Iron Man 3 RDJ Hurt, IM3 filming on hold

Bet you anything it's just a heavilly bruised foot. Dont imagine filming to be held up that much as they could simply re-jig the shooting schedule to film shot that either dont require RDJ or those that dont require RDJ to move too much [if at all].
poor sweetie. i hope his family is holding up.
Meh, this doesn't worry me at all. All they have to do is shoot scenes that don't include RDJ for a few days (maybe a week or 2 at most) and he'll be fine.
Lol I don't think he sustained his injury through stunt work... I think he twisted his ankle walking in his high heels!!

Lol he is pretty short and the leading man, has to at least be eye to eye with his love interest!!


All I'm saying is check out the footwear!!
Lie down and keep your feet up.
We need you back to work ASAP.
Those high heels are ridic. Has he been wearing them in all the IM films so far? Pretty humorous.
That's how they made him taller didn't realize he was that short...what's his status on his injury anyone watch E! News lol

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