The Dark Knight Nicholson on Ledger playing the Joker

May 20, 2007
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MTV: What do you think of another actor, Heath Ledger, playing the Joker in next summer's "The Dark Knight"?
Nicholson: Let me be the way I'm not in interviews. I'm furious. I'm furious. [He laughs.] They never asked me about a sequel with the Joker. I know how to do that! Nobody ever asked me.
MTV: It was never brought up?
Nicholson: No. It's like, in any area, you can't believe the reasons things do or don't happen. Not asking me how to do the sequel is that kind of thing. Maybe it's not a mistake. Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious.
MTV: I'm surprised to hear you sounding competitive about a role like that.
Nicholson: Well, the Joker comes from my childhood. That's how I got involved with it in the first place. It's a part I always thought I should play.
MTV: Will you see the new film?
Nicholson: I'm not inclined to watch it because of what I said. But if it's a good movie, I'll catch up with it somewhere. I don't think they ever really captured Tim Burton's spirit [since he stopped being involved]. They kind of drove the franchise into the ground. Tim Burton's a genius. He had the right take on it. That's why I did the movie. I did the movie based on a single conversation with him. We both come from the cartoon world originally. We had similar ideas. Tim said [the Joker] should have a humorous dark side to him. [Burton is] one of the great moviemakers. I think the world of him. He's the most unassuming man. And he doesn't feel pressure. That's what I love about him. Once he's in there, he's smiling making the movie. That's it!

Well, at least he's being honest. Hey, it's his opinion and he was an awesome Joker, so...:up:
Wow, great interview dude. Sucks that Nicholson isn't too happy with the new Joker, but it's great to see that he's passionate about it. That kicks ass.
Nolan wanted a darker insane Joker, not a comical crazy Joker. That's why Nicholson wasn't involved. And as for why they didn't ask advice from him, he's an actor not a director. He's not Bob Kane nor the real Joker, not that there is one. What purpose could he serve in preparing Ledger for a more manical and darker Joker? None that I can see, but who knows. Maybe there's some evil locked away in the old man. :woot:
I love the guy, but man.... he's got some balls to say all that.
What's he got to be embarrassed about?
Nothing wrong with a bit of passion.

That's true, but he makes it sound like they had to asked him about the Joker and that Burton was the end all be all.
Nothing wrong with being passionate at all. But really Nicholson has no solid right to be "furious". If anyone should have a say it's Romero, techniquely he was the first on screen Joker. But he's not here he can't comment on it all. Although I'm getting a kind of arrogance from the way Nicholson worded things. And in all honesty, asking him for advice isn't necessary but not harmful to the film. But if he meant to put him in the poll for playing the new Joker, he's too old for that. And it wouldn't make sense to use an old Joker in a new film.
I'm inclined to believe everything he said in that interview is a joke because there is no way he can be stupid enough to believe:

A) He is ripe enough to still play the Joker

B) People should have come to him for advice

C) That TDK is a sequel to Burton's film


D) That Burton nailed the Batman franchise.

But those were very poorly expressed thoughts, hard to know what he was trying to say.
I'm inclined to believe everything he said in that interview is a joke because there is no way he can be stupid enough to believe:

A) He is ripe enough to still play the Joker

B) People should have come to him for advice

C) That TDK is a sequel to Burton's film


D) That Burton nailed the Batman franchise.

Things can easily be taken out of context.
He was clearly joking.


I guess sometimes when you read things you lose the way it's being said by the interviewee. I'd love to see an interview with Nicholson on E.T. or Extra where we can see his facial expressions and hear the intonations in his voice.
If he's serious, he's taking it the wrong way since this is not a sequel.

He should watch it and be open-minded. :)
Jack Nicholson is full of himself
Though I own a lot of Jacks movies including Burton's B89 on DVD to me he is getting senial.

The things that made me laugh is like others said:

A. He clearly has no idea what this trilogy is. I bet a million dollars that he never saw Begins, and saw only Joel's incarnations.

B. A sequel? Ummm no its not lol. He apparently has no idea this is a new Joker.

C. I love Burton's version as well, but it sounds like he still did not see Nolan's. Though what does Jack care he swims in his pools of money all day.
I'm sorry I just don't believe he could be this bullheaded about it. Nicholson knows this industry, and he's such an icon in Hollywood that his words hold significance. Saying this stuff makes him look like a total jerk, and I think he's smart enough to wanna stay PC in an interview and not sound like an ass.

So he had to be joking, he just ran with the joke for the entirety of the interview, and he was so into it that people believed what he was saying was the absolute truth.

Jack N lost points there....unless he was trying to be funny
"Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious."

He was serious. To be candid means to be serious. Also his demeanor surprised the interviewer, obviously he wasn't joking.
He's mad that the Lakers lost last night. :o

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