fine.
Everyone has an opinion and is valid of course but the trunks make no logical or practical sense in the 21st century IMO. They are an "add on" garment over what logically should be a uniform of sorts and have no practical function. Why are they there?

Oh well,,, I guess we will have to wait and see what they do.
Gunn has huge shoes to fill in terms of production design and costume design IMO.
Will be interesting to watch it develop.
Everyone has an opinion and is valid of course but the trunks make no logical or practical sense in the 21st century IMO.
Right. They're just a design element. It's a costume.
They are an "add on" garment over what logically should be a uniform of sorts and have no practical function. Why are they there?
I always treated the trunks as being part of the leggings. They're not an actual separate garment that he puts on over the leggings.

Again, a design element does not need to serve a practical function for it to exist.

The trunks break up the color of the suit in a neat and uniform way and they simply look better that staring at a wall of blue. And there's something to be said about the old-fashioned, "golly shucks" vibe they give off that fits perfectly for Superman. He's a being of impossible strength. Such limitless power could easily be perceived as frightening by anyone that actually took the time to sit down and think about his capabilities. His costume is meant to disarm people and make him more approachable. Inherent goofiness and a degree of self awareness in the costume works to that effect.
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Right. They're just a design element. It's a costume.

I always treated the trunks as being part of the leggings. They're not an actual separate garment that he puts on over the leggings.

Again, a design element does not need to serve a practical function for it to exist.

The trunks break up the color of the suit in a neat and uniform way and they simply look better that staring at a wall of blue. And there's something to be said about the old-fashioned, "golly shucks" vibe they give off that fits perfectly for Superman. He's a being of impossible strength. Such limitless power could easily be perceived as frightening by anyone that actually took the time to sit down and think about his capabilities. His costume is meant to disarm people and make him more approachable. Inherent goofiness and a degree of self awareness in the costume works to that effect.

If they are not a separate garment, even though they are clearly, and only a design element that looks so great, why hasn't the trend caught on? Do you wear trunk looking designs on your pants? Does anyone? Maybe he will start a new fashion trend?

And if a god of infinite powers scares the people,- the way to ease their fright is to wear comedic clothing and act the fool?

If that classic outfit was worn by a classic Superman in "today's" world he would be mocked and ridiculed and laughed at... and being the good guy golly shucks man of steel that he is, he could not get upset... just look goofy. But that's just my observations.

I get what you are saying and it works in comic books but not on the big screen anymore IMO.
But to each their own. We shall see. I for one could not take the film or character seriously if he looks silly. That is why casting and production design will be key... for me.

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His mom made it for him. There's your "justification" for the trunks.

She made him the suit yes. And gave him the red underwear to wear UNDER it!

Being a strange visitor from another planet, she never had the heart to tell him he was wearing his underwear on the outside...
It's like athletic fare: swimmers, wrestlers, acrobats, old time strongmen, gymnasts, classical dancers use similar stuff and no-one talks about they using underwear on the outside. It can work.

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