NFL Free Agency

Go Web Go!

Dec 17, 2003
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I don't know how many of you are actually interested in the NFL, but with free agency coming up I thought I'd go ahead and start a discussion. Looks to be one of the busiest off-seasons in recent memory with guys like Culpepper and Brees rumored to be moving. Anyway, feel free to discuss. Aaaand GO!

Don't forget to add Arrington *sniff* damn it...:mad::(:down
Antwaan Randle El will hopefully stay in Pittsburgh.
If he doesn't I wouldn't mind having him as a Redskin:o, if though...:(
Erundur said:
Don't forget to add Arrington *sniff* damn it...:mad::(:down

Well, he paid his way out. He was desperate to head out of there.
Go Web Go! said:
Well, he paid his way out. He was desperate to head out of there.

I wasn't venting my anger towards the organization, Arrington was a brilliant linebacker :(
I hope the Dolphins get Brees. :up:
Go Web Go! said:
That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!


Yeah, dont get me wrong Frerrote worked out pretty well for us but hes just not a starter and I jumped off the Rosenfels bandwagon after those horrible starts of his. Except for that one game he played pretty good in.
I get ya. Gus did a lot better than most people expected him to. I was pretty surprised to be honest. It would be nice to keep him around as a back-up if they do infact acquire Brees or Daunte. Either that or keep him as the starter if they fix their QB problems via the Draft.
Go Web Go! said:
I get ya. Gus did a lot better than most people expected him to. I was pretty surprised to be honest. It would be nice to keep him around as a back-up if they do infact acquire Brees or Daunte. Either that or keep him as the starter if they fix their QB problems via the Draft.

I think other than the QB situation we need a good solid o-line. Ronnie isnt going to run over people like Ricky so we need to open up some holes for him.
Well their O-Line improved drastically last season from '04. A new addition or 2 would do the trick, but I think their biggest need other than QB is CB.
Chris Mortenson just said on SportsCenter that he expect the Vikings to trade Culpepper to Oakland or Miami within 24hrs. :o
I'm thinking Miami, becuase I believe Al Davis wants to keep Kerry Collins (I think).
Erundur said:
I'm thinking Miami, becuase I believe Al Davis wants to keep Kerry Collins (I think).

They cut Kerry Collins...
Eagles should pick up Peterson, Randle El, Mawae, and a DL but they'll settle for 3rd best all the way.
I think they're better off picking up Bentley from the Saints. I'm not sure of Bentley's age, but Mawae is 35. That's senior citizen in the NFL.
With all do respects to LaVar Arrington the best LB in the FA is Witherspoon from Carolina.

As a Bengal I am hopin to pick up Sam Adams or another quality DT to fill that gap.

I love the offseason, one of my favorite times of the year - bring on the Draft!
Pats cut Willie McGinest and have yet to resign Adam Vinatieri and David Givens

I would presume McGinest and Vinatieri will be back while someone else can over-pay for Givens
Darthphere said:
I hope the Dolphins get Brees. :up:

I think Daunte would be a better fit as our line is not very strong. He fumbles too much and I like Brees better as a QB, but I see him getitng his ass handed to him every game where as Daunte would be more prone to running with the ball more then Drew and making something happen. Drew really injurd himself this last year, I doubt he could stand up to the pounding.
doesn't matter which QB the Dolphins get, they're still the Dolphins and they'll still miss the playoffs
StorminNorman said:
As a Bengal I am hopin to pick up Sam Adams or another quality DT to fill that gap.

I love the offseason, one of my favorite times of the year - bring on the Draft!


I'd love to see us pick up Adams! Then draft a show stopping saftey!
Guy Gardner said:
doesn't matter which QB the Dolphins get, they're still the Dolphins and they'll still miss the playoffs

Check yourself dude, the Fins have not missed the playoffs very many times in the past 25 years. Check your facts.

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