The Dark Knight Rises TDKR Crowd Reports & Theater Reactions


Sep 26, 2002
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Hey guys,

I'll be heading to the theater in an hour to attend AMC's "Dark Knight Marathon", and since I won't be seeing 'Rises' until the stroke of midnight, I thought it'd be cool to discuss a crowd report/theater reaction of your local movie theater or wherever you're attending to see either a Marathon or 'The Dark Knight Rises' alone. If you provide spoilers, please tag them as such or black them out! I'll start things off.

Just spoke to a buddy of mine who lives by the theater and will meet up with me soon, he said, "its a packed house! People with Batman shirts, masks, hats, all over the place. Someone is even waving a giant Dark Knight flag! Batmania all over again!"

My theater is 100% completely sold out of both marathon and midnight showtime tickets. The 3:45 AM slot has sold over 50% of its tickets! In one hour, I'll be able to grab my seat! So I'll be waiting patiently for Batman Begins to start at 6 PM CST.

With that said, I am jacked to see the epic finale of this trilogy! This is my first ever marathon and I'm almost 100% sure it will be my only marathon! I'll continue to check the thread with whatever battery life I have left, and would love to read your crowd reports and reactions of some key moments of the 'The Dark Knight Rises'.
Nice, so I take it your in NYC? I'll be at the 3:45am showing. Really hope it doesnt get too crowded because I have no idea what time should I show up. Dont want to be online for hours either lol
Here in Los Angeles I've got tickets for the midnight showing, now that I'm reading here about lines already gathering I'm thinking about being there 2 hours ahead.
Its 3:00pm here in Virginia and there are already a few people waiting out front of my local AMC theater for the Marathon screenings. One dude is in full on Batman gear and its smoking hot outside right now lol.
Line is decent for the Marathon at the theater, major crowd expected by 4 or 5 PM! :woot:
I say to all, GET THERE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!!!! It will be worth waiting in line for getting the best seats in the house to really make this experience all the more enjoyable.
I say to all, GET THERE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!!!! It will be worth waiting in line for getting the best seats in the house to really make this experience all the more enjoyable.

I saw it in my local theatre yesterday morning (Sydney Australia - Newtown), 11 am. No IMAX or anything (I'll be seeing it in IMAX on sunday).

Theatre was only half full, and there were surprisingly alot of older people (people in their 40's even 50's)...I heard crying during some scenes and people actually clapped at the ending. First time I experienced that.
I say to all, GET THERE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE!!!! It will be worth waiting in line for getting the best seats in the house to really make this experience all the more enjoyable.

Agree 100%. Arrived at 2 PM. Already 50 people ahead of me. About 75 behind me.
I saw it in my local theatre yesterday morning (Sydney Australia - Newtown), 11 am. No IMAX or anything (I'll be seeing it in IMAX on sunday).

Theatre was only half full, and there were surprisingly alot of older people (people in their 40's even 50's)...I heard crying during some scenes and people actually clapped at the ending. First time I experienced that.

Nobody gave a standing ovation?! :wow:
Nobody gave a standing ovation?! :wow:

I dont know if they stood up to clap, I dont think so.

I had to piss really bad so as soon as the film was over I started running towards the toilet.
Lots of teens, middle aged adults like myself in the theater. Here's hoping the sound is loud enough to drown out any chatter! Another crowd is about to swarm in.
This is likely my final midnight movie of my life (work, career, and age is just getting to be too much these days) and I'm going all out with the marathon trilogy...unfortunately, I don't get out of work until 5pm, and the showing starts at 6pm...enter assigned my seat locked up weeks ago

I'm pumped, and will be super exhausted tomorrow, but it's worth it.
Going to the midnight show tonight.

A pretty long line at the Ontario, CA IMAX theater, the line is almost about to go outside. So I suggest get at your location as early as possible :D
I'm at the AMC in San Diego. Showed up around 12 and I'm like 23rd in line. If there are any fellow hypers in line hit me up. I'm sitting on the American flag chair
This is likely my final midnight movie of my life (work, career, and age is just getting to be too much these days) and I'm going all out with the marathon trilogy...unfortunately, I don't get out of work until 5pm, and the showing starts at 6pm...enter assigned my seat locked up weeks ago

I'm pumped, and will be super exhausted tomorrow, but it's worth it.

Nice! My seat is protected by AMC mgmt! Its going to be one heckuva show!! You live in STL? I have family down there. Go Cards!
Literally sitting in the theater right now. Marathon starts in an hour and thirty minutes. First time EVER that a theater has ever let me in this early. Around four other die hards here as well.
Oh my God. The theater hasn't done a digital test print of TDKR! They are fast forwarding through the entire f*****g movie! Everyone has left. I'm keeping my head down, lol.
Literally sitting in the theater right now. Marathon starts in an hour and thirty minutes. First time EVER that a theater has ever let me in this early. Around four other die hards here as well.

The die hards showed up at 1 and 2pm. Theater is 60% full. Looks like a lot of people will flock to the theater around 5-5:30pm. BIG mistake.
Unsure it's 5:20 here and still the same five lol. 60%? Where's that? Now THAT seems like an awesome audience.

EDIT: five more entered, theater is 20% full now.

So that thought definitely seems accurate to here too.
10 people makes it 20% full? Then that means it only holds 50 people? Or am I just taking the percentages too literally.
Didn't get here till 4 for the marathon, and it's a really small group.

I'm guessing everyone is coming after work, so it's going to get packed fast.
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Marathon. People seem to be reserving entire rows. We've got one marathon sold out. Other one might sell out. Two imax showings sold out and think couple regular ones did as well.

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