Rebels Star Wars Rebels Season 3: An Open Discussion


2010 & 2018 SHHFFL Champion
May 23, 2004
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Some really exciting stuff coming this way!

Should be just make this the season three thread as well? Unless they just rename the season two one.
Official Season 3 Trailer:

This should make many of my friends angry at Disney buying Star Wars satisfied. This is the book character they always fawned about. Grand Admiral. Not sure who is doing the voice, but could it be Benicio Del Toro?
This should make many of my friends angry at Disney buying Star Wars satisfied. This is the book character they always fawned about. Grand Admiral. Not sure who is doing the voice, but could it be Benicio Del Toro?
The actor was confirmed during the show. Lars Mikkelsen.
Its kinda cool that both Mikkelsens are in the Star Wars universe now.
No kidding, Mads brother!?! I was hoping Mad's would play Thrawn in Rogue One at one point, this is pleasantly Surprising!
If there is one thing I can count on Filoni for, it's preserving so many concepts as well as bringing back pieces of the old canon. While my assumptions could turn out to be wrong, it looked like I saw:
The Outrider (Dash's ship for Shadows of the empire)
Dark Troopers
Darth Traya's spirit
Grand Admiral Thrawn (this is confirmed obviously)
That creature calls itself a Bendu, which the Jedi were originally referred to as "Jedi Bendu" in the old Lucas treatments.

I'm sure I'm missing more things though.
They confirmed it isn't the Outrider. Just the same class of ship. Dash is not in the show.
-Wedge as an ex-Imperial is an interesting idea. I believe that that is new.
-Sabine with her jetpack and Pre Vizla's old Darksaber, cool.
-We finally get to meet the elusive Governor Pryce that they keep mentioning.
-Ezra going more and more dark.

All in all, really cool. But then again, it gets a 10 from me just for freaking Thrawn being back!! :)
Ezra looks like Starkiller now. Now obviously, I get that Starkiller probably doesn't exist in new canon, but I refuse to believe that's not intentional.
I believe Lucasfilm regained their footing after that stumble yesterday.
. Evolution of characters. Looks like another winning season. So happy. That is all.
I think people were expecting a Rogue One trailer was going to get released online and it didn't.

To be perfectly honest, I have nothing against Rogue One at all, but I'm far more excited about what we've seen so far out of Season 3 of Rebels than anything in Rogue One.
I think people were expecting a Rogue One trailer was going to get released online and it didn't.

To be perfectly honest, I have nothing against Rogue One at all, but I'm far more excited about what we've seen so far out of Season 3 of Rebels than anything in Rogue One.
I think people were expecting a Rogue One trailer was going to get released online and it didn't.

To be perfectly honest, I have nothing against Rogue One at all, but I'm far more excited about what we've seen so far out of Season 3 of Rebels than anything in Rogue One.
It is why they should have showed the world Vader.
What stumble?

People were expecting an actual trailer, not what we go. And Gwendolyn Christie was a bad, bad choice to host the panel.
People were expecting an actual trailer, not what we go. And Gwendolyn Christie was a bad, bad choice to host the panel.
I love Brienne of Tarth, but she was so bad yesterday. The thing is, that wasn't odd for her. She is a bit crazy, in a good way. She has great energy. But that wasn't funneled correctly yesterday. The entire set up was a bad idea. Too many people led to no focus, and a lot of "big moments" that fell flat. They had like 5 minutes with the star of the film, and they spent it with a figure. I get the idea with the lack of merch in the past for females, but then they should have spent more time with her then.
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They probably want to keep a lot of his footage more of a surprise for the release, now that we all know he's in it.
That is fine. One shot does not kill you and you know he is going to show up in the next full trailer, while he will be on all the merch.
So pumped to see Admiral Thrawn and Darth Maul in season 3.
I love Brienne of Tarth, but she was so bad yesterday. The thing is, that wasn't odd for her. She is a bit crazy, in a good way. She has great energy. But that was funneled correctly yesterday. The entire set up was a bad idea. Too many people led to no focus, and a lot of "big moments" that fell flat. They had like 5 minutes with the star of the film, and they spent it with a figure. I get the idea with the lack of merch in the past for females, but then they should have spent more time with her then.

They limited it to one hour as well, which was a real big problem with such a huge cast. I think the opening TFA stuff last year lasted longer.
Still I mean...just more interested in what's happening in season 3 of Rebels. I mean we are finally getting a fully voiced motion picture of Thrawn.

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