I *finally* read all of Miller's DD! I posted my thoughts on another thread, but thought i'd share:
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson volumes 1-3:
Ah yeah now we're getting to the A-material right here, having already read Daredevil: Born Again and Daredevil: The Man Withouth Fear it was nice to finally read the actual first stories by Miller on DD that made him so popular to begin with. Volume 1 kicks off with the Spider-Man issues drawn by Miller and the first stories in volume 1 are actually written by Roger Mckenzie, but you can see the beginning of Miller's story telling artistic decisions, but the first issues just have too much that 70s style narration on almost everything, but nowhere near as bad as it is in Tomb of Dracula series. When Miller and Janson kick off their story arc with the introduction of Elektra, you can see this is Miller at his most Millerist there is. Stunning views of the city are drawn, beatiful women, people smoking, criminals scheming and plotting, with Kingpin getting very tons of attention as he is treated as *the* villain over the course of the story, you got Miller using his weird slang and honestly alot of the action scenes are pretty much the best i've seen from Miller. Elektra's introduction not only kicks off the new love interests for Matt, you also get to see Miller fleshing out not only Hell's Kitchen but Matt's own past gets fleshed out with the introduction of Stick, Daredevil losing his radar senses for a while, gosh you know i could just list all the things i overly enjoyed and loved on these 3 volumes. I mean the page count for each volume was close to 250 pages each, but i read these volumes in 2 days with such ease. Great dialogue, not too much Miller like narration (tho yes, we do get DD compare Hell Kitchen to a woman, and boy did i laugh), great villains such as Kirigi, 3 awesome fights between Daredevil and Bullseye along with Kingpin being the most ruthless cunning criminal lord there is, you also see Ben Urich and even Fogey standout as great citizens who stood up againts the corruption. Oh and Turk is obviously the greatest criminal Matt has ever faced!
If you're an obvious Miller fan, get it. If you love superhero vigilante comics that don't symbolize american politics like Miller's Batman always does, get it. Honestly this is flatout great vigilante superheroics. I guess i could just squeeze this fact in: the 3rd volume has bunch of short stories included after Miller's last DD issue which was flatout awesome, one last talk with Daredevil and his nemesis! So yeah the short stories are stuff like "what if DD was an agent of SHIELD" and a Kingpin centric story that deals with Kingpin and his wife Vanessa, but i gotta admit i felt underwhelmed by these short stories after being so much spoiled by the actual ongoings. I also gotta love how the whole japanese culture was used here with ninjas and all, since i also had hype backlash upon my experience with Miller's Ronin story.