Oh, I'm sure I can think of a few things...
1.) He isn't SERIOUSLY going to screw up Peter's marriage to MJ is he? Knowing that MOST fans like it and that with some (namely yours truely) it would be the FINAL staw... he isn't going to to shoot himself in the foot like that -- again-- is he? (I mean his feet probably haven't healed properly after the Sins Past and Other...)
2.) Please... get on your knees, and beg him for me, to pay Adam-Troy Castro whatever he wants to write Spider-Man!
Since JQ and his current crop of writers (except for PAD) seem to be confined and confused about what to do with the Peter/MJ marriage, may I suggest that he find writers who ARE creative and comfortable with it.
Ask him if he has read Adam-Troy Castro's Sinister Six Trilogy and his short story, The Stalking of John Doe.