Spooky Experiences


Wink wink ;)
Sep 19, 2009
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I'm pretty much a sceptic when it comes to the paranormal. Though I do tend to think that there are such things as ghosts and other things.

Over the years in my home, I've seen and heard things I cant really explain.

At night, I don't know why, but I have a feeling of being watched when I come into the passage way. And when I enter my living room, I always get the feeling that there is something in the corner.

Now the weird thing is, a couple of year ago, my cousin brought her dog around, Jess. She just stared for about 3 minutes at the corner where I feel to this day that something stands there in the dark. But this was during the day. She only turned when asked what was there, who was it? She kept her vision trained on whatever was. Then she slowly left the room, all most like in a trance, and it only ended when she was standing in the passage, looking down the stairs. So I feel, whatever it was, started off in that corner, moved out towards the passage, headed down the stairs and left out the door...

Other things include every light bulb blowing out in my bedroom, banging noises above me.

And the freakiest thing recently? I woke up one night, I could hear cats fighting outside. I just lay there, trying to ignore it. But it was getting louder and more violent, so I got up. I looked out the window, and it just stopped. Then out the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a tallish man, he was peering in my neighbours window across the street. But as I turned to look at him more closely, being concerned as well, he was gone. And there were no cats anywhere either.

I'm curious to know of if anybody else has had freaky experiences? :D
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I'm pretty much a sceptic when it comes to the paranormal. Though I do tend to think that there are such things as ghosts and other things.

Over the years in my home, I've seen and heard things I cant really explain.

At night, I don't know why, but I have a feeling of being watched when I come into the passage way. And when I enter my living room, I always get the feeling that there is something in the corner.

Now the weird thing is, a couple of year ago, my cousin brought her dog around, Jess. She just stared for about 3 minutes at the corner where I feel to this day that something stands there in the dark. But this was during the day. She only turned when asked what was there, who was it? She kept her vision trained on whatever was. Then she slowly left the room, all most like in a trance, and it only ended when she was standing in the passage, looking down the stairs. So I feel, whatever it was, started off in that corner, moved out towards the passage, headed down the stairs and left out the door...

Other things include every light bulb blowing out in my bedroom, banging noises above me.

And the freakiest thing recently? I woke up one night, I could hear cats fighting outside. I just lay there, trying to ignore it. But it was getting louder and more violent, so I got up. I looked out the window, and it just stopped. Then out the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a tallish man, he was peering in my neighbours window across the street. But as I turned to look at him more closely, being concerned as well, he was gone. And there were no cats anywhere either.

I'm curious to know of if anybody else has had freaky experiences? :D
You could have source of infrasound in your corner:
I found a guide to summoning succubi and incubi, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything with it. I can post it here for you guys to experiment with if you like.
I found a guide to summoning succubi and incubi, but I'm too much of a pansy to do anything with it. I can post it here for you guys to experiment with if you like.
I stopped my friends from using an oujia board back in the school days. Once you open the door with those things, it can't be closed!

Here's a thread where I talked about a spooky experience of mine:
That's spooky, but quite sad also.

It could be. But I get this very unusual feeling that something is there. It feels like a heaviness in the atmosphere whenever I stand near the corner. Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks after the dog went funny. But that incident actually happened a few days after my Nana died. And my mother went to see a medium the other day, and she said my Nana comes in visitation and sits on the bed whenever I'm in the bedroom...and I usually feel cold sometimes for no reason when I'm on the bed.

Why would you want to summon a rapy spirit?

Demons get lonely too you know :p
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I'm pretty much a sceptic when it comes to the paranormal. Though I do tend to think that there are such things as ghosts and other things.

Over the years in my home, I've seen and heard things I cant really explain.

At night, I don't know why, but I have a feeling of being watched when I come into the passage way. And when I enter my living room, I always get the feeling that there is something in the corner.

Now the weird thing is, a couple of year ago, my cousin brought her dog around, Jess. She just stared for about 3 minutes at the corner where I feel to this day that something stands there in the dark. But this was during the day. She only turned when asked what was there, who was it? She kept her vision trained on whatever was. Then she slowly left the room, all most like in a trance, and it only ended when she was standing in the passage, looking down the stairs. So I feel, whatever it was, started off in that corner, moved out towards the passage, headed down the stairs and left out the door...

Other things include every light bulb blowing out in my bedroom, banging noises above me.

And the freakiest thing recently? I woke up one night, I could hear cats fighting outside. I just lay there, trying to ignore it. But it was getting louder and more violent, so I got up. I looked out the window, and it just stopped. Then out the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a tallish man, he was peering in my neighbours window across the street. But as I turned to look at him more closely, being concerned as well, he was gone. And there were no cats anywhere either.

I'm curious to know of if anybody else has had freaky experiences? :D

That's scary especially with the last part.
It was. I swear I saw somebody looking through that window. And what's even more creepier is, he was looking in the window where my elderly neighbour died a few years ago. To describe him is starnge. I knew somebody was there, but his body was transparent, or he was wearing a brown coat that blended in with the background. He was bald, but his head was very faint, again transparent. He looked real enough at a glimpse.

The street I live in has history, ansd these houses are over 150 years old. So I'm not surprised things like this happen. The neighbour downstairs often saw orbs in her living room, and she didn't know another elderly resident was found dead down there after a week, back in 86.
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It was. I swear I saw somebody looking through that window. And what's even more creepier is, he was looking in the window where my elderly neighbour died a few years ago. To describe him is starnge. I knew somebody was there, but his body was transparent, or he was wearing a brown coat that blended in with the background. He was bald, but his head was very faint, again transparent. He looked real enough at a glimpse.

The street I live in has history, ansd these houses are over 150 years old. So I'm not surprised things like this happen. The neighbour downstairs often saw orbs in her living room, and she didn't know another elderly resident was found dead down there after a week, back in 86.
I'm telling you, you have (a) Source(s) of infrasound in your building.
Guys, I swear to God, this has just happened in my bedroom. I was sitting at the top of my bed watching TV. All of a sudden the light started to dim and flicker, and I felt immediately cold.

Then I've just moved further down the bed directly underneath the light bulb, and the bed was walm, like someone had been sitting on it.

I'm a little freaked out, but maybe its like what the medium said, that my nana sits on the bed in visitation?
1. Kid, sleep over with a friend in the basement - it was dark, we heard things then I felt a presence looming behind me. We ran up the stairs like we were being chase. When he glanced back he saw a dark figure watching over him. The same shadow man that I've seen over the years.

2. When I was 17, I was talking to a girl online about our paranormal experiences. When I started to tell her about my house I felt a hand reach up from behind and pull me back. I checked and tried to recreate it, but I never could.

3. I've always considered my house to be haunted, for those reading this far - obviously, and always considered it had to do with British Soldiers for some reason. Shortly after my cousin died, I saw a boy from the 18th century standing over my bed - around 17 years old. A year later I researched the history of the town and checked British soldiers (why I never did this before is beyond me) I found out about an event in the war of 1812 that was never taught in school. That notion was always right...

4. Before my cousin died, I feared coming home because I knew something bad was going to happen. I had a nightmare that I walked into the basement and told the poltergeist to possess me. The night where I was about to walk down into the basement - I got a call that stopped me that my cousin had died.

This is in addition to all the little things that go bump in the night... lol...

Also I've been known to feel cold spots in a perfectly warm room during the summer and get an immediate physical reaction from it. Among other things. Basically yeah, this world? There's a lot more to it that science can't readily explain.
In times when we see and hear things like that, I think our minds automatically and quickly try to rationalize it. Or immediately accept it.

I know freaky things go on, but a genuine part of me, 50%, believes it's just something else... But maybe it's a defence mechanism so we don't crack? lol
I would actually say that your mind is the defense mechanism.

Anyway, I got a contribution. Yesterday morning, as well as the morning before that one, I woke up with a couple of long scratches down the length of the underside of my forearm. We don't have any cats that would've taken a scratch while I was asleep. They weren't there before I went to sleep.
I've seen a grown woman, man, and a boy and little girl in my house more than one time. They are usually together standing in a doorway, but occassionally the little girl is on her own. They never talk. I was getting worried for my sanity. Didn't tell anyone, and then other people started having experiences in the house. Electronics will act up and people will hear a little girl laughing. The house is fairly knew so I'm not sure if it is an object they are tied too, if it is the property itself, or something else entirely. Either way, its pretty odd. Something about the house that puts me off.

Worst thing that happened, and I fullwell know the skeptical will dismiss it. I've been dragged out of bed and thrown across my room and through my doorway. I had been delving into some questionable practices. Afterwards, I was having some weird out of body lucid dreams. This went on for weeks. One particular night in the middle of the night I wake up and look at my wall. There is something writhing on the wall. Next thing I know I'm being dragged across the bed like something is pulling me out of the way. I'm then thrown across my room, and through my open doorway. Weirdest thing I've ever been through.

All this stuff, the experiences people have. I do think there is a rational explanation for it all. I don't think it is spiritual. Its something tangible and real. Whether it is tied into alternate demensions or some parallel universe I can't say for sure, but what I have come to realize is that most likely there is something just beyond the edge of pereption that the human mind isn't capable or entirely ready to accept or understand. We just catch glimpses of it, and feel the most fleeting contact with it.
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I've had a few spooky experiences throughout my life, and I'm a very skeptical person. I'm not quite sure what to make of them. Most likely just my mind playing tricks on me, I hope.
Here's only for mine.

I was 7 years old at the time and was getting ready to go to bed. The next day was Field Day at school. I was in my parents room when I happened to look out their door and down the balcony. (Indoor balcony overlooking the living room.) I saw my grandma standing there. Now, even though she lived next door, it was later than she would have come to visit and she didn't seem to acknowledge me. When I went out onto the balcony, she was gone. I told my parents but, they told me she had not come over at all that day, let alone just now. They just told me I was imagining it.

The next day at school, we were having our Field Day competitions. My parents were there to cheer me on and Grandma and Grandpa would be coming later. They never showed up. Like any 7 year old, I was mad. My parents were worried. Keep in mind, this was 29 years ago, no cell phones. So, they dropped me off at my other grandparents house so they could go find out why Grandma and Grandpa hadn't shown up. When they got back, the news was tragic. On their way to the school, my Grandma had suffered a heart attack and died before Grandpa could get her to the hospital.
What did I see the night before she died? It couldn't have been her ghost, she was still alive. Still weirds me out to this day.

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