Psylocke Revealed

Jennifer Walters

Attorney at Law
Aug 2, 2005
Reaction score
This was posted over at TheXVerse Forums. Enjoy! Thanks to Pejo for pointing it out.

Wow, what a cool pic, all the bad girls (minus Mystqiue) together. I have to say though, Psylocke’s look is disappointing.
Thats awesome. Psylocke looks pretty good. It looks like Morlocks or something are behind them...
Psylocke looks pretty bad ass, IMO.
I wasn't sure Mei looked right for the character at all, but the way she looks in this picture screams Betsy to me. She's hot and she's got a Betsyesque mess with me and I'll kick your ass look on her face.
I like the Elvis on the left ;) Psylocke looks cool though!
Wowww, Cool!! Great pic.
She looks the best out of the three girls there.
lordofthenerds said:
Thats awesome. Psylocke looks pretty good. It looks like Morlocks or something are behind them...

If those are the Morlocks they kinda missed the point...
CapBeerCino said:
If those are the Morlocks they kinda missed the point...

Judging way too quickly those are only three people. 1 of them is a Morlock. Yes, the Morlocks are all FUGLIES outside Callisto and that's for a reason.
Might need to change her name from Psylocke to Emo Girl.
It is real??

I can't believe we've already could see this pic, with these three girls!!

But where are they?

And there's a new pic of Storm!!

but I don't know if all of this is really real :confused:
Psylocke looks baaaaad, as in awesome!
The new Storm one!!!:


and this means that Storm goes to Alkali lake too!!!
holy... looks awesome!

and the storm outfit is great!
Hey great but where did the xvese forum get them.Plus i'm sorry I know this is a catty comment but omaryha just looks fuglier in each pic I see of her.

See, what I can't understand though is how do people get hold of these images without an official release from Fox? It's almost like Fox leaks them to people on boards to post?

Two new pics, great!

And it is interesting that Storm goes to the lake too.
does this mean maybe they all get new field outfits? maybe the wear the blue ones at day and black night??
No. Storm is the only one to wear that suit. And the pics come to us from She Who Shall Not Be Named aka Gina.
Maybe-it doen't look leather to me though.We will have to see the rest of the team in them to judge.

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