Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic 3

I hope they make a KOTOR 3. I doubt I'll play the KOTOR MMO--not out of any spite for it, since I get that MMOs are an easy way to make tons of money and they're kind of the hot thing in games right now, but simply because I don't really care for MMOs. They're not my thing.

Hopefully they'll follow up the KOTOR MMO with a KOTOR 3 that continues the story of Revan and those who followed him/her, the Mandalorian Wars, etc. that made the previous games so interesting. Maybe they can work some of the comic characters into it as well.
Star Wars: The Old Republic has been announced, and its' for PC only at the moment. Check out the article @, or read your latest issue of the Game Informer.
Not made by Bioware, Pandemic.
I want MDK 3 but that probably wont happen any time soon, if at all.

Not true!

Interplay is working on Earthworm Jim 4, MDK 3, Descent 4, and a Fallout MMO.

Earthworm Jim is their priority right now, I'm assuming. But I want MDK 3 as well.
Holy s***, next-gen Earthworm Jim? I can't wait until we start seeing gameplay footage for that. :up:
I see this thread has died since news about Star Wars The Old Republic hit the net. Come on guys and girls though, Knights of the Old Republic 3 would make such a great game, or even story.

I've been writing a fan fiction for Knights of the Old Republic 3 and I loved to get some ideas of everyone. I mean what would you like the story to have. Characters and planets.
New original sith lords. There so much potential in the dark side.:twisted: Give it time though, I've been distracted by Force Unleashed, and I love it!
I'm the same. The dark side of KotOR 1 and 2 were so much more enjoyable to play through. The power of the dark side was fantastic and using force crush (i think) was awesome.

I actually had the Force Unleashed, but my cousin took it off me to play. I might have to get it off her so I can play the DLC. And how are the extra characters?
I'm the same. The dark side of KotOR 1 and 2 were so much more enjoyable to play through. The power of the dark side was fantastic and using force crush (i think) was awesome.

I actually had the Force Unleashed, but my cousin took it off me to play. I might have to get it off her so I can play the DLC. And how are the extra characters?

DLC? You have me confused. Personally, I just enjoy playing Starkiller, the way he holds his lightsaber is his trademark, no other characters seem to pull it off.
Quinlan Vos did it first :o

Yes, but Doctor Doom was saying no one else seems to pull it off as well as Starkiller :)

And I'd like to think it's because we see his fighting style in motion. Quinlan Vos we only see in comic books........and would've seen him in Episode 3 if his footage wasn't cut :(
What's this talk about next gen Earthworm Jim?!?! They used to be my favourite games ever on the old Sega Mega Drive. Is there a thread for it?
Heard it was being released on xbox live arcade is that true?

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