Stupid People Doing Stupid Things Thread - Part 1

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The really stupid thing is anyone would notice that amount of money gone and the only people that would have been in the house is the cleaners so who does he think that was going to get blamed on?

Without proof ? The money could have been lost or even never be there.
Without proof ? The money could have been lost or even never be there.

If I am a home owner and I have my carpets cleaned without a camera in my room and money comes up missing that I know was there and nobody else had been in my house then who do you think I'm going to blame? The money just up and walked out of my wallet? Now in this circumstance obviously the business owner could refute the claims and I would not really have any legal recourse but I would be able to get the word out on the net that this company is dishonest and steals from it's customers which would be much worse than filing a police report
Watch a Guy Fall Headfirst Into a Sidewalk Cellar


Every rational person in New York fears falling into an open sidewalk cellar. Now, thanks to stellar on-the-scene reporting from CBS New York, we have footage of one unlucky man stumbling headfirst over an open cellar door and into a Harlem deli's basement.

Surveillance cameras near the deli at 119th Street in East Harlem captured the man's fall, which Jerry Whatts witnessed first-hand.

"He didn't see what was going down. He just went right down, head first," Whatts told CBS New York. "People saw him walking toward the gate, and they tried to stop him, but it was already too late. He stumbled down the gate."

The man seen in the video sitting by the cellar doors defended his lack of reaction to CBS New York. "He went over the railing, and I can't jump up out of this chair," Joseph Primes said.

The victim, whose name was not released, reportedly suffered a head injury in the fall.


This is where that whole watching where you are walking thing comes in handy that your parents taught you as a toddler
That was not what I meant.
Of course you will blame the house cleaner but you have no proof to your claim, it's your word vs his. Luckily JaD has a record of the event :)
Watch a Guy Fall Headfirst Into a Sidewalk Cellar


This is where that whole watching where you are walking thing comes in handy that your parents taught you as a toddler
I totally get the "watch where you're going, dummy," sentiment. But this guy looks drunk. His head is down and he's stumbling a little.

As for the(non)reaction of the guy sitting there watching him do it, He said he can't just jump up out of his seat, but you can't at least yell to warn the guy he's headed straight for it? He was looking right at him the whole time and doesn't appear to say anything.
Man Stabbed to Death Over Wedding Leftovers and Cans of Sterno


It's crazy that someone lost their life over something so trivial. Booze had to be involved, no rational human could do this

My cheap @$$ uncle took the leftovers at our wedding. A fact that my father-in-law still reminds me of from time to time (Like I was supposed to be the food guardian at the reception :whatever:).

I didn't kill him for it though.
I'm assuming someone did though.
That might be an emerging market for someone to take advantage of there.
Church Billboard Quotes Hitler on the Importance of Educating the Kids


Pity the youth ministry. It's a real struggle recruiting kids to your cause. You know who else struggled to recruit the young people? Life Savers Ministries of Opelika, Alabama, sure does.

Via the Columbus, Ga., Ledger-Enquirer:

A billboard at the Village Mall in Auburn, Ala., features five smiling kids beneath a quote from Adolf Hitler: "He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future."

According to Lamar Advertising's Montgomery office, the billboard was rented out by Life Savers Ministries, based in Opelika, Ala.
Worse still, the quote—with an attribution, in red, to der führer—sits just above the well-known Bible verse from Proverbs: "Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."

To be fair, Life Savers Ministries—which boasts a KidzBoost leadership academy and cool buses instead of school buses—is not a neo-Nazi group. Just well-intentioned youth pastors filled with spirit and a little naïveté:

The billboard went up Friday and will be taken down Tuesday, per LSM's request.

"We are pulling the billboard and certainly never intended to cause confusion. ... Herbert Hoover would have been a far better one to quote when he said, 'Children are our most valuable resource,'" founder James Anderegg told the Ledger-Enquirer.
Whitney Houston also would have worked, probably.

Anderegg added: "We are a children's organization and had honorable intentions and nothing less."

You know who else had honorable intentions?

At what point during the meeting to put up said billboard did they all agree the best quote was from Hitler? What's worse is they gave him credit for it as well, I doubt anyone would have noticed the quote had they left off the credit at the end
Judge Threatens, Allegedly Attacks Public Defender During Hearing

A judge in Brevard County, Fla. allegedly attacked a public defender in a hallway outside a courtroom after threatening him— "I'll beat your ass"—during a hearing.

A camera in the courtroom captured Judge John Murphy challenging public defender Andrew Weinstock on Monday after Weinstock refused to waive his client's right to a speedy trial.

"You know, if I had a rock I would throw it at you right now," Murphy told Weinstock. "Stop pissing me off. Just sit down."

"You know I'm the public defender. I have a right to be here and I have a right to stand and represent my client," Weinstock replied.

Murphy then asked Weinstock if he wanted to step out to the courtroom's hallway, where there are no cameras. "If you want to fight, let's go out back and I'll just beat your ass," he said.

The two left the courtroom together, and, in the video, you can hear as they angrily confront each other in the hallway.

From WFTV:

Weinstock's supervisor told Channel 9 Weinstock thought they would just talk out the problem, but he said there were no words exchanged, just blows thrown by Murphy.

"The attorney said that immediately upon entering the hallway he was grabbed by the collar and began to be struck," said Blaise Trettis, public defender of the 18th Judicial Court. "There was no discussion, no talk, not even time for anything. Just as soon as they're in the hallway, the attorney was grabbed."

Two deputies broke up the fight and Murphy returned to the courtroom. "I will catch my breath eventually," Murphy said. "Man, I'm an old man."

No charges are expected to be filed against Murphy, though the public defender's office plans to report the fight to the Florida Bar Association.

This is how the Judges get down in FL. Almost posted in the Abuse of Power thread but this is a case of pure, unbridled stupidity
My brother, who's worked dozens of these types of misdemeanor cass for his job encouraged me to follow-through with the cop and press charges on the carpet cleaning assh**e.

We got our money back today but from looking at the video and his attitude in it, it was clear he's done this several times and that's f**ked up. I also have a second video I didn't notice until today of him taking the money out of his pocket and putting it in his sock.
Hopefully they stick, what with the video evidence and all.

Church Billboard Quotes Hitler on the Importance of Educating the Kids


At what point during the meeting to put up said billboard did they all agree the best quote was from Hitler? What's worse is they gave him credit for it as well, I doubt anyone would have noticed the quote had they left off the credit at the end

Anyone who quotes Hitler for anything really should have a better reason than "He was the best we thought of at the time".
My brother, who's worked dozens of these types of misdemeanor cass for his job encouraged me to follow-through with the cop and press charges on the carpet cleaning assh**e.

We got our money back today but from looking at the video and his attitude in it, it was clear he's done this several times and that's f**ked up. I also have a second video I didn't notice until today of him taking the money out of his pocket and putting it in his sock.

I would press charges too, like you said it most definitely is not the first time and the only way people like this learn is through the hard way
Church Billboard Quotes Hitler on the Importance of Educating the Kids


At what point during the meeting to put up said billboard did they all agree the best quote was from Hitler? What's worse is they gave him credit for it as well, I doubt anyone would have noticed the quote had they left off the credit at the end

Does it really matter who said it? Its the truth. Truth is true no matter who says it. I know we hate to credit Hitler for anything intelligent, but the guy, psycho mass murderer that he was, wasnt incapable of being right a time or two.

Children are the foundation of society and the society that realizes this can achieve its goals. Hitler's goals were monsterous, but if Ghandi had said this and been leading a youth rally we'd all be cheering him on for this bit of wisdom. I mean I hate to say it, but what Hitler said was true, and it doesnt benefit our species to bury and ignore bits of wisdom just because they had a terrible origin.
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It's just the fact that there's dozens of other famous people who said the same thing that haven't committed genocide or started a world war and they still chose him instead of taking five seconds to look up a better quote.
It's just the fact that there's dozens of other famous people who said the same thing that haven't committed genocide or started a world war and they still chose him instead of taking five seconds to look up a better quote.

They didnt need to quote anyone really. That bit of wisdom is common sense and not copyrighted.
They had the bible to quote from and as they're a church that should have been good enough but no. They needed Hitler! :whatever:

Gah, people.
Like I said if they had just left off the credit I doubt anyone would have paid it any mind and thought it was a nice billboard. The problem most people have is nobody wants to admit they agree with Hitler on most anything
Like I said if they had just left off the credit I doubt anyone would have paid it any mind and thought it was a nice billboard. The problem most people have is nobody wants to admit they agree with Hitler on most anything

It's one of Adolf Hitler's most famous quotes actually. It probably would have taken longer but I'm sure a history scholar would have noticed since it is word for word. translated of course.
It's strange that there's a discussion about Hitler and it's actually poignant to the discussion. The internet might implode. :wow:
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