My idea is that in the final movie (the 5th?) Spiderman should have to face a sinister 6 group ( or something like that) in which he finds out at the end, it is run by the green goblin. That green goblin would be harry, who finally gave in to his crazy concience (sp?). In the 3rd movie he slowly gives in to "the green goblin", by the 4th he gives in and starts to make his plan to kill spidey, and the 5th (see above).
so basically my "master plan" is
1: goblin I
2: doc ock
3: sandman and venom
4: mysterio, man-wolf*, and lizard*
5: sinister 6 and goblin2*
*already introduced
whatta ya think?
Sounds good. You could be right about one of the villians for SM4 as apparently theres going to be a link to Mysterio in the third in the form of Bruce Cambell who had cameos in the 1st 2 movies