I'm a born-again Christian, but here's my testimony, so you'll know why I made the choice myself.
I was raised in a strict "turn or burn" religious environment. By the time I was thirteen, I was seriously questioning a lot of things (I kept going to church mostly to see the few friends I had, not necessarily because of any real interest in God). My father had left before I was born, and my mother was a borderline workaholic, so I was raised primarily by my aunt and uncle.
I can see where this is going, I can see it in the distance...
By sixteen, I was battling lust issues, and by 18 it was an extremely-intense emotional, mental, and (as I would later realize) spiritual war.
wow, a confused, horny teenager?
man, that's sooooo rare, it's not like EVERYONE has to deal with these issues right?
nah, that would be too simple.
I like however , how you "later realized" that this was spiritual turmoil.
I'm sure you "realized" this because
A) you were told.
B) you justified these issues as outside yourself.
either one will work.
I wound up in a homeless shelter, about 6 months before my 21st birthday. It was there that I fell in love with a woman also at the shelter. About two months later, she married another man whom she met there, and within a couple months of that, she believed him to be cheating on her. So, she came to see me, and a few days later, I moved in with her to a hotel room.
I gave up my virginity through outright adultery, all because I was desperate to be loved.
no, you were desperate to get laid.
because God made you that way...
because that was his "intelligent design"
Six days later, her husband returned, and I was left alone...again. It hurt worse than anything else before or since.
what the hell?
something tells me, you gotz problems even Jesus can't fix dude.
In my anger, I raged against God, screaming into the darkness that night: "If this is the price for love...if this is the price for You or faith, then I want nothing to do with any of it! Leave me alone!!!"
ah yes, here it is.
what exactly does your girl/de-virginizer have to do with god or faith?
why did you "rage against god" for that? shouldn't you be angry against her? or at least against yourself?
something tells me this blame displacement is going to be a key role in the rest of your life.
For the better part of the next year, my life was a steadfast nightmare. My ex came back to Texas from Pennsylvania, and we made another go-round as a couple, before unresolved tensions over the past caused us to break up again. She fell for and ran away with yet another man to Georgia.
you act as if you had no choice but to take back this woman that was obviously going to hurt you.
why do people think that they can convince me to love the ever-floating-lord of the sky with their tales of unrepentant idiocy?
why oh why?
I was angry, hurt, and extremely heartbroken. I'd given up everything I really cared about, and had nothing to show for it but despair and loneliness.
yeah, it's not like you can get comfort through friends or fulfillment through honest work or hobbies.
it's either Jesus, Shelter skanks or nothing!
I'm sure it was awkward for you both.
and over the last few years, things have been difficult, but I'm still keeping the faith. I stumbled once more with my ex over a year ago, but have since repented, and I know that God has truly forgiven me. I got briefly into smoking and drinking, and am proud to say I haven't been drunk in a year.
by stumbled you mean "slept with" seriously dude.....seriously
My life had become corrupted by hatred, lust, adultery, fornication, alcohol, and so much heartbreak; the memories still flash back some days. God was able to lift me up, out of what I'd allowed myself to become.
yeah, you deserve no credit for anything.
remember the formula.
anything good happens in your life = jesus
anything bad happens in your life = not jesus
pretty handy really.
I was suicidal; it was that bad. The only reason I didn't go through with it was because I distinctively heard a still voice, like an audible whisper: "Put down the knife. This isn't the way. Put it down." I asked why, and was instantly flooded with what I can only describe as a vision. My ex was sitting in a cemetery, and my name was on the tombstone in front of her. Through her tears, the only thing I could understand was, "Why did you do this? Was it because of me?"
LOL, I'm sorry dude, but you were going to "commit suicide"with a knife.
that alone tells me there's some severe issues. ( plus a lack of planning skils) and, do you notice that you had a vision about your EX?
Jeeeesus, let the woman go dude!
God can use anything for His Kingdom, and He knew how real my love for this woman really was, even if the actions resulting from it were wrong. He showed me what would happen if I took my own life, and so I dropped the blade, and made the choice to live. If God can save me from my own foolishness and redeem me of my past, then surely He can do the same for anyone who's willing to trust Him...all it takes is a brief moment, and your life is changed forever. Trusting God more than myself is rarely easy, but I love what Steve Harvey once said about faith: "You may not be where you want to be, but you can sure be thankful you ain't where ya was, though."
okay, now that you heard this.
anyone out there have problems?
okay that's bad.
but guess what?
Jesus won't help you, no religion will because they are in the realm of the SOUL, to think that if you have a problem with your girl and Jesus will show you forgiveness and shower you with love and attention while some fireman dude has to have an arm amputated?
yeah, no, **** you you conceited *******.
what makes you so deserving of attention over starving dying children?
what makes you so deserving of forgiveness over innocents suffering daily?
it's madness I say.
if you want to make your life better, do it, and that's it.