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So I'm gonna start reading Twilight.....

No, the reason he takes the engine is:

So she won't sneak off and visit Jacob. He thought it was too dangerous for her to be around the werewolves, even though she was fine with Jacob. Alice practically holds her hostage having sleepovers so she wouldn't go off to La Push either.

i must not be that far into it yet, but thanks for clearing it up
Well... Gilpesh 'diagnosis' was off coz he didn't read the book. :o (Hi! Gilpesh! :D)

What makes Edward think Bella will get in trouble? Because of her clunker or because he can't read her mind? Angel followed Buffy around because he knows Buffy's the slayer and if I remember correctly, he knows about the Master and wants Buffy to be careful and he's not like the other vampires so he wants to fight on her side.

I only read the first book, but I think its implied that one of Edward's siblings can see into the future and has predicted that Bella will get in trouble. I also think Edward just had a sixth sense about her.

I asked about the 'vegetarian' aspect. How does a vampire live without blood when that is their main diet? Does he survive on tomato juice?

They hunt live animals as a replacement. Edward's favourite is Mountain lion. There is a very clumsy explanation that the vampires like to eat the animal they are most like or something like that

Did you read the books and watch the film?

I've only read Twilight, and I have yet to see the film. I'll probably rent it at some point. The first one did not nearly impress me enough to go on with the series. I hate romance novels, and this one wasn't even "steamy" or anything. Danyose summed it up pretty well when she said that the book is mostly Edward and Bella staring at each other going "You're pretty" "No you are" "No you're prettier" and so on.

The only good thing I got out of the books was that it motivated me to bust out my Buffy DVD's. Spike>>>>>>>>>>>Edward x 1000.
I only read the first book, but I think its implied that one of Edward's siblings can see into the future and has predicted that Bella will get in trouble. I also think Edward just had a sixth sense about her.

Edward's sister Alice is able to see into the future. That comes into play a lot in the later books. It even enables Alice to fight other vampires because she knows what they are going to do even seconds before it happens.

His brother Jasper also has a psychic power. He can control the tempers of others that he stands near creates a calming affect. Very helpful when people are about to start fighting.

Edward himself is psychic, but he cannot read Bella's mind. The Volturi (a *royal* vampire clan in Italy who first appear in the 2nd book) also have powers, but none of them work on Bella.

I read that one of Meyer's influences on the series was the X-Men animated series. I'm sure that's where she got the idea of giving vampires special powers from.

I've only read Twilight, and I have yet to see the film. I'll probably rent it at some point. The first one did not nearly impress me enough to go on with the series. I hate romance novels, and this one wasn't even "steamy" or anything. Danyose summed it up pretty well when she said that the book is mostly Edward and Bella staring at each other going "You're pretty" "No you are" "No you're prettier" and so on.

The only good thing I got out of the books was that it motivated me to bust out my Buffy DVD's. Spike>>>>>>>>>>>Edward x 1000.

I haven't seen the movie yet either. It's on my Netflix queue. The second book was much better - Jacob has a much bigger part and I think his relationship with Bella is much better than the whole Edward/Bella thing. Plus they introduce a lot more characters.

I think Carlisle is the most interesting vampire. I would love to see a spin-off book about his whole history.
i like Carlisle too :up:
him and alice were my faves and i thought they were much more interesting
One of my biggest problems with the books is that she can't write an action sequence. The idea in the 3rd book that there's an evil vampire rampaging Seattle creating an army of hungry newborn vampires all set on invading Forks sounds good. Vampires and werewolves joining forces and training to fight together against this invading army sound even better. Great setup for what could be a great battle sequence.

But how does it turn out? The entire scene takes place in a tent miles away with Bella overhearing a conversation between Edward and Jacob about who loves her more. We find out the fighting is going fine thanks to both of their psychic abilities. :whatever:

There is a final showdown between Victoria and Edward, but as for the rest of it, we just have to take their word for it that the newborns were easy to kill off. Very disappointing.
If the movie happens we are definitely going to see it. Same with Twilight. She was unconscious through the whole thing, but in the movie they showed it. Sort of.
I agree with him. The story has so much potential, but she's just not a great writer. I'm 200 pages into the 4th book and it's downright painful to read.
I agree with him. The story has so much potential, but she's just not a great writer. I'm 200 pages into the 4th book and it's downright painful to read.
Yeah, I agree, that was my main complaint with the first book, and probably the reason I haven't started on the other ones yet.
Harry Potter > Twilight any day:o
Well, duh, of course.:o
I wasn't very impressed with the first book, but I thought the 2nd book was much better. The third book was ok, but it's where I thought Edward became downright creepy. The 4th book is just all over the place, and the story makes no sense at all.

I can't wait to start reading Harry Potter again.
I remember seeing a pre-order thing at Barnes and Nobles for the HP Encyclopedia thing, and I was sorta surprised by it because I'm pretty sure JK is nowhere near done with it.
Who knows...it might release this summer with HBP movie and I wouldn't be surprised if that happens and if that does happen then I will slap WB for lying to us:o
I got the rest of the UK versions of the HP books when I was in London last year, and those are the ones I'm going to read this time. They're basically the same, except the first book has the original title and a lot of the wording is different.

So I didn't read through all of this thread, but I have a question. I read Twilight beacause some (FAILURE) friends told me it's like HP, and I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I really didn't enjoy it until the baseball game, I'm just not into the romance thing. So I'm debating on whether I should buy new moon at Walmart for $8, and I thought I might get some of you opinions on this potential purchase, based on my experience with the first book.

So I didn't read through all of this thread, but I have a question. I read Twilight beacause some (FAILURE) friends told me it's like HP, and I wanted to see what all the hype was about. I really didn't enjoy it until the baseball game, I'm just not into the romance thing. So I'm debating on whether I should buy new moon at Walmart for $8, and I thought I might get some of you opinions on this potential purchase, based on my experience with the first book.

If you didn't like the first one, you won't like the rest. They are all very romance-centric/mushy.
I agree with him. The story has so much potential, but she's just not a great writer. I'm 200 pages into the 4th book and it's downright painful to read.

Danoyse, does the fourth book seem completely pointless to you too? I'm on page 471 and everything that has transpired could have been wrapped up in the third book, for the most part.
I heard Breaking Dawn is terrible. Some of my friends are big twilight fans so they told me alot of key points from all books. The whole imprinting on the baby makes me sick to my stomach.
Danoyse, does the fourth book seem completely pointless to you too? I'm on page 471 and everything that has transpired could have been wrapped up in the third book, for the most part.

It's awful. I finished it last weekend, and it was absolute dreck. It was at least 300 pages too long (and that's being kind), the final *showdown* was completely predictable and downright boring, and everything wrapped up way too easily for me.

I don't want to go to far into the ending, since you're still reading it, but I thought the whole pregnancy thing wasted the book. I would have rather Meyer had let Bella go through with her decision to go to college for a year and stay human awhile longer so she could actually struggle with the decision to become a vampire. And Jacob's role in the whole thing is downright creepy.

I was happy to finally be done with the whole series. I'm 200 pages into The Road right now, and I also just started reading Watchmen. So much better. :up:
Kinda ironic that the author says she's creeped out by vampire movies yet she wrote a series of books about vampires.

{And yes, I'm mormon, so I know all about the whole "not watching R rated movies" thing}
My favourite character in the series has always been Rosalie Hale.

Mostly, she thinks the same way the audience does about Bella in the beginning.
I'd say it depends on how you read a book regardless of how the story was plotted. I find Twilight a wonderful book, not because of the love story, but with how Stephenie jumbled the words that make it nice.
I liked the character of Leah Clearwater, as her storyline is kind of interesting and her brother Seth humanises her in a way.
I find vampires in fiction these days are disappointing. We had some good ones in the Anita Blake books but they turned to porn, the ones in the Lestat books turned I don't know what and the ones in the Dresden Files are just kind of wimps (despite the Dresden books book amazing otherwise). Twilight was just ****ing weird on every level.

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