Angamb said:
True, she more Gambit will refresh the saga perfectly, and the audience will like it more, I think.
Oh please, god... NO. Just...
You know damn well they're gonna turn Gambit into a larger than life obnoxious jerk spouting dreadful one-liners every 5 seconds and hitting on everything that moves. Oh, and for some reason, some chick will fall for him after a whole 2 minutes. Either that or they'll give us a ******ed version of the Rogue/Gambit romance.
Remember those people think it's
romantic for Logan/Jean to kiss while Cyke is either MIA or KIA.
Anyway, it's doubtful the tools/hacks they would hire would aknowledge his story is one of a bad guy gone good who eventually genuinely seeks redemption.
Honestly, the only way he could've been used purposefuly and sensically (aka not just popping out of nowhere and joining the cast cause he's cool) would've been as, let's say, a 20 years-old "heir" of Magneto in X1.
And no, he wouldn't turn on Mags because of Rogue. Way too cheesy. Have him give Rogue a genuine 'it won't hurt for long, chere' line and a sad smile during the last act. Would make a rather nice and in-character start for the inevitable romance between the two.
Also, without Sinister around, his powers could be rather impressive in a movieverse. That, and the brotherhood would have a mutant with goddamned projection powers (god, you'd think Mags could find better help than mere MUSCLE).
Meaning pretty much only Cyclops could take him on before being blasted to bits.
Think about it: Xavier's and Magneto's heirs battling it out. Cyke blasting Gambit's cards as they head towards him? Would make for some kickass SFX and about a 100x times better than those lame freesbees to showcase Cyke's gift with trajectories, lol.
Not only that, but it would allow Cyke to get all pissed off at the realization that this confused kid could've been him and that he wasn't any older when he started fighting. Would tackle the whole 'Xavier's a good man, but not a
saint' issue 100x times better than they did in X3.
Anyway, in the end, the X-Men (well, mostly Cyclops with Rogue semi-vouching for him) would bring Gambit back to the mansion and give him a chance at redemption.
Oh well, too late for that, eh. Not to mention that such character development might make the heads of Fox' executives explode or something.
Or maybe it's the notion of Cyke not being completely f****d over in the movieverse.