Official Cyclops/marsden Thread

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Rather than make a two-parters post, I'm separating those since they have nothing to do with each other. :D


Started reading Bishop's 'Fires Of Resurrection' fic on ffnet. Yes, got wind of it as I browsed through past pages. Awesome stuff!!!

Any other cool post-X3 Cyclops-still-alive fics out there? Figured someone around here would know. :D
Am about to go for my saturday morning hangover-killing job, so I'll try to make this short, lol.

Angamb said:
hahaha, yes, it's totally true. And that way, Cyclops would get more of a center role, don't you think? I vote for it. But vote for Emma manipulating him, not ending with him in X4, as a couple, that is for other sequel, maybe X5, but for X4, the manipulate Emma/Scott relationship would be really great, more the x-men salving him at some point of the film.

The way I'd see it (keep in mind, I thought about it for maybe a whole 5 minutes while watching askaninja clips before typing), the Hellfire Club should battle the X-Men with Cyke as one of their pawns in the second half of the movie, kick their a$$$es and leave Wolvie for dead (throw him down a ravine/pit or something as an hommage to the original story).

During the battle, Xavier should use his powers to show Cyke memories of old and happier times of him as a young X-Men and student. One: Chuck would get to do something useful. Two: He wouldn't appear to be the OOC insensitive backstabbing a$$$hole that he was to Cyke in X3.

Cyclops would then turn on the Hellfire Club, get beaten and left for dead too (make one of them have projection powers - the original line-up sucked badly IMO - and bring a wing of the mansion or whatever location down on Cyke). Have Emma look slightly sad/disappointed at the turn of event but still stand with the Club.

Wolvie would make his way back up, Cyke would blast his way out, the pair would team up and go at it for one last round with the Club on their own turf.

What would be nice would be for Cyke and Emma to just stare at each other as the Hellfire Club burns down around them. Cyke would have his hand on his visor ready to blast her. Close shot of his jaw clenching for a moment, and then he would lower his hand, mouthing 'go'. You know, the whole 'she's bad but not 100% evil and being her lust puppet wasn't that bad' angle rather than a poorly written preposterous escape. Or just bringing her back cause she's cool and charismatic like they did for Mags.

Anyway, the scene would then set up a short exchange between him and Logan.

"Should've blasted her, one-eye."
"She should've fried my brain."

No more words are exchanged, just a in bloody character silent understanding between the two as they get the hell out of there.

Sigh. As if Fox would go for 'tough/angsty' Scott rather than 'wimpy/EMO/I'm-only-here-to-make-Logan-look-good Scott'.

Damnit, so much for keeping it short. :D

Oh well.
DarthCyclopsRLZ said:
The way I'd see it (keep in mind, I thought about it for maybe a whole 5 minutes while watching askaninja clips before typing), the Hellfire Club should battle the X-Men with Cyke as one of their pawns in the second half of the movie, kick their a$$$es and leave Wolvie for dead (throw him down a ravine/pit or something as an hommage to the original story).

During the battle, Xavier should use his powers to show Cyke memories of old and happier times of him as a young X-Men and student. One: Chuck would get to do something useful. Two: He wouldn't appear to be the OOC insensitive backstabbing a$$$hole that he was to Cyke in X3.

I would love to pay a lot of money to see this (especially the plot where Wolverine got beaten...) but in order to put all the scenes you said into a movie, Fox will have to hire some script writers way smarter and more creative and know something about the real X-Men than those two who wrote X3, and possibly, hire a new directer as well (preferably let Singer come back.). Then maybe yor ideas will have a chance to come true.

As for other post-X3 fanfic where Cyclops is still alive, if you can't find it, why don't you write one? All you have to do is using the plots in your posts as a basis.
So far, there aren't many post-X3 fanfic put the whole hellfire club into their stories, maybe you can make a difference.
Woah, just got back from my morning jog. God, there's just something wrong about not having snow in Canada on December 18th. *shudders*

Figured I'd drop a line before going to one my last two finals (boooyaaahh!)

UraniaChang said:
I would love to pay a lot of money to see this (especially the plot where Wolverine got beaten...)

You just gotta enjoy bashing movieverse Wolvie as a Cyke fan, lol... Seriously, though, my intent was to have Cyke and Wolvie stand together like they've always been f****n meant to be, not get kicks out of Wolvie getting beaten to a bloody pulp. :D

UraniaChang said:
but in order to put all the scenes you said into a movie, Fox will have to hire some script writers way smarter and more creative and know something about the real X-Men than those two who wrote X3, and possibly, hire a new directer as well (preferably let Singer come back.). Then maybe yor ideas will have a chance to come true.

All the scenes? There wasn't much of them, lol. Even if counting the implied "X-Men captured and Hellfire Club gets to gloat about it" scene, but still... :D

As for the notion of Fox doing such a thing... Bwahahahahahahaha. Movieverse Cyclops getting to do something? Fat chance, no matter how awesome it would be. :whatever:

UraniaChang said:
As for other post-X3 fanfic where Cyclops is still alive, if you can't find it, why don't you write one? All you have to do is using the plots in your posts as a basis.
So far, there aren't many post-X3 fanfic put the whole hellfire club into their stories, maybe you can make a difference.

Already did, lol. Ever since I woke up from my "watching X3" induced-coma, actually. Worked on it between visists to the gym (preemptive strike at the couple of pounds I'll inevitably gain during the holidays), studying session and "only 'insert number' exams to go!!!!!" drinking binges. Am almost done (just found out I'm more of a perfectionnist than I thought *sigh*) with the first two chapters and pretty much finished big chunks of dialogue for key sequences later on.

It's just that rather than an action/adventure story, it's more like "two years in the life of Scott Summers and Emma Frost with the Hellfire Club and Dark Phoenix waiting in the wings". It's difficult to do justice to Cyclops in a story that reads like a movie IMO.

I won't go into too much details, but the basic premise is that Scott Summers did die at Alkali and is brought back by the Phoenix. It's just that the psychic bond worked both ways and he too ripped part of her lifeforce/power/consciousness. Even worse, he took it with him when he died.

While it IS a Scott/Emma story (eh), this is my way to aknowledge that there was (at some point, anyway) in the movieverse a very strong bond between Scott/Jean that could hold its own if just for a while against the Phoenix' rage. *Tips hat off to Scott/Jean fanatics*

The only reason he is brought back, as Dark Pheonix mockingly tells him in the Hot White Room, is that she wants to be whole again and become the best destroyer of worlds that she can be. :D

Think of it as my way to explain why she was knocked out (god Kinnberg and Penn suck, just... god damn) and why she was such a powerless clueless moron (refer to the 'sucking' comment made above) in the movie.

Anyway, they're both brought back to life, just not in the same place and time. Won't give too much spoilers, but I'll just say that:

1- The Hellfire Club has something to do (they think so anyway) with Jean's resurrection and mess around with her mind (insurance policy). They don't show themselves for most of the story as they basically just orchestrate small massacres which the X-Men have to deal with. Their way to ensure that the Dark Phoenix, through Jean, will grow stronger (the whole 'getting off on DEATH' angle), eventually break free and return to them.

2 - Dark Phoenix goes into an hibernation of sort after kickstarting her own resurrection. It IS Jean that comes back. Sort of the reason why Hellfire lets her go, really. They just can't force Phoenix to reawaken and they're smart enough (unlike X3's Mags - damn you to hell, Kinberg and Penn, just... damn you) to figure out she'd probably kill them on the spot for the insolence of assuming they can control her. Thus the whole, you know, subtle angle.

3 - Cyclops comes back depowered. No optic blasts, no Phoenix powers, no heroics, no nothing for most of the story. All he gets is memories of Jean, Dark Pheonix and neverending replays of his own death. There IS a surprise which has to do with telepaths, though. ;)

There's a lot more going on, but I'll just mention one other thing: yes, I'm going for the whole '******ed Jean and Prof X are brought back to life and there's a semi-happy ending for everyone but Cyke' scenario.

The reason for that is that I want to somewhat redeem the other characters and do something about that disgusting 'It's ok for Scott to die since Jean and Chuck did too' vibe. Disgusting is too nice a word, really. Heroes just don't do that. Especially to their f****n own.

The X-Men have to deal with the fact that Scott died for absolutely nothing and that they were complete a$$$holes about it. Lots of guilt floating around, even moreso when he DOES come back from the dead.

First set of chapters actually have to do with Emma Frost joining the Institute and basically just laughing her a$$$ off at how such a bunch of goody two shoes could be so caught in their own crap to not do a better job at mourning a deceased friend.

And as for Cyke, he's not exactly, based on what he remembers seeing through Jean and Dark Phoenix' eyes (Jean and Logan's kiss in X2, Xavier's lies, Storm's giving the notion of saving Jean the finger), pleased with his 'friends'.

Ironically enough, he eventually befriends Logan (they spar, drink and watch samourai movies together, lol) because, no matter how much he was pissed at Logan's attempts at getting into Jean's pants and the fact that the pair did hook up less than a year after his death, Logan's been honest from day f****n one.

As for the screwed-up budding relationship with Emma, it has to do with the surprise thingy mentioned earlier. :D


Oh well, have to cut it *short* since it's only a matter a minutes before I have to go if I want to make it to my exam in time, lol.

Anyway, I'll start posting on ffnet in early january (holidays, eh - sure as hell won't write anything between the 23 and 28, nor on the 31th and 1th).

Cheers. :D
Figured I'd drop a line before going to one my last two finals (boooyaaahh!)

Wish you good luck in your finals.

You just gotta enjoy bashing movieverse Wolvie as a Cyke fan, lol... Seriously, though, my intent was to have Cyke and Wolvie stand together like they've always been f****n meant to be, not get kicks out of Wolvie getting beaten to a bloody pulp. :D

How about letting him get beaten to a bloody pulp first, then have him healed up and stand with our beloved Cyclops together(a little behind Scott, he's the leader, why it's always Wolverine got to stand in the front)? Come on, after been through all the frustration brought by X3, I think we at least deserve this.:oldrazz:

As for the notion of Fox doing such a thing... Bwahahahahahahaha. Movieverse Cyclops getting to do something? Fat chance, no matter how awesome it would be. :whatever:

It seems that, after X3 being released, all we Cyclops fans become bitter, look what a bad movie did to us.
But I guess you're right...*sigh**feeling even more bitter*:csad:

Already did, lol. Ever since I woke up from my "watching X3" induced-coma, actually. Worked on it between visists to the gym (preemptive strike at the couple of pounds I'll inevitably gain during the holidays), studying session and "only 'insert number' exams to go!!!!!" drinking binges. Am almost done (just found out I'm more of a perfectionnist than I thought *sigh*) with the first two chapters and pretty much finished big chunks of dialogue for key sequences later on.

You already give me a new light, I welcome anything to get my mind off everything from X3 (well, maybe not everything, I only remember those scense with Scott in them, after so many months, finally!) I look forward to reading your fic, so far, with so many X-men fanfic writers, I haven't seen anyone come up with something worse than the script of X3, and they don't even get paid.
And the part of you being a perfectionist, I always think most of Cyke's fans are more or less perfectionists, others who thinks X3 is a well-done X-men movie definitely are anything but.

While it IS a Scott/Emma story (eh), this is my way to aknowledge that there was (at some point, anyway) in the movieverse a very strong bond between Scott/Jean that could hold its own if just for a while against the Phoenix' rage. *Tips hat off to Scott/Jean fanatics*

I don't mind you choose Scott/Emma as your pairing (it's your story, your call!) but I do love Scott/Jean more (not to the point of being a fanatic though), guess I'm just too used to them being together and in love and read Dark Phoenix Saga too many times, I'm having a little hard time accepting Emma taking over Jean's place. (although I pray it won't be permanently...)
Anyway, I'll be waiting to read your fic on, it's good to see another writer to fix the big hole caused by X3 and save Cyclops' dignity.:yay:

Enjoy your upcoming holiday, and don't forget to write your fic.:woot:
Oh well, might as well post before my morning jog - and did I mention how WRONG it is to not have any snow up here at this time of the year??? Gaaah.


UraniaChang said:
I don't mind you choose Scott/Emma as your pairing (it's your story, your call!) but I do love Scott/Jean more (not to the point of being a fanatic though), guess I'm just too used to them being together and in love and read Dark Phoenix Saga too many times, I'm having a little hard time accepting Emma taking over Jean's place. (although I pray it won't be permanently...)
Anyway, I'll be waiting to read your fic on, it's good to see another writer to fix the big hole caused by X3 and save Cyclops' dignity.:yay:

Enjoy your upcoming holiday, and don't forget to write your fic.:woot:

Will do that last part for sure. :D

About the Scott/Emma & Scott/Jean thing.

I prefer Scott/Emma (she doesn't pull punches, it's good for him), but I do like Jean/Scott in the comics.

The thing is, I do believe that Cyke needs to be utterly and completely broken so that he can pick himself up and get his act together once and for all. I don't see movieverse Jean doing that. Her comicverse counterpart didn't do it either, but at least she tried to get through him. Often, too.

In the movieverse, the one time Cyke could've been close to that was after the Liberty Island debacle. Seriously, X1's final act was hardly a legit victory for the good guys. Anyway, based on X1's final scenes (let's sit together but not TOUCH!!! EVER!!!) and the scene at the museum in X2, we can rather safely assume that Jean was too caught up in her own crap to even notice (or maybe she did, but couldn't be bothered to do anything about it) while Scott tried to do everything in his power to help her.

An insult to all Scott/Jean fans, really. No wonder those not familiar with the source material didn't buy the whole 'them being in love' thingy. Just... WOW. :wow:

And then there's the whole kissing Logan in X2 (or letting him kiss her, whatever) with Scott MIA part that I just can't get over, lol. :woot:

Oh well.
OMG, I've spent entire threads saying the exact same thing *re-reads*.
With the exact same examples as reasoning....

Warning: If you ever run into a guy named 'The Guard', be prepared to go to the arena and play Guardball!
Angry Sentinel said:
OMG, I've spent entire threads saying the exact same thing *re-reads*.
With the exact same examples as reasoning....

Really? Watched X3 for the first time this week and just started posting in here, eh. I'm a Dennis Miller fan. I can rant just fine on my own without stealing material. ;)

Besides, while I did go through some of the old posts (man, those pre-X3 discussions are just too funny now that we know how it turned out - THEY WOULDN'T LIE TO US!!!!!!! Rotfmlao) , I most certainly Did NOT go through the 1000+ pages to catch up on everything that's been said. ;)

Anyway, you talking about movieverse Jean/Scott or something else? (I kinda went on a posting rampage. :D) Rewatched X1 and X2 this week and I just can't even think of movieverse Jean/Scott as being, ya know, little more than a joke.

Anyway, if I'm reading this right and both of us are seeing the same things, Rock On, buddy! *high five* :woot:

Angry Sentinel said:
Warning: If you ever run into a guy named 'The Guard', be prepared to go to the arena and play Guardball!

Dear God.

Yeah, I did stumble upon a bunch of TheGuard's post.

WTF's his/her problem, lol? I get the whole obnoxious angle, but there are ways to be clever/eloquent about it.

Anyway, to stay on topic...

Cyke PWNZ. :D

Too bad Fox stubbornly refuses to aknowledge it.
Off-topic but I thought I'd share:

I work in downtown Toronto and on my lunch break today I decided to go to Urban Outfitters. As I'm leaving I see a guy walking with his head down in my direction that looks familiar. As he gets closer I see that it's Shawn Ashmore (who has the bluest eyes in the world). So I'm pretty much staring at him as he walked by me then I look behind him and see Aaron Ashmore totally noticing that I'm staring at his brother. Anyway, they're both kind of hot in person although I never thought so when watching them on screen.
MsNatchios said:
Off-topic but I thought I'd share:

I work in downtown Toronto and on my lunch break today I decided to go to Urban Outfitters. As I'm leaving I see a guy walking with his head down in my direction that looks familiar. As he gets closer I see that it's Shawn Ashmore (who has the bluest eyes in the world). So I'm pretty much staring at him as he walked by me then I look behind him and see Aaron Ashmore totally noticing that I'm staring at his brother. Anyway, they're both kind of hot in person although I never thought so when watching them on screen.
why didn't you talk to one of them, or to both?
MsNatchios said:
Off-topic but I thought I'd share:

I work in downtown Toronto and on my lunch break today I decided to go to Urban Outfitters. As I'm leaving I see a guy walking with his head down in my direction that looks familiar. As he gets closer I see that it's Shawn Ashmore (who has the bluest eyes in the world). So I'm pretty much staring at him as he walked by me then I look behind him and see Aaron Ashmore totally noticing that I'm staring at his brother. Anyway, they're both kind of hot in person although I never thought so when watching them on screen.
very cool!

i'm sad that neither i, nor anyone i know, ran into james marsden the entire time he was in toronto shooting hairspray!

also, urban outfitters is a great store.
flavio_lebeau said:
why didn't you talk to one of them, or to both?
Shawn looked like he didn't really want to be approached, walking with his head down and all (or maybe he was just cold). Aaron seemed more non-chalant considering we made eye contact but we were crossing a street, heading in opposite directions. It was kind of like a hit and run celebrity sighting for me.

triplefive said:
very cool!

i'm sad that neither i, nor anyone i know, ran into james marsden the entire time he was in toronto shooting hairspray!

also, urban outfitters is a great store.
Yeah me too...for some reason James seems like a really approachable guy.

Love UO too!
Bet you didnt think of using your handphone to snap some pics....well least you see one of the xmen in person :)
Vilya said:
Bet you didnt think of using your handphone to snap some pics....well least you see one of the xmen in person :)
Yeah it would have been cool to talk to them or get a pic...but I doubt they were in the mood. Being downtown during Christmas rush makes you want to shoot yourself in the knee caps...and I'm a nobody.
MsNatchios said:
Shawn looked like he didn't really want to be approached, walking with his head down and all (or maybe he was just cold). Aaron seemed more non-chalant considering we made eye contact but we were crossing a street, heading in opposite directions. It was kind of like a hit and run celebrity sighting for me.

Yeah me too...for some reason James seems like a really approachable guy.

Love UO too!
oh i see...
being the clueless person I am, I'd ran into any X-star anyday, even if they didn't seem approachable. :p Unless it was Halle Berry. Somehow I think she's not the kind of star who tries to get rid of you in polite ways...or maybe I'm wrong.
flavio_lebeau said:
oh i see...
being the clueless person I am, I'd ran into any X-star anyday, even if they didn't seem approachable. :p Unless it was Halle Berry. Somehow I think she's not the kind of star who tries to get rid of you in polite ways...or maybe I'm wrong.

maybe ur wrong. :p
Might as well give the thread one last bump before going away for a week... :D

triplefive said:
very cool!

i'm sad that neither i, nor anyone i know, ran into james marsden the entire time he was in toronto shooting hairspray!

Isn't it just a supporting role anyway? Not that I know much about the Hairspray production (make that plain Hairspray), but oh well...

And as someone else said, yeah, James does seem like he'd be nice if approached by fans. Seems like a cool guy from what I saw in the X-Movies and SR extra. Not that I know anyone who tested out said theory, but oh well, that's just the vibe he seems to give.


Oh, and Merry Christmas to all fellow Cyke fans. :D
Have a merry holidays cyke fans!

Due to this being over 20+k I have to close this. You may make a new one

Thanks you
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