I'll be completely honest here.
The Terminator: 8/10.
I saw this movie some time before I was 12, but after I saw T2. I remember being really excited to finally see what happened before the events of that film. when I finally saw it.. I was extremely dissapointed. Even when I was that young I was turned off by the effects and the pace. I realize I'm a victim of the times though. If I had scene this earlier, or atleast before T2 I'm sure I'd have liked it more. It does have a great premise and Michael Beihn is ****ing badass, but that's basically the extent of what I get out of this film. The police shootout is definitely the best part.
edit: Just resaw this movie, don't know what I was thinking. It hits me better now that I'm older, I guess.
Terminator 2: 10/10
My favorite movie. Fond memories of watching this film as a child, but I only realized it was my favorite late last year when I came back to it after some time. The best action scenes, great acting, great drama, great cinematography, great music... and not only do I love the characters, but the end gets me emotional. Might be nerdy, but **** it, it is what it is.
It's an action movie with a message, and one that leaves me hopeful not just for "humanity", but for myself. No fate. That's something to live by. The entire climax is perfect. The shot of Arnold climbing out of the truck and onto the semi and just riddling the T-1000 with bullets =
. "Hasta La Vista, Baby." The final fist fight between the two. There's so many iconic shots and favorite moments, I could list the entire film, so I'll stop here.
But.. I will say that I
STRONGLY prefer the theatrical. The extended version really sucks - I hate the glitching T-1000 and almost everything else just ruins pacing. I do really like the reprogramming scene and (sorry), the Smile scene makes me crack up in a so-bad-its-good way. If I could, I would keep these two only, but I can't, so I deal.
Terminator 3: 2/10
No, this movie isn't underrated. It's overrated, atleast to me. I remember walking out of the theatre, I must have been 13 or 14 and even back then I didn't like it. Now, I really hate it.
It ****s on continuity. It ****s on the theme of the past two (please don't bring up time travel paradoxes, I was content with my own time travel theories). The villain isn't menacing at all. The overall feel of the film is comical, and.. well, it feels like a saturday morning cartoon or something. Except for the first and last 5 minutes, that is. The action... well, it's boring. The terminators don't feel like they're out to kill each other, but rather just to cause some destruction. And even if that were the case, it just isn't entertaining. Some people cite the truck chase as the only part of the film they like but even that is a bore to me. The whole movie has a "been there, done that" vibe. That was kind of my problem with T1 (having seen the second first), but that movie had an excuse. Not to mention it pulled it off with more finesse and style.
So, not only is it boring, its offensive. I've seen worse movies, but this is definitely my least favorite of all time. If I could unsee one film, this would be it.
EDIT: Best part would be the opening. Not to be ironic in an "it only gets worse from there" way (and it does), but the way they introduce John Connor's character is intriueging and it does establish a cool atmosphere through his monologue (with him living off the grid, and such). I liked the idea of Sarah's casket being filled with weapons too, but that whole graveyard scene is a joke.
EDIT #2: I guess I should also say I loved TS and don't understand the hate.