Superman Returns Stories of spreading the news of Superman Returns...

DogofKrypton said:
Milkman, feel she is close-minded if you want. Here's the thing: She's entitled to her opinion JUST AS MUCH AS YOU ARE.

Of course she's entitled to it, even though I don't understand her reasoning behind it.

And I will repeat what I said earlier for all the posts that have followed: This thread is for people to post their stories of spreading the word about SR, NOT to have said stories justified or ridiculed by you who have not posted your own. Anything else should be considered trolling, and rightfully so.

Yes it is, but most people like to hear a better reason behind that opinion, but oh well, to each their own. Hopefully your sister might change her mind after seeing more footage and seeing what Richard Donner has to say........
Nivek said:
Needless to say, he's been very vocal about it.

I dont know why some fans are Figuratively putting their fingers in their ears and scream "Nooo! It's not true! Stop lying!!".

enough already, just get over it, you still have him on that show....

I don't think it matters. Welling could scream from the highest rooftop in the world over satellite TV that he doesn't want to be Superman, and his fans will STILL be in total denial. They want what they want and that's that. If it means disregarding his wishes and pretending he either didn't
say it or he didn't mean what he said, they'll disregard it.

It means nothing at this point. The incessant bashing of Routh has already become a gigantic obstacle, and the bad buzz on this movie (for reasons I can't fathom, seeing as far worse stuff has been getting a free pass of late) has completely worn my enthusiasm for this movie down to a crawl. If this generation really wants its Superman to be a selfish, jealous brat who sacrifices an innocent life (which happens to be his father) to resurrect his dead girlfriend and turns Luthor into his enemy because he's jealous of Lex getting with said resurrected girlfriend, so be it. I don't care anymore. I'll just stick to the old stuff from now on if that's how it's gonna be.

I do, however, hope Routh gets a more rewarding gig after this. The garbage he's had to put up with on this movie just because he's not Welling is more than any human being should go thru.
AgentPat said:
Ah! Well throw in a winky next time. :mad: ;)

Oops, sorry about that........:)

Hmm. Well, let me clear up the confusion. IMHO, appearance isn't the most important thing, but it can make a difference, especially in a summer popcorn film. (Note: that's not a slam.)

Understood. It does make a difference, especially if it's not a good film or it's a lesser known comic book property.

Bingo. That's why I find comments from the general public interesting. In the example above, we were told a story of somebody who has already made up her mind to not see SR (for whatever reason), but further suggested a situation where her opinion might be different given an alternate scenario. Yeah. Indeed. I found it interesting. YMMV.

I think most of the general public will just say "It's a new Superman film, we haven't seen him in a while, let's check it out", but I could be wrong.......

Anyway, I'm procrastinating my work out, and the night's not getting any younger. I'm down the road. Always a pleasure Milkman. :)

I went this morning before work - trying something new............

Yes it is, I enjoy your viewpoints - very good as always.......:up:
King Krypton said:
I don't think it matters. Welling could scream from the highest rooftop in the world over satellite TV that he doesn't want to be Superman, and his fans will STILL be in total denial. They want what they want and that's that. If it means disregarding his wishes and pretending he either didn't
say it or he didn't mean what he said, they'll disregard it.

It means nothing at this point. The incessant bashing of Routh has already become a gigantic obstacle, and the bad buzz on this movie (for reasons I can't fathom, seeing as far worse stuff has been getting a free pass of late) has completely worn my enthusiasm for this movie down to a crawl. If this generation really wants its Superman to be a selfish, jealous brat who sacrifices an innocent life (which happens to be his father) to resurrect his dead girlfriend and turns Luthor into his enemy because he's jealous of Lex getting with said resurrected girlfriend, so be it. I don't care anymore. I'll just stick to the old stuff from now on if that's how it's gonna be.

I do, however, hope Routh gets a more rewarding gig after this. The garbage he's had to put up with on this movie just because he's not Welling is more than any human being should go thru.

A little harsh on Smallville, but your views on Routh are dead-on. I for one hope he proves everyone wrong and knocks it out of the park, just like Reeve did back in the day............after all, Singer is doing what he's doing for a living for some reason or another.........
I don't know if the "bad buzz" surrounding Routh is all that bad. I mean, apart from the intense and often unwavering scrutiny imparted by internet message boards, I haven't seen or heard much about this film, negative or positive.

But then again, maybe that's just me.
I've talked to this guy at my church about it, and he seems pretty positive about, especially after showing him the picture of Supeman holding the DP globe.

My brother like what he's seen besides Lois with a kid.

My cousin from Arkansas doesn't know too much about it, but he likes how Routh looks.

My mom is just happy a new Superman film is coming out--really I think she's more happy for me.
Sverdlovski said:
Damn, another one. :( :p
LOL! To be honest, I haven't been following all the hoopla with the casting on the latest Bond film. MJZ posted a pic of Craig over in the SV forum a week or so ago. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have even known what Craig looked like. Kind of funny, actually. I think with Bond, there's less of a perceived notion of what he should look like than say Superman, if only because there were more actors in the past fifty years or so to play him on film. But that opinion is coming from somebody who honestly could care less who was cast as the character. I'd imagine there are many people who have the same opinion on the Superman casting as well, though Reeve does apparently loom in people's heads.

That said, Craig is "okay," but he doesn't scream James Bond to me. He's also not *nearly* as good looking as other actors that have played the character in their prime, IMHO. For example, I first saw Timothy Dalton in Flash Gordon and man, now HE was hot. LOL

No, I'm talking about another woman that says Daniel Craig is not bad looking... :( :D
Thanks for the correction, Sverd. Seems like there's been an epidemic of foot-in-mouth disease lately. What's up with that? :rolleyes:

Milkman95 said:
Yes it is, but most people like to hear a better reason behind that opinion, but oh well, to each their own.
See, the "problem" here (if you can call it that) is the likelihood that this particular person's opinion is a product of a gut feeling. It's connected on an emotional level. Men often have a hard time understanding this about women. (I'm not being flip.) She could "explain" her reasoning till the cows came home and I guarantee, most of the guys here would try to offer all these logical rebuttals for why she's "wrong" in thinking the way she does, but it's not gonna change her mind, nor should it. It's not rocket science. It's entertainment. I found her comments interesting not necessarily because I'm in agreement, but because I understand where she's coming from in the thought process.

Hopefully your sister might change her mind after seeing more footage and seeing what Richard Donner has to say........
If there's something under the surface that crinkles her nose about this particular film, the best trailer in the world isn't necessarily gonna magically change her mind. Nor would the comments of the cast and crew. It's why I don't bother arguing with people when they say SV disrespects the mythos. Hey, to each their own. DogofKrypton's sister falls into the same category.

I think most of the general public will just say "It's a new Superman film, we haven't seen him in a while, let's check it out", but I could be wrong.......
No, I think you're right on there. In fact, I'd put money on it. I think most fans will be interested to see the effects and the epic qualities that routinely define such an event film. But in order to be the box office extravaganza Warner's is hoping for, the film has to attract people on the fringe - fair weather theater goers that make their decisions on seeing a film based on the prevailing buzz. The film also needs to garner repeat customers.

I went this morning before work - trying something new
I'm kind of a nut - get up early and do abs and aerobics, and then hit the weights at night. Hubby says I'm obsessed. Well... yeah. I suppose. That could apply to a lot of things though. LOL

Back on topic...

Here's one ringing endorsement for folks: the guys at the comic book store I frequent (Wakefield, MA) have had that first pic of Routh in the suit up on their computer's wallpaper since it was released a year ago. Jeeze! I get board with my wallpaper after a month or so and have to rotate 'em out with another picture - even the ones of Welling. LOL ;)
AgentPat said:
LOL! To be honest, I haven't been following all the hoopla with the casting on the latest Bond film. MJZ posted a pic of Craig over in the SV forum a week or so ago. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have even known what Craig looked like. Kind of funny, actually. I think with Bond, there's less of a perceived notion of what he should look like than say Superman, if only because there were more actors in the past fifty years or so to play him on film. But that opinion is coming from somebody who honestly could care less who was cast as the character. I'd imagine there are many people who have the same opinion on the Superman casting as well, though Reeve does apparently loom in people's heads.

That said, Craig is "okay," but he doesn't scream James Bond to me. He's also not *nearly* as good looking as other actors that have played the character in their prime, IMHO. For example, I first saw Timothy Dalton in Flash Gordon and man, now HE was hot. LOL

Oh, that's better. :up: :p :D
Milkman95 said:
Well, I've seen the exact opposite - they're sick of watching a freak of the week teeny bopper show that's just about Clark - they're ready for Superman.
lol im sure you have, we all have our storys my friend...

Milkman95 said:
They will be, once the new trailer and the marketing hits full swing - you won't be able to turn your head without seeing something about SR.
We will see... I hope for the best myself... :up:

Milkman95 said:
WB wants the best of both worlds - a successful TV show and film. Why cut SV short by releasing a SV film? Most of the general movie going public don't know who Welling is either, and having an unknown in the role increases curiosity and makes it more believable, at least for me.
well for starters the WB is going to upset a big chunk of the public who loves Welling, and see's him as Superman already!
Those who don't know of him yet dont matter because like Routh he will be an unknown to them to in the role.. So it has the same effect on those people.. With Welling you get the best of both worlds.
With Routh they piss one section of the fanbase off, and they go a total diffrent direction then logic would say they should go.
I have always felt that there should never ever be 2 active human actors playing the same role at the same time... It cheapens the feel of that character... Notice how the WB killed any ideas of the Bruce Wayne show or even him on Smallville once BATMAN BEGINS got Greenlite????

There is a reason for this... With Superman they rushed it because they wanted their biggest character to compete with Spiderman, and they got a director who has had back to back hit movies, and as it turns out they were both Superhero movies so they went with plan B... I hope for the best but honestly they should have ended Smallville, and then make a SUPERMAN movie with the main cast needed... That was the right way to go...

Milkman95 said:
Did you talk to Bryan to see what his reasons for casting him were? Do us a favor and educate yourself first by watching the Showest footage to see Bryan's reasons.
No I have not but why else would he have cast him? Brandon said it himself that if he didnt look or sound a little like Chris that he wouldn't even have an acting career... Sorry even he's said it.

Milkman95 said:
No, Welling is this generations Clark Kent, and Brandon Routh will be this generation's new Superman.
Clark Kent is KAL EL, and KAL EL is SUPERMAN...
He doesn't have the suit yet but he will, and then since he was here first he will still be the SUPERMAN of this generation... Most people already see him simply as "Superman" even SHAQ who met him at some show introduced him to his kids as "Superman."
Not as "Tom Welling" or "The guy from Smallville" or "that Clark Kent guy" no he called him "Superman."
That's how a majority of the public see's him.. Even people I have spoken to about the movie who don't EVER watch the show know him as "That New Superman guy."

Like I said I hope for the best... :)
^Fair enough, I get some of your points.......
BareKnucklez said:
Clark Kent is KAL EL, and KAL EL is SUPERMAN...
He doesn't have the suit yet but he will, and then since he was here first he will still be the SUPERMAN of this generation... Most people already see him simply as "Superman" even SHAQ who met him at some show introduced him to his kids as "Superman."
Not as "Tom Welling" or "The guy from Smallville" or "that Clark Kent guy" no he called him "Superman."
That's how a majority of the public see's him.. Even people I have spoken to about the movie who don't EVER watch the show know him as "That New Superman guy.

ALL OPINION about Tom Welling's Clark Kent being Superman. Heck Tom Welling does not say he is Superman. Which is why he accepted the role. Because he is NOT Superman. But like I said it is all peoples Opinion here. Tom Welling himself KNOWS that he is NOT Superman (yet) If this Show was about Superman (which it is not) & Clark Kent was in the Suit Tom Welling would have NEVER accepted this role. He accepted it because it is NOT about Superman & that it was different. Tom Welling knows he is not Superman why can't you guys accept it. If Smallville was a full on Superman Show with the Suit Tom Welling would have NEVER accepted the offer. Tom Welling is NOT Superman (yet) he knows it you guys don. But like I said it is all opinion but does not make it fact when fact is he is NOT Superman (yet)

Tom Welling REJECTED the Smallville Offer TWICE before accepting it because Tom Welling did NOT (keyword) NOT want to wear the Superman Suit. He thought it would be another Lois & Clark type Show & that was before he found out it was something ENTIRELY Different & that he was NOT being Superman
Dnsk said:
Tom Welling REJECTED the Smallville Offer TWICE before accepting it because Tom Welling did NOT (keyword) NOT want to wear the Superman Suit. He thought it would be another Lois & Clark type Show & that was before he found out it was something ENTIRELY Different & that he was NOT being Superman

God,these arguments are getting old!!!! He never said he didn't want to wear the suit! He said he didn't want to play the Superhero aspect of Superman AT THAT TIME. Welling wanted the role of pre-Superman because there is essentially nothing on paper regarding Clark Kent's childhood and adolescence, which means that it's a clean sheet of paper for him, as an actor, to grow with and build upon. He can add to the story and mythology without any of the baggage that the SUPERMAN lore would bring. If he wears the suit, then he instantly is the Superman hero and has to play him as that hero, ala Lois & Clark, and the Superman movies, and the comic books, ect..

Welling, for the last frelling time, does not have a problem wearing the suit, and he IS going to be wearing it when the series ends as the writers, producers, etc., have already stated as much. When Welling says, he doesn't want to play Superman, it's because from an actor's point-of-view, it's more of a challenge, at the moment, to be playing Clark Kent because that's where the "newness" of the character lies. I don't know of any stories that exists out there (correct me if I'm wrong) for Clark Kent's childhood - only of Superman. Once he becomes Superman, he has to stick to comic book, movie, and fanboy lore and rules. THAT'S what he's saying!

Where's my bottle of Excedrin?
Max said:
Welling, for the last frelling time, does not have a problem wearing the suit, and he IS going to be wearing it when the series ends as the writers, producers, etc., have already stated as much. When Welling says, he doesn't want to play Superman, it's because from an actor's point-of-view, it's more of a challenge, at the moment, to be playing Clark Kent because that's where the "newness" of the character lies. I don't know of any stories that exists out there (correct me if I'm wrong) for Clark Kent's childhood - only of Superman.
Ever hear of Superboy Pre-Crisis comics?

Max said:
Once he becomes Superman, he has to stick to comic book, movie, and fanboy lore and rules. THAT'S what he's saying!
How exactly is this contradicting Dnsk's post? You basically explained exactly why Welling is uninterested in playing Superman. Congratulations. You undermined your own rebuttal.
I always find that for guys who're negative about the movie, they'll always tell a story of how their friends or coworkers dont like the movie either. With SV fans, their friends say they're mad because Welling aint supes, or if you're mad because there are no supervillains in it, your story will have people complaining there are no villains in it.

The thread starters story seems ligit though
Max said:
God,these arguments are getting old!!!! He never said he didn't want to wear the suit! He said he didn't want to play the Superhero aspect of Superman AT THAT TIME. Welling wanted the role of pre-Superman because there is essentially nothing on paper regarding Clark Kent's childhood and adolescence, which means that it's a clean sheet of paper for him, as an actor, to grow with and build upon. He can add to the story and mythology without any of the baggage that the SUPERMAN lore would bring. If he wears the suit, then he instantly is the Superman hero and has to play him as that hero, ala Lois & Clark, and the Superman movies, and the comic books, ect..

Welling, for the last frelling time, does not have a problem wearing the suit, and he IS going to be wearing it when the series ends as the writers, producers, etc., have already stated as much. When Welling says, he doesn't want to play Superman, it's because from an actor's point-of-view, it's more of a challenge, at the moment, to be playing Clark Kent because that's where the "newness" of the character lies. I don't know of any stories that exists out there (correct me if I'm wrong) for Clark Kent's childhood - only of Superman. Once he becomes Superman, he has to stick to comic book, movie, and fanboy lore and rules. THAT'S what he's saying!

Where's my bottle of Excedrin?
i am not an SV expert. but if i remember correctly he did say that he doesnt want to wear the tights. so i dont know. can someone confirm this?
The Batman said:
I always find that for guys who're negative about the movie, they'll always tell a story of how their friends or coworkers dont like the movie either. With SV fans, their friends say they're mad because Welling aint supes, or if you're mad because there are no supervillains in it, your story will have people complaining there are no villains in it.

The thread starters story seems ligit though
wellcome to the real world ;). this is why i dont like whe nsomeone said that he saw positive reactions in the theater after the teaser. because i also dont belive when someone has something negative to say. fact is that when someone says a story of something like that it is a high possibility that he lies.
Max said:
Welling, for the last frelling time, does not have a problem wearing the suit, and he IS going to be wearing it when the series ends as the writers, producers, etc., have already stated as much.

Dude, yes, as stated by the producers he willwear the suit when the show ends. But, how much are you willing to bet that when they say the end of the series they literally mean the ned of the series, like the last 5 minutes of the series finale. I guarenttee thats the most he wears the suit for. If he had to wear the suit regularly for more than that I guarenttee you he'd refuse it. The fact of the matter is he has no interest in the part once he has to wear the suit.
BareKnucklez said:
Clark Kent is KAL EL, and KAL EL is SUPERMAN...
He doesn't have the suit yet but he will, and then since he was here first he will still be the SUPERMAN of this generation... Most people already see him simply as "Superman" even SHAQ who met him at some show introduced him to his kids as "Superman."
Not as "Tom Welling" or "The guy from Smallville" or "that Clark Kent guy" no he called him "Superman."
That's how a majority of the public see's him.. Even people I have spoken to about the movie who don't EVER watch the show know him as "That New Superman guy."

Welling does not play Superman nor did he want to... get over it for gods sake... he did :o
TheSuperBatFan said:
Dude, yes, as stated by the producers he willwear the suit when the show ends. But, how much are you willing to bet that when they say the end of the series they literally mean the ned of the series, like the last 5 minutes of the series finale. I guarenttee thats the most he wears the suit for. If he had to wear the suit regularly for more than that I guarenttee you he'd refuse it. The fact of the matter is he has no interest in the part once he has to wear the suit.

The suit will be a breif glimpse at the end of the series. Nothing more than a fleeting image.
The Batman said:
I always find that for guys who're negative about the movie, they'll always tell a story of how their friends or coworkers dont like the movie either. With SV fans, their friends say they're mad because Welling aint supes, or if you're mad because there are no supervillains in it, your story will have people complaining there are no villains in it.

:up: :up: :up:
Mentok said:
Welling does not play Superman nor did he want to... get over it for gods sake... he did :o

AT LAST SOMEONE GETS IT BESIDES ME & by the way Welling had nothing to get over

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