Superman Returns Now that we see the costume in action, still think the same?


Oct 15, 2005
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First, I would like to say that what I see in the trailer was beautiful and great!!! But, we still think that the costume is not so good a and imponent as we whant ? Brandon really looks like superman? or we what so bad to see superman again in the big screen that we take anything!

Bryan Singer say that we have to see the costume in action to say if we like it or not ; a lot of people bay that and some others like me not, I say then and I can say now that just some photos was enough to know that the costume is not good, we thing and imagine a very imposing costume, and what I see is a very good scenes with very strong action, beautiful images, the fortress for example was amazing, very imposing, with great dimetions.

So... if thy made that with the fortress, why they donsent made the same with the look of superman? the action and what superman do was strong and powerfull, but not his look.

In some sceenes, brandon looks like Superman for a few seconds, but not mostly. What brandon routh need to look more like superman, is to have a better hairlook and his color must to be black, because wen he have a strong ligth on him, the hair looks brown, and some times, a very clear brown, and that is not superman. the hair look is very important. Every detail on the costume and the head is very important, that was a concept that Donner have, and singer need to have to.

The last thing that made the costume look bad, are the proportons, that would be how big is the S, the boots, the short or the belt are located over the of Routh`s body.

So, I dont know what you guy think now, but this what I think now that I see the costume in action, the movie is going to be great, but the costume is the same bad design!
Well, I haven't gotten to see the previews because for some odd reason even though I have the most recent update pf Quicktime, whenever I download trailers, all I get is a question mark.
I like the costume, except the shield is a bit too plastic looking. Would have preferred it to be less embossed, closer to the chest.

I like Routh's look, but he does look rather young. And, I have to say it, he doesn't hold a candle to Reeve. Nobody I know of does, and I am fairly happy with his look. The effects look amazing, and I love the colors of the suit.
he looks fabulous, darling.
i hated the costume when the first image hit. but after a while it grew on me, and seeing it in action was amazing
I still love it. It's got Fleischer written all over it
Agreed with pretty much everything supersebas said.


Superman? not quite yet.
lol yes that's superboy but he looked like superman when he was constipated.

the costume looks good when he's in daylight and the neckline's tightness isn't too apparent. i've only got a small res vid of it so its hard to judge.
The only thing I don't like is that in the pictures his suit has vibrant reds in it, but in action it's bland again. Have all the official pictures been edited to bring out more reds? And will they add anything to the final cut of the film to bring out the reds more, like the pictures show?
Wushuboy said:
Agreed with pretty much everything supersebas said.

Superman? not quite yet.
i agree with that :rolleyes:

I thought he looked like supes during this part.


what say you, superbas?
That GIF is funny! The pic of Reeve above your post is very scary and disturbing to me.
My minor gripes I had with the suit didn't bother me simply because the trailer was just so freakin' cool!!! The suit did look way better in action than it did in that first horrible picture that came out. I still don't know why they ever released that pic, it just made the suit look way worse than it actually is.
Masut said:
That GIF is funny! The pic of Reeve above your post is very scary and disturbing to me.

yeah.. caped wonder tends to overcompensate on the colors making them look too saturated.
Wushuboy said:
Agreed with pretty much everything supersebas said.


Superman? not quite yet.

man, people have latched onto this one photo pretty srongly. Routh looks way better in just about every other shot, but somehow everyone picks this one to "prove" that he doesn't look like Superman. There isn't even a context for this shot... for all we know it's in a flashback scene.
<borkis> said:
man, people have latched onto this one photo pretty srongly. Routh looks way better in just about every other shot, but somehow everyone picks this one to "prove" that he doesn't look like Superman. There isn't even a context for this shot... for all we know it's in a flashback scene.

Yeah I know. There's bad shot's of any actor we could throw up for criticism. Routh does look different in nearly every scene though, it's quite bizzare.
dark_b said:
i agree with that :rolleyes:


again... measuring the weakest Routh shot with an awesome Reeve shot... that's objectivity working at its highest level right there....
<borkis> said:
again... measuring the weakest Routh shot with an awesome Reeve shot... that's objectivity working at its highest level right there....

I really don't like that shot of Reeve. He looks freaky in some pics
Masut said:
Yeah I know. There's bad shot's of any actor we could throw up for criticism. Routh does look different in nearly every scene though, it's quite bizzare.

If that isn't in a flashback (it really looks like they are *trying* to make Routh look young here) then they really flubbed by putting it in the trailer. You should never put weak shots into a trailer... people make their opinions before they see a movie and it doesn't help.
i don't see anything wron with tha shot of reeve. what's wrong with it?
Wesyeed said:
i don't see anything wron with tha shot of reeve. what's wrong with it?

I don't know, lol. I just find it freaky. There's other shots too
Wushuboy said:
Agreed with pretty much everything supersebas said.


Superman? not quite yet.

He looks awful in that picture... That is NOT Superman to me... :o:down
^ I hate it. He looks like he's wearing mascara, eyes look brown, eyebrows look unatural as well as the chin area looks thinner than usual. He has a little "feminin glow" to his face there, almost as if he's pulling a "blue steel", strange. Why couldnt they CGI his eyes to blue so that it would look more natural? Ah decisions...

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