The Flash Season 6x6: License to Elongate


Oh boy yeah
Mar 10, 2015
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Barry turns his attention to prepping Elongated Man for life after Crisis and without The Flash, but Ralph ultimately teaches Barry a lesson. Meanwhile, Cecile faces her own moment of self-discovery while helping a recuperated Chester P. Runk reclaim his identity.

Directed by Danielle Panabaker

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Yeah, this was definitely a filler episode. It was bound to happen. At least most of the episodes have been pretty great so far.
A filler episode directed by Danielle Panabaker, who did a great job. This is more of a spotlight for Ralph than Barry.
This is what I get for complimenting the Flash at the start of this season....crappy filler episodes that throw logic (even by CW Standards) straight out of the window.

Why Barry simply didn't superspeed into the auction stage and steal the control panel for the "Ring of Fire" is beyond me.

I hope the drop in quality for these episodes are because they are trying to save the budget for the upcoming Crisis event.
This is what I get for complimenting the Flash at the start of this season....crappy filler episodes that throw logic (even by CW Standards) straight out of the window.

Why Barry simply didn't superspeed into the auction stage and steal the control panel for the "Ring of Fire" is beyond me.

I hope the drop in quality for these episodes are because they are trying to save the budget for the upcoming Crisis event.

This episode was not about Barry. It was about showcasing Ralph's way of going after criminals. Frankly Barry annoyed me with the hovering, being a burden, and not listening.

Either way i did like this filler episode, but more because of Ralph.
I didn't hate this episode but damn what a forgettable filler episode. The Nash plot was the only one that kept my attention. You can tell that they were saving budget for the Crisis.
Fun episode. Tom Cavanagh got to chew some scenery and I did enjoy the Bond, P.I. stuff with Ralph. Another filler episode, but an improvement over the last filler episode.

Crisis is right around the corner now!
I think Chester might replace Cisco after Crisis... and all this talk about Ralph taking over gives me the impression he's also going to die...
Is Nash Wells really Harry Wells? Did Alegra remind him of Jessie? Is that what he could be hiding?
A fine episode for being filler. Glad it looks like we’ll be picking it up before Crisis again next week finally.
I think Chester might replace Cisco after Crisis... and all this talk about Ralph taking over gives me the impression he's also going to die...
I doubt he'll die since they just cast Sue
Thanks for the spoiler :oldrazz: I never read about contracts and casting since that pretty much ruins it...
I expect the DC shows to do Blackest Night as the crossover one of these years. They'll need to set the stage for that, and depending on how closely they follow comics continuity...
I expect the DC shows to do Blackest Night as the crossover one of these years. They'll need to set the stage for that, and depending on how closely they follow comics continuity...

Sounds good. That storyline would be new to me, so I won't look it up...
Missed this week's episode. Guess I didn't miss much lol
Yeah definite filler. Kind of wish they had waited. Till after the crisis. Kind of strange to do a bond parody and sideline the hot women.
I thought this was a pretty weird episode.
Is Nash Wells really Harry Wells? Did Alegra remind him of Jessie? Is that what he could be hiding?

An interesting thought that I hope comes true. I think they should bring Harry Wells back, but why wouldn't he reveal himself to the team?

Missed this week's episode. Guess I didn't miss much lol

No not much. As stated above, the only interesting part about this ep was Nash and Alega and they had far too little time compared to the Bond rip-off plot and Cecile trying to make a love connection.

By now I could really do without Ralph. I find him incredibly annoying, esp when they dumb down Barry to make Ralph look competent. Barry has been in tough situations like this before without stubbing his toe so many times and so blatantly.

And Barry wants Ralph taking over the hero-part of the team?! Frost would be a better choice. At least she has offensive powers and Kaitlyn has a longer history of superhero work.

I pretty much skipped much of this ep, which is rare for me.
I hate that the network is giving fillers like this to Danielle to direct. She did the best she could but this episode gave her barely any story to work with. Ralph-centric episodes are just boring. Too many useless characters in the show.

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