General Trek Talk STAR TREK to be LUCAS-ISED

Then they're going to release these redone episodes on HD-DVD & DVD.
Someone needs to say how ridiculous ******ed and fanboyish you are... Especially a couple of people I respect like Gammy and TheQuestion. Look the George Lucas situation is completey different, since he was no offereing the ORIGINAL MOVIES to watch but the original TOS is very easy to get. Hell they already did it with Wrath of Kahn and Star Trek the Motion Picture and it was great. So chill out this might be cool or it could suck, and then it doesn't matter cuz we already have original TOS!!
Superfreak said:
THIS IS OLD NEWS PEOPLE. Like in other forums: TRY THE BLOODY SEARCH. Gamma, you posted in the original thread, why start a new one?

This is a good idea. Not so much adding to the epis, just bringing the exterior shots up to current standards, while maintaining the 60's stylization. I think if they replace/upgrade the exterior shots, fix the 'beaming' and redo some of the phaser stuff, it'll look good.

Really, it all depends on how well they can intergrate the new F/X. If they can do it, and make it look natural (ie. fit in with the quality of the filming, and match the stylization and setting of the OST). Then it should be good and I look forward to this.

How is a fan made YouTube video considered an "old thread" on this matter?
DS9 is the Trek series of the highest quality. It's scientific fact. TOS is craptastic cheesefest at it's worst. TNG=Meh. Voyager, seen it way to much. Enterprise I like, save for the Muppet d I mean Captain Archer, and those annoying forshadowing eps.
C'mon, it was the '60s. How else is it going to look? And it's not like it was the Adam West Batman show. The acting was good. Yes, even Shatner's overacting. He created a character from that. And the show was really an allegory for the cold war...and much of the movies even more so.
KingOfDreams said:
C'mon, it was the '60s. How else is it going to look? And it's not like it was the Adam West Batman show. The acting was good. Yes, even Shatner's overacting. He created a character from that. And the show was really an allegory for the cold war...and much of the movies even more so.
Actually it was as bad as the Adam West Batman. It was low budget, most of the sets were painted with coloured lights. The acting was bad, I can attribute that to bad direction and mediocre writing (with good scripts and good directing Shatner and Nimoy are both good). The cold war stuff is so hamfisted and yankee rar rar that it is just crap.
Of course a lot of things about the original Star Trek will seem dated now, but it was a very innovative show for the time and it was actually considerably more intelligent than the vast majority of shows of its time.

As for the new release, I don´t mind them updating the FX for a new generation. As long as they only change technical aspects, doesn´t bother me.

Fact of the matter is that nobody makes a show like the TOS anymore. These days Sci-fi usually means action first and sci-fi second. Back then they had real science fiction stories...
ultimatefan said:
Of course a lot of things about the original Star Trek will seem dated now, but it was a very innovative show for the time and it was actually considerably more intelligent than the vast majority of shows of its time.

As for the new release, I don´t mind them updating the FX for a new generation. As long as they only change technical aspects, doesn´t bother me.

Star Trek TOS feels like Forbidden Planet the Show :o
I'm really looking forward to seeing "The Doomsday Machine" and "Balance of Terror" with the new effects. I think those two were the Space fight episodes.
Hell yeah! My favorite show is back, and better than ever! Very excited to see this! Finally maybe we'll see the Gorn vessel from Arena, and see the Enterprise kick the asses of her sister-ships in Ultimate Computer. The Kirk is back!!:up:
Superfreak said:
This is a good idea. Not so much adding to the epis, just bringing the exterior shots up to current standards, while maintaining the 60's stylization. I think if they replace/upgrade the exterior shots, fix the 'beaming' and redo some of the phaser stuff, it'll look good.

Trouble is, half the people here will still be snarling about seeing the Gorn replaced by CGI. As long as it's just the space shots they're reworking with CGI, it sounds interesting - at the very least they'll be semi-consistent with all the ship FX in the movies and spinoffs. I don't see the Horta or Salt Vampire getting Jar Jarred anytime soon.
Jochimus said:
Trouble is, half the people here will still be snarling about seeing the Gorn replaced by CGI. As long as it's just the space shots they're reworking with CGI, it sounds interesting - at the very least they'll be semi-consistent with all the ship FX in the movies and spinoffs. I don't see the Horta or Salt Vampire getting Jar Jarred anytime soon.
CG character Gorn from Enterprise>Man in a rubber lizard suit from TOS. Any day any time.

lars573 said:
CG character Gorn from Enterprise>Man in a rubber lizard suit from TOS. Any day any time.


Meh, I still like the old design better.
I always hated that stupid rubber suit. The constant hissing made it worse. I loved the way the Gorn looked in Enterprise though. When Archer fought the Gorn (in the customary spandex dark green shrit no less) it looked more real as they didn't have to more slow so the rubber lizard head wouldn't fly off.
lars573 said:
CG character Gorn from Enterprise>Man in a rubber lizard suit from TOS. Any day any time.


Well, first of all, I think the second pic kind of looks lame and sort of vanilla, and second... you're comparing special effects that are decades apart:confused:
lars573 said:
This might make TOS watchable. I doubt it though, Gene Roddenberry's influnce of crappiness is too strong.
I love the Gene Roddenberry feel... and I hate the idea of lucasizing this franchise.
Well, I've been a Star Trek fan for 20 years, and I'm looking forward to seeing how they handle this. It's not about updating the FX for a new generation...if they could have done it 20 or 30 years ago, then they surely would have. It'll be cool, as long as they don't get too carried away with it.
JLBats said:
Well, first of all, I think the second pic kind of looks lame and sort of vanilla, and second... you're comparing special effects that are decades apart:confused:
Have you watched "Through the mirror darkly"? I you haven't you can't comment. The CG Gorn is wearing the same cloths as the lame-o rubber suit. Just not coloured like a shower curtain, which given TOS's budget it probably was.

kakarot069 said:
I love the Gene Roddenberry feel... and I hate the idea of lucasizing this franchise.
I loved the revamped trilogy. Even sticking in Jango's voice for Bobba and Hayden as the ghost Anakin was great in the DVD's.
lars573 said:
Yeah that's right, I love Star Trek but hate TOS. I've concluded that the suckage of TOS is Gene Roddenberry's fault. The first 2-3 seasons of TNG have large amounts of crap writing and suckage. Mostly cause Roddenberry got the old TOs crew together and started to make TNG suck. Thankfully Rick Berman stopped him. But I suspect Roddey cursed Berman to make Trek suck eventually. :spidey:

I think TNG is superior to TOS in many ways, however not in regards to engaging, memorable characters or storylines that sought at times to discuss social issues. Sometimes TOS was over the top, but it was fun and inspirational in a way I can't really say TNG's characters were, outside of, perhaps Worf or Data and their character arcs. And I loved Picard in "Tapestry".

On TNG overall the FX and acting ensemble were better. But I think Roddenberry's perfect human beings edict, which didn't shackle TOS, really dragged on the show a bit. My favorite eps have turned out to be when someone brings conflict onto the show and sows it among the crew, like Kurn, Ensign Ro, or Captain Jellico.

Berman is often reviled, but I got to give him credit for moving TNG beyond some of Roddenberry's limiting edicts. However, Berman's stale ideas eventually came to impede VOY and ENT's development leading to them bringing in Coto.

As for the CGI-retouches I'm guardedly optimistic that they won't get carried away. Hopefully they'll leave the Klingons and Romulans alone. The one CGI-touch up I would really love to see is the Battle of Wolf 359 in The Best of Both Worlds Pt. 2. It's my futile dream that one day they will splice Sisko's brief scenes in Emissary into a protracted battle scene along with some new footage of the Borg cube tearing through the Federation fleet. I also wouldn't mind an extended battle in First Contact.

DS9 brought back more humanized characters and some of the social commentary aspect.
I don't want Lucas to touch ANY of this franchise. I love the Start Trek universe as it is... with the future as a upotia of good will, Gene's original idea was soooo much better than Star Wars. Leave Star Trek alone, George Lucas.
They don't mean Lucas is doing it dingus! They mean they are retoching TOS with modern CGI. They've already done it to a special edition of the first movie and maybe Wrath of Khan.

Really the only Aliens they might fix are that godsaweful Gorn. Maybe the Tellorites and Tholians. Or the giant apemen.
lars573 said:
They don't mean Lucas is doing it dingus! They mean they are retoching TOS with modern CGI. They've already done it to a special edition of the first movie and maybe Wrath of Khan.

Really the only Aliens they might fix are that godsaweful Gorn. Maybe the Tellorites and Tholians. Or the giant apemen.
oh... then I support it.

Thanks for the info Wingus :D :p

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