Rumor of a new Look for Silver Surfer?!?!?!?

Weapon M

Secret Master Assassin
May 2, 2003
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Well, I dont know what you guys might think. I could imagine the hysteria this might cause. But I read from AICN that there was a rumor they received that the makers of the second FF film will bypass the CGI and give Silver Surfer a Power Rangerish type of uniform..

If this happends then every frigging movie theatre that plays the FF films should be boycotted! Or not even wasting your damn time, just friggin bombard them with a 2 minute rantish hate mail, tell them somethin like

"You friggin suck you damn loser film maker that is taking all that money and making a piece of crap movie that I or my friend that knows nothing about Fantastic Four could have F#@#$ up himself!! You should be fired and never work in holywood again!!! What a jerk off punk!!! You have no respect for the fans at all!!! And we will find you!"

Well I type fast so that didn't take me long...

These guys are embarrassing,, if they even think about doing this to the Silver Surfer which gave me just alittle bit of hope for the FF sequel then I will not even look at this when it comes out on DVD, I'll wait for HBO.

OMG they are so ridiculous..
Source: SHH

Tim Story on Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer

Source: Tim Story
August 18, 2006

Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer director Tim Story has updated his official Blog with more on the anticipated sequel, and even a little mention of Superhero Hype!:

Well here we are. Exactly two weeks til this all gets under way. Seeing a lot of stuff now.

The latest test of Chiklis' new thing makeup is looking good. I think I told you guys about how we were improving the suit. For one it's lighter and will allow Chikie to be more athletic. I know many of you wish the Thing could've been more agile, well you got it. Michael's excited. We've made improvements to areas like the brow. Yes yes, it's a little bigger. You guys have to remember the brow can't be too big because it just doesn't look as good as you might think, but we have improved it. This all came from the fans saying they wish it were bigger. He'll be wearing more clothes as well. Now that he's comfortable with himself, we can have more fun with his appearance. Wait until you see him in his tux.

The new mask for Doom is awesome. There's a more evil tone to it. I've been working on a maquette of the entire Doom look, complete with armor with my friends at Spectral Motion (the guys who brought you Thing, Beast, Juggernaut, Hellboy, etc...) The look is madd cool. I think you guys will like it. And don't worry Julian will be seen. I talked to him yesterday and he can't wait to get busy.

The Silver Surfer's look just continues to get better. We're trying test on the wake that his board will leave and we're starting to really get into the look of his eyes. Classic Surfer looks from the comic. I think you will all enjoy it. Yes, now the question that I keep getting asked too many times...Doug Jones or no Doug Jones. Here's the low down. Doug has been working on a number of things regarding the Surfer. In order for the presence of the CGI SS to appear and move real, we need someone to perfect movement and provide a base, to which WETA can do their thing. That the jest of it. I don't know what that confirms for you guys but there you go.

Oh yeah, I didn't tell you guys the result of my "studio meetings". Well it wasn't as painful as I thought it was going to be. We found places to cut and not mess with the integrity of the movie. Both sides were happy. 6 hrs ya'll...6! Stuck in a room - dissecting every piece of this movie. The coolest thing was actually the difficulty in finding things to cut. That normally means you need what you got. For the aspiring directors and writers - if you cut it out and find that you don't miss never needed it.

As filming begins, I'll try to share on set pix. I can't get to crazy but whatever I can I will. And for those of you expecting me to pop up on Superherohype, forgive me, I just didn't think that I could keep up with two different blog areas. My days are swamped as you can imagine.

Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer hits theaters on June 15, 2007.

I'd say if there is ANY truth to the "PR" suit rumor, it is a suit that Jones will wear while doing motion capture when playing live scenes with other actors. Best answer is it's BS. The above was posted by Story himself in his blog less than a month ago. How they would go from CGI with Weta to cheesy costume with Spec Motion would be beyond me. I know Fox can screw up a movie but I refuse to believe that even THEY are that stupid!
First off, someone already started a thread about this same exact subject. Secondly, yelling and swearing at someone in a hate letter isn't exactly going get you what you want, but if it makes you feel better, whatever. FINALLY, Doug Jones has stated repeatedly that he will not be doing any mo-cap or ref-cap in any of his upcoming projects for the next 18 months.

The only thing that worries me here is that Tim Story apparently doesn't know that the word is "gist" not "jest." :rolleyes:

And really, the Doug Jones/Surfer get-up may very well look insufficient to whoever's "informing" AICN, but freakin' WETA ain't creatin' a "Power Rangers" Surfer; you can take that to the bank.
TheShadowCat said:
First off, someone already started a thread about this same exact subject. Secondly, yelling and swearing at someone in a hate letter isn't exactly going get you what you want, but if it makes you feel better, whatever. FINALLY, Doug Jones has stated repeatedly that he will not be doing any mo-cap or ref-cap in any of his upcoming projects for the next 18 months.


Hmm, seems like Doug Jones and Tim Story are giving conflicting info. Oh well, time will tell...
Y'know, I'm just going to sit back and watch all of this uproar about 'is it a suit/is it mo-cap/is it CG' and wait until it all dies down and Fox gets off its butt and actually begins telling the truth instead of feeding us a steady diet of crap, hype and rumour. Most of what has been said so far (and I'm NOT including this latest report) has been utter balony. This latest AICN report has tons of info left out.

So you guys can speculate and moan and rant all you like, but until Fox actually confirms in an official statement as to whether Doug is cast or not (and the fact that they HAVEN'T leads me to think they're screwing around), and we get official notification of how the character is being done with a PROPER explanation (not silly and inaccurate little comments from execs and the director) then I'm going to go and read a good book.


Hellmistress, I agree with yah... Man well if we heard it from the horses' mouth then it must be true. He can't possibly say that he is going to do CGI and then put the character in a body suit. So that settles it.

Yeah, I got a little emotional there.. lol and I didn't know there was another forum on this same subject till later on. Well, this forum is coming with a different angle though. At least. lol

And yes Fox CAN be that stupid. They dont surprise me anymore after Xmen 3. I'm sorry, I just haven't gotten over it yet. I'm still traumatized, its going to take me alil longer..... lol
I think HM has got the right idea. Read a book instead of all these half truths and BS that's running around the net. It'll make life so much nicer. When Fox finally does get off its butt and get around to making the announcement, then we can go on adnausium about how we think they're doing SS wrong.:woot:

my problem is that the rumors usually turn out to be correct. besides, after seeing the new Thing's brow design NOTHING story says makes any sense to me.
I've stated that they lost me for the opening weekend, well if S is anything like a PR than I am boycotting this bad boy so bad, it's not even funny.
HoratioRome said:
my problem is that the rumors usually turn out to be correct.

Yeah! Like when that rumor was going around that Michael Clarke Duncan was playing Ben, or that Johnny would only shoot fire from his hands, instead of his entire body flaming on...:cwink:
Weapon M said:

Hellmistress, I agree with yah... Man well if we heard it from the horses' mouth then it must be true. He can't possibly say that he is going to do CGI and then put the character in a body suit. So that settles it.

Yeah, I got a little emotional there.. lol and I didn't know there was another forum on this same subject till later on. Well, this forum is coming with a different angle though. At least. lol

And yes Fox CAN be that stupid. They dont surprise me anymore after Xmen 3. I'm sorry, I just haven't gotten over it yet. I'm still traumatized, its going to take me alil longer..... lol

You did not like X3?

Hmmm, no doubt you liked SR and the first 2 Xmen films right?

well to each his own I guess, its a free country.
The fact you believed this means you should just stop going online.
But I read from AICN that there was a rumor they received that the makers of the second FF film will bypass the CGI and give Silver Surfer a Power Rangerish type of uniform..

That's a good one. XD They probably put it up as an extremely belated April Fools' Day joke. I don't believe Marvel nor even Fox would be THAT stupid as to change the Silver Surfer into some renegade "Power Ranger".

Stan probably wouldn't allow that to happen.

after seeing the new Thing's brow design NOTHING story says makes any sense to me.

Actually, they DID adjust it to be slightly bigger, but they didn't take it any larger because it "didn't look as good as you would think". As I'm sure somebody has already posted somewhere on this board, Story spoke about it in his MySpace blog just prior to August 25th...

"We've made improvements to areas like the brow. Yes yes, it's a little bigger. You guys have to remember the brow can't be too big because it just doesn't look as good as you might think, but we have improved it. This all came from the fans saying they wish it were bigger."
Ty Parsec said:
That's a good one. XD They probably put it up as an extremely belated April Fools' Day joke. I don't believe Marvel nor even Fox would be THAT stupid as to change the Silver Surfer into some renegade "Power Ranger".

Stan probably wouldn't allow that to happen.

Actually, they DID adjust it to be slightly bigger, but they didn't take it any larger because it "didn't look as good as you would think". As I'm sure somebody has already posted somewhere on this board, Story spoke about it in his MySpace blog just prior to August 25th...

"We've made improvements to areas like the brow. Yes yes, it's a little bigger. You guys have to remember the brow can't be too big because it just doesn't look as good as you might think, but we have improved it. This all came from the fans saying they wish it were bigger."

it's interesting how quick people are to believe something because someone SAID it inspite of what's in front of their own eyes.
I know What STory said, but I can CLEARLY see fro myself (from the sneak pics) that the "change" is negligible at best.
As for the " it doesn't look as good as you might think" comment, that is a blatant lie. I've seen the Thing with the normal brow in almost every format, including movies and it looks fine.
HoratioRome said:
it's interesting how quick people are to believe something because someone SAID it inspite of what's in front of their own eyes.
I know What STory said, but I can CLEARLY see fro myself (from the sneak pics) that the "change" is negligible at best.
As for the " it doesn't look as good as you might think" comment, that is a blatant lie. I've seen the Thing with the normal brow in almost every format, including movies and it looks fine.

Uh...You've seen it in every format...except on Chiklis.

The only movie you could be talking about is the '94 Corman debacle, and that makeup design was completely different. And that Thing certainly had a lot more heads shaking in disapproval than Chiklis' Thing, brow or no brow.
But you said "movies" plural, so what are you talking about?

Story's statement is not a "lie." At worst it is an opinion, and for you to continue to call the man a liar just makes you look bad.
I do think he's mistaken in his opinion, but that does NOT make him a liar.

"Blatant lie." :rolleyes: Sheesh.
Malus said:
Uh...You've seen it in every format...except on Chiklis.
it makes no difference whether it's on Chiklis or not. Chikli's face or form should not matter in this case. The question is can a Thing costume be designed with a big brow and placed on an actor (including but not limited to Chiklis) ? the answer is an obvious yes. This statement was actually answered by the pros who did the Thing's costume in FF1. THEY said it could and should have been done.
The only movie you could be talking about is the '94 Corman debacle, and that makeup design was completely different. And that Thing certainly had a lot more heads shaking in disapproval than Chiklis' Thing, brow or no brow.
actually that MOVIE got a lot of head shaking (for good reasons). that Thing design was pretty well liked and accepted. (I said design, not acting or FX.) and once again we are only talking about the brow. whether or not we can have a big BROW, and the answer, as seen in that film is yes. adding a brow to the current movie design IS possible and would look fine. If you don't believe me, believe the pros who designed him.
But you said "movies" plural, so what are you talking about?
you're right, I should have said movie. My bad. I was including other things like cartoons and such but technically you are correct. my mistake. the point remains though.
Story's statement is not a "lie." At worst it is an opinion, and for you to continue to call the man a liar just makes you look bad.
I do think he's mistaken in his opinion, but that does NOT make him a liar.

"Blatant lie." :rolleyes: Sheesh.

let me be careful here because once again technically you are correct. One can say that his statement is a "matter of opinion", therefore it can never be a proven lie. IOW, even if we see a design that looks PERFECT to everyone else, you can argue 'hey Story wasn't lying, he just didn't think so himself'. ok I admit that. but leaving the semantics aside for a second, I can say that you and I both know that the guy's lying. We both know that adding the brow to the Thing does not make him look "better" or "worse". it is what it is. it is a choice. ALL it does is change the appearance of the character. adding the brow would not and COULD not make anyone say "there's something not right about that guy", anymore than the rest of the Thing's design does. also, we must remember that whether it's from a lifesize bust, a cheap low budget movie, cartoons, or drawings, we've SEEN a big brow Thing and it looks fine. So he's statement (between you and me) IS a lie. A blatant one at that. Unless offcourse the man is insane. You say you disagree with his opinion because you know it to be true that in this day in age, costume designers and CGI effects are FULLY capable of making a GREAT looking Thing with a big brow. That makes the man a liar in my book.
THIS makes him a LIAR, a BLATANT liar in my book.
Well considering how the first f4 turned out I wouldn't be surprised if the rumor about th Surfer is true. I was honestly skeptical about Fox pulling off the SS with current creative team on board. The thing about AICN is while a lot of what has come from there has been disproven alot have also turned out to be true, ala X3. That script review was spot on, and while FOX dismissed it as rumor it all turned out truthful.

I'm not going to say this power ranger suit crap is bad, because you never know the fx team may pull it off somehow, though i'm skeptical. I'm sure the person who gave the info is going overboard with that dipiction, but then you never know. We'll have to see in but i won't be surprised if it turns out bad.
HoratioRome said:
it makes no difference whether it's on Chiklis or not. Chikli's face or form should not matter in this case. The question is can a Thing costume be designed with a big brow and placed on an actor (including but not limited to Chiklis) ? the answer is an obvious yes. This statement was actually answered by the pros who did the Thing's costume in FF1. THEY said it could and should have been done.

actually that MOVIE got a lot of head shaking (for good reasons). that Thing design was pretty well liked and accepted. (I said design, not acting or FX.) and once again we are only talking about the brow. whether or not we can have a big BROW, and the answer, as seen in that film is yes. adding a brow to the current movie design IS possible and would look fine. If you don't believe me, believe the pros who designed him.

you're right, I should have said movie. My bad. I was including other things like cartoons and such but technically you are correct. my mistake. the point remains though.

let me be careful here because once again technically you are correct. One can say that his statement is a "matter of opinion", therefore it can never be a proven lie. IOW, even if we see a design that looks PERFECT to everyone else, you can argue 'hey Story wasn't lying, he just didn't think so himself'. ok I admit that. but leaving the semantics aside for a second, I can say that you and I both know that the guy's lying. We both know that adding the brow to the Thing does not make him look "better" or "worse". it is what it is. it is a choice. ALL it does is change the appearance of the character. adding the brow would not and COULD not make anyone say "there's something not right about that guy", anymore than the rest of the Thing's design does. also, we must remember that whether it's from a lifesize bust, a cheap low budget movie, cartoons, or drawings, we've SEEN a big brow Thing and it looks fine. So he's statement (between you and me) IS a lie. A blatant one at that. Unless offcourse the man is insane. You say you disagree with his opinion because you know it to be true that in this day in age, costume designers and CGI effects are FULLY capable of making a GREAT looking Thing with a big brow. That makes the man a liar in my book.

I think what's relevant here is that Story and the production is dealing with what looks right added to the previously-existing Thing get-up.

I'm willing to at least consider that too much brow might hinder the end-result performance. I just can't categorize Story's statements as lying, sorry.

Hey, I want a bigger brow, everybody knows that.
I'm still kinda hoping what we've seen in the set candids so far isn't everything regarding the Thing's changes in FF2...
It could be because of budgetary reasons that they can't do an entire CGI SS.
if budget is the reason then don't do it, give SS his own movie with the proper budget. Instead they have to go ahead and ruin one of the best Marvel characters out there, God knows what they're planning for Galactus if the power ranger suit turn out to be true.
swifty said:
if budget is the reason then don't do it, give SS his own movie with the proper budget. Instead they have to go ahead and ruin one of the best Marvel characters out there, God knows what they're planning for Galactus if the power ranger suit turn out to be true.

If you want perfection, you'll never see a SS movie. He's not as iconic as most other characters and he doesn't have box office draw on his own.

There is no way any studio is going to spend $150 million or more to get a perfected SS just to please some fan boy. You need to compromise a little bit to get what you want, otherwise you'll never get anything.
I can't Honestly believe ANYTHING coming from AICN. If Tim says they are going for the look from the comicbook I believe him.
Sure the CGI is going to be difficult, but, If they figure out how to do it now, the actual Surfer movie will look that much better.
Horatio Rome, there were several Busts of the Thing that claimed to be from the movie that looked NOTHING like what they had come up with. That doesn't make Tim a liar.

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